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Coast Football Ramble Podcast


Well-Known Member
@Shaun Mielekamp
@Coast Football Ramble
Former FFA board member and 74 Socceroo Jack Reilly talks FFA and other issues to santo.
Well worth a listen if you haven’t already, talks about the state of the game and an insight into FFA and there failings
Not very complimentary of FFA.

9.50mins no report to the FFA board about the world cup bid. He had no idea about the video
14mins he put a submission to FFA to review the 11yrs of A League before the Chairman left. Didn’t happen. No Accountability
15min The FFA have set the agenda for the A League. Have they monitored that. Never.
16.40min from 1982 written by Frank Lowy as City Sydney president issued a stern warning to the clubs in the PSL. The phillips League is under the control of the soccer federation, the league has very little say in whats is happening (instead of changing it 30yrs later he is using it to his advantage - my words)
24mins talks about him settling up Calton and demanding experienced players and the best 16,17 & 18yrs in the country and they must play (the old Mariners way. Experienced and youth.) he brought through Bresciano Grella Collisomo because he demanded they play.
33mins nice crack at stephen lowy

But is anyone complementary of the FFA after about yr 5 of the Lowy dynasty? It was mean to devolve power in the Crawford report.


Well-Known Member
We need to abolish the states, have everything run by a central body and appoint Europeans who know football.
Australian football admin just look after themselves or try and copy NRL/AFL.
Just give us a proper football system and ignore NRl/AFL and people who say "Australia is different, we can't have real football".
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Well-Known Member
@Shaun Mielekamp
@Coast Football Ramble
Former FFA board member and 74 Socceroo Jack Reilly talks FFA and other issues to santo.
Well worth a listen if you haven’t already, talks about the state of the game and an insight into FFA and there failings
Not very complimentary of FFA.

9.50mins no report to the FFA board about the world cup bid. He had no idea about the video
14mins he put a submission to FFA to review the 11yrs of A League before the Chairman left. Didn’t happen. No Accountability
15min The FFA have set the agenda for the A League. Have they monitored that. Never.
16.40min from 1982 written by Frank Lowy as City Sydney president issued a stern warning to the clubs in the PSL. The phillips League is under the control of the soccer federation, the league has very little say in whats is happening (instead of changing it 30yrs later he is using it to his advantage - my words)
24mins talks about him settling up Calton and demanding experienced players and the best 16,17 & 18yrs in the country and they must play (the old Mariners way. Experienced and youth.) he brought through Bresciano Grella Collisomo because he demanded they play.
33mins nice crack at stephen lowy

. thanks for posting Big Al

. i've had a listen and his thoughts seem to be a composition of what the two Mikes have been saying recently ... appoint him head of the FFA and lets get on with it :headbounce:

true believer

Well-Known Member
We need to abolish the states, have everything run by a central body and appoint Europeans who know football.
Australian football admin just look after themselves or try and copy NRL/AFL.
Just give us a proper football system and ignore NRl/AFL and people who say "Australia is different, we can't have real football".
Why not south americans or english ?


Well-Known Member
I forgot to leave that $20 in the shop.
Hassles with a hot urn and sink taps threw me off.
Sorry bout that.

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