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Round 17 Local Thread


New Member
OK here goes...Yes under the circumstances the Gosford Girls did play a very good game yesterday and yes we do think they are a really nice bunch of ladies and yes we did feel for them and have on other occasions had to play under similar conditions and no we don't think it's much fun!

For the comment on what our Coach said at half time ... That's absolute rubbish!!! Go back to your so called source and smack them because they are blatant liers!!!

Everyone please read MY match reports, because I put nothing but the TRUTH in them...


Well-Known Member
Havemysay said:
For the comment on what our Coach said at half time ... That's absolute rubbish!!! Go back to your so called source and smack them because they are blatant liers!!!

Everyone please read MY match reports, because I put nothing but the TRUTH in them...

Hmm the source was someone who was walking past, who I happen to know, who had no reason whatsoever to lie... they knew nothing about the previous games or the sideline rivalries.

Why would they make up a story like that??

As for your match reports being the TRUTH... the truth is subjective and there are always 2 sides to the story.
I will say that I enjoyed playing the game on Sunday, more so than the previous 3 times we have played Tuggerah. The skill levels of both teams has improved and as such a much cleaner game was played.

And even though we only had 10women we still managed to create goal scoring chances and defend our own half.

I couldn't be prouder of my girls and they way they played on the weekend. Never once did they complain, but held their heads high and played awesomely!!


Well-Known Member
On another note - it appears that East Gosford won their first game against Doylson on the weekend.


Well-Known Member
Can anyone show me an updated Maa1 pts table including this weekends results or at least tell me the score between budgiwoi n mangrove mtns i ve looked everywhere for it :headbutt: :headbutt:

WELL INFORMED do you know?


Well-Known Member
I'm still waiting to hear back about our supposed make up game on Sunday the 26th which due to our no show was called a forfeit. Last I read the game was being played on Sat the 5th Sept at 2pm at EDSACC. This result kills any chance of the 13Bs making the finals i'd say and just when the boys were coming into form and winning games it's a bit hard to swallow. Yes this season has been shit and a nightmare for the draw master, but we had this game cancelled in the first place when it COULD have played. Fagans was still open that weekend and they washed us out for some reason. It leaves a sour taste in one's mouth that for sure.

In fairness it should be rescheduled and I think Avoca may also agree to that by his (coach) reaction on Sunday before we drew 1 all with them. That said they should have lost, so he may not feel this way now.


Staff member
Good use of the official match report! http://www.tuggerahunited.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=223:2-august-gos2&catid=58:waa5cn&Itemid=66

Although now I'm confused. Are we 'want a be's' or a 'bunch of knobs'?

I believe a game of football was also played, even though it barely cracks a mention there.


Well-Known Member

I noticed your comment of "Tuggerah "Supporters" are feral and should be put down" back in the Round 12 thread has gone.

I think that is a lot worse than being called "a bunch of knobs"


Staff member
This is a supporter forum, not an official club website :)

I removed the comment afterwards, even though the Tuggerah fans are indeed feral, and should be put down, from the display I saw on that day where they were ripping into the girls for making mistakes. Disgusting attitude and behaviour when it should be a fun day out.

And thanks Sacko for clearing that up ;)


Staff member
I think it might have been the coach now, from what I saw this weekend. We were on the opposite side of the field last time so was hard to tell.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum havemysay - interesting to hear your opinions (I assume the match report was written by you?) and good on you for pointing people forum-wards. Is it possible to include a link from the tug site so they can find where they need to go easier?

I'd return the favour however this year our offical match reports are kept to our players only, but we are more than happy to disuss the game on the forum :).


Well-Known Member
So, am I right in understanding Ranyen, that you think if you didnt hear something, it must not have happened? Emu with its head in the sand style?

Because I am 1 of the people who heard what was said, and im no "blatant lier" as Havemysay called it.


Well-Known Member
Bear said:
So, am I right in understanding Ranyen, that you think if you didnt hear something, it must not have happened? Emu with its head in the sand style?

I never implied that it wasn't said, just that I didn't hear it - big difference. The next sentence after that wasn't specific to that statement, but to numerous previous posts from others, and I was just saying that while things might have been said, the way some have written them were exaggerated from the point of view from the person that said them, but that would have been just the way that the person that overheard them took that statement.


Well-Known Member
.......... but nobody asked you if you heard what was said anyway........



Well-Known Member
I understand you want to defend your coach (i guess somebody has to) but if you heard it or not is totally irrelevent. Thats what im getting at

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