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Mariners Squad - HAL 14 - 2018- 2019 - The challenge for Mike Mulvey is over


Well-Known Member
He is really a CAM but was also awesome when we playedhim on the wing.
In his prime a far better player than DDS but was average this last year for Nix.
Was know as WeeJudas for a reason.
BUT he never celebrated when he scored against us so im willing to give the wee Sweatie another chance.
Has the potential to be a great signing but on his recent form its not exciting.
To be honest not many players looked good at the Nix last season, coach issues etc. perhaps he feels it’s a better prospect with us under Mulvey then stay with Rudan. Does not appear the Nix kicked him out. I also hope he does well and even last season he still looks dangerous at times, more than what can be said about any of our front third last season.


Well-Known Member
Very happy with this. WeeMac is still young, and it only takes a bit of confidence to get back to where he was. Monty i'm sure would have been a driving force to get him back and if there really was any bad blood at all we wouldn't have made the offer. I always thought he was a bit shafted by the club at the time and didn't blame him. People forget football is these guys living and they have families to look after. Welcome back WeeMac, looking forward to seeing some of the old magic!

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Given that he and the PFA tried (and failed) to argue that he was a free agent he then paid to leave us.
Not sure where he was shafted by the club seeking to apply the terms of his legally binding contract.
Isn't that what people are insisting that the club does with DDS?


Well-Known Member
Given that he and the PFA tried (and failed) to argue that he was a free agent he then paid to leave us.
Not sure where he was shafted by the club seeking to apply the terms of his legally binding contract.
Isn't that what people are insisting that the club does with DDS?

I'm not sure that was the extent of the problems. My jaded recollection was on loan in Japan and when he returned we didn't have cap for him. There was some concern over his visa status if he signed the new contract since they weren't his sponsor. MC wanted him to sign the new contract but loan him to the NIX - Mikey baulked at that. I don't really think the resolution suited him either/
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Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
I never quite understood his drop in form with the Kiwis. Maybe he lacks hunger at times...he’s not a big ego.

But Weensc in form is high quality and a good signing, we desperately need attacking players who make good decisions. Last year we suffered from our attackers all being young and prone to making very poor decicisions. Weemac and Simon are already ensuring we’re a lot better balanced. And once again we’ve signed someone proven at this level, not just potential,

Re the business shenanigans. Fans rightly never like a player who wants to leave them. But we can surely like him for coming to his senses and coming home :overheadl:
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Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure that was the extent of the problems. My jaded recollection was on loan in Japan and when he returned we didn't have cap for him. There was some concern over his visa status if he signed the new contract since they weren't his sponsor. MC wanted him to sign the new contract but loan him to the NIX - Mikey baulked at that. I don't really think the resolution suited him either/
I heard he wanted to come back and play alongside his NT mates and go where some of his roots are, so they used the change of name to get him out. Never knew that failed and he paid?


Staff member
I was always under the impression that there was some dodgyness that made him want out, but dunno if we will ever get the full picture there, so who knows.

I'm happy he's back.


Well-Known Member
From memory it was the change in company that owned CCM when charlesworth took over, McGlinchy said the contract with the old company that owned CCM was no longer valid and he wouldn't sign with the new company etc


Well-Known Member
From memory it was the change in company that owned CCM when charlesworth took over, McGlinchy said the contract with the old company that owned CCM was no longer valid and he wouldn't sign with the new company etc
The FFA and Mediators disagreed and found in favour of the Mariners
Some ambitious quotes in those old articles from Moss...

Big Al

Well-Known Member
11 goals in 85 games over 4 yrs
5 of those goals where in yr 1 (4yrs ago)

5 assists - 3 last year 2 yr before none in 1st two yrs.

More impotence up front.

Very ordinary signing.

And those that say. O but that is with the Nix. We are worse

He is a Judas has been and can’t believe the attitude on here to resigning him.
Some optimistic apologists. I feel I could kick your dog and you’d still invite me in form a beer.

Don’t complain when we stink half way through the year again
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Well-Known Member
With all due respect BA, if Monty agitated for this deal (which I understand he was instrumental in), then that’s good enough for me.

Nick would know what sort of character he truly is and probably has more awareness than we do of what was really going on around his previous departure, so if he is cool with that, then so am I.

We are all entitled to take a view on the merits of his talents but I for one will judge him by his actions on the park.

Out of curiousity, if you were a Kiwi, would you be known as Bug Al? :headbounce:


Well-Known Member
11 goals in 85 games over 4 yrs
5 of those goals where in yr 1 (4yrs ago)

5 assists - 3 last year 2 yr before none in 1st two yrs.

More impotence up front.

Very ordinary signing.

And those that say. O but that is with the Nix. We are worse

He is a Judas has been and can’t believe the attitude on here to resigning him.
Some optimistic apologists. I feel I could kick your dog and you’d still invite me in form a beer.

Don’t complain when we stink half way through the year again

For me at least, signing him is no disaster... Disregarding the contract story, as someone else pointed out, I'm fairly happy having him back, from a culture p.o.v. as a player it's going to depend on what his role will be.
2013 Mikey would be a good signing as #10, I dunno about 2018 Mikey though... But, it leaves the problem that I'm still waiting to see some real commitment to quality for the upcoming season and while I understand that transfer windows, World Cups etc, impact everyone and everything, I'm getting increasingly concerned that we're seeing very little in the rumour stakes as well... That could ofcourse be a positive, meaning that the club has managed to plug some holes, but it could also be a negative - meaning that we're not looking at anything worth talking about.


Well-Known Member
It is fair to say that we have as big a challenge off the field in rebuilding our culture, as we do on it in restoring pride in our team.

Accordingly, MMM and NM need to find players who fit the bill on both sides of that equation, which is why the likes of Mikey and Simmo have been signed.

As a club, we will need to learn to crawl and then walk before we can run again, so in truth we all need to embrace that process and hope that the outcome is a positive one.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
To quote Graham Richardson "if someone dogs you once they will dog you twice"

I exclude Matt Simon from this as he was shafted by the powers that be at the time. Wee Judas tried to screw us over on an unfortunate technicality.

Also signing an unwanted player from the 9th placed club is less than exciting.

Big Al

Well-Known Member
With all due respect BA, if Monty agitated for this deal (which I understand he was instrumental in), then that’s good enough for me.

Nick would know what sort of character he truly is and probably has more awareness than we do of what was really going on around his previous departure, so if he is cool with that, then so am I.

We are all entitled to take a view on the merits of his talents but I for one will judge him by his actions on the park.

Out of curiousity, if you were a Kiwi, would you be known as Bug Al? :headbounce:
Mate respect respected. Just pissed off at this is my opinion and i just have to realize I’m against the grain here so will try to let it go after this rant :p

I actually have Kiwi ancestors. But they’d call me cuz;):D got a big laugh out of it though.

While Monty was a great player and from all accounts a great bloke it doesn’t make him a good talent evaluator. That said he is trying to buy players with IOU cards.
Monty would know what he is like as a team mate and sure that is important. He gave me the impression he is a bit of a character in the championship video.

But for me I’m absolutely disgusted we would sign someone who sued the club to get out when we are supposed to be building a culture. What that says to me is everything they are saying is crap. They are signing anyone who is desperate (not desperate to play for us. Desperate for a pay cheque).

But the worst thing for me is he just isn’t a good player anymore. It was 5yrs ago when he was decent and was successful in a brilliant squad. He showed at the NiX he can’t dominate with shit team mates. He is now older, slower and in decline.
Pain and Hoole are already lacking quality and this is more of the same.

And don’t go with the o he might just be a benchie. We all know that is not going to be the case. The club tried to hype this up as a big signing with mystery etc. :vomit:

Enough from me. I hope for the teams sake he plays well and his lawyers will already be licking their lips (to soon:cool:)

Big Al

Well-Known Member
It is fair to say that we have as big a challenge off the field in rebuilding our culture, as we do on it in restoring pride in our team.

Accordingly, MMM and NM need to find players who fit the bill on both sides of that equation, which is why the likes of Mikey and Simmo have been signed.

As a club, we will need to learn to crawl and then walk before we can run again, so in truth we all need to embrace that process and hope that the outcome is a positive one.
Best culture is to sign a bloke who dogged the club. Sorry but that won’t cut it.
The only thing that could be an advantage is he can give Hoole and Kennedy his lawyers number but we know no one else wants them either


Well-Known Member
McGlinchey was a top player in one of the best A-League squads of all time.
He has it in him and can bring it back even if that form has dipped in recent years.

I'm with Ozhammer in that: "Nick [edit. AND the club] would know what sort of character he truly is and probably has more awareness than we do of what was really going on around his previous departure [the club DEFINITELY knows what went on], so if he [and the club] is cool with that, then so am I."
It wasn't all that long ago. I can't believe anyone at the club has forgotten it and if it really was something to take issue with there is no way they'd have him back.

I have to simply trust the club on that front and view this purely from a signing perspective.
* Previous player who instills the culture we want. Tick.
* Quality player who has dipped a bit in form but has it in him. Tick. (let's be honest - this has been the CCM recruitment strategy for many years. We've never been able to afford players in top form but buy them at a low and bring them back to the goods)
* Affordable. Tick.
* In a position we need to address. Tick.

I'm good with this signing. Holding a grudge about something I don't know the details of, when those actually involved don't appear to hold a grudge, seems inane to me.

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