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CCM Fans and the club

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Big Al

Well-Known Member
Well if you go to Page 1/1st post you'll notice that Shaun did create & label this particlar thread.

As I said, I've emailed the club prev about this.

Which leads me to highlight that when Shaun first came on here, he made the point so to speak, that this forum constituted a significant number of the clubs fans who have supported the Mariners from the very beginning through thick & thin and subsequently, perhaps, haven't recieved the recognition from previous Managements BUT hoped to rectify that now he was the new CEO.

As you said Al, and I already noted in my post and agree with you ..... I dont begrudge the club using FB & not just because I choose not to use it, but is this Forum not just as a significant piece of 'social media technology' that 'customers' of CCM use on a daily basis.

Dont get me wrong, as I'm NOT steam'n over this ........ just pointing out what I believe is a case of 'dropping the ball'.
That's all ;)
While Shaun does come here and acknowledge it has use as a form of communication, it is still not official.
So don't expect the club to be promoting all it's strategies through this avenue.

Shaun does use it as a way of asking questions or clearing things up but there is no requirement of him to do so.

Glad he does though.

I agree the ball was dropped. You should not be starting an idea like this 24hrs before in a single platform. If that was the case. I certainly didn't see it on any twitter and misses didn't mention she saw anything on instagram (doesn't mean didn't happen though but I don't think it did).

Agree why wouldn't you promote this for at least a week to drum up interest.

While it is a fail, at least they are trying. Just needs more polish.

Also if you are interested in taking part but don't want to do say the FB and missed fan day, knowing Dan is such a good bloke i'm sure he could give you a tick or maybe they can come up with other ways of getting the 10 that doesn't include FB. Give him a call. I reckon he could come up with something. We do know they are never out to exclude us they always go that extra mile. So they are obviously trying to promote the FB members section but probably hadn't thought about the backlash.

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Hey Rowdy

Cheers for the feedback and just some background for your reference. We are midstream in changing our email system which caused us some grief last week. We had aimed to have all bugs ironed out well before now but I was unaware that the email we intended to send on the Earn your stripes failed to land last week. Some members may have noticed our emails are all hitting junk folders which is another issue we are working through but confident of rectifying very soon.
Yes we were only able to hit Facebook, Twitter and Website but it was that or not launch at all. Our limited budget on SMS is just about exhausted already as it is expensive to SMS every potential member and member so we made the call to SMS everyone just about going to the Family day.

Most important is if you read the fine print there will be bonus stripes and opportunities to gain the extra stripes so all good I am confident you will get there.

Yes we were just as disappointed as everyone was that the retail delivery has not landed yet and the only merchandise available was last years product. To be very specific (which is info that you can't get on facebook) is that because we had to make some detailed last minute changed to some of the merchandise items once we had the players fittings production of the entire shipment was help up. There were changes to fit and cut which we felt important enough to make sure that quality was given precedence over delivery time. The length of the shorts, two buttons instead of three buttons on the home jersey and the fabric for the walkout jacket being reversed are some that spring to mind.

As far as our involvement on here generally you guys are so fast and do the hard work for us we can only be grateful as a club. It is rare that any facebook post or twitter comment doesn't find its way on here before we would be able to post directly on here. Once our 50,000 facebook followers receive the information it is often very quickly spread which unfortunately didn't help you this time Rowdy.

I do try and jump on here when I can and as always keen to have a more genuine conversation here than what can happen on main social media.
Maybe hit up the yes vote, they got plenty of money for sms;)


While there's a discussion to be had regarding the launch of this program, I cant let the fact go unmentioned that this would have to be one of the greatest single pieces of engagement the club has ever done.
Bravo all those responsible for this earn your stripes program! Absolutely BRILLIANT!

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
@Shaun Mielekamp
First off, thanks again for your continued engagement with the fans on here. As an interstate fan I only wish I had the chance to see the good work the club is doing first-hand - but even a thousand km away it's clearly that the club has been working very, very hard on building community, especially over the last year or so. Great to see.
Interested to hear from others on here as well.
Looking at the merchandise I was a little surprised to see how little merchandise we actually offer. A few types of shirts, of course, and a single very unimaginative hat design.
But no scarf?
I was also a little surprised that CCM don't offer bumper stickers - easy advertising for the club when these are used!
No jumpers/jackets? no team shorts/socks?
Posters? flags? beer/shot glasses? balls/bags/school stationary? Heck, I'd totally wear CCM cuff links (if they weren't $40 or some such)!

We get a coffee mug, a stubbie holder (both are pretty nice actually) and only 1 keychain on offer.
4 shirt designs plus a singlet, 1 hat and the jerseys. That's the extent of our merchandise range.

WSW and MV have definitely followed the lead of NRL/AFL in the sort of merchandise on offer (MV has a great range). Of course I acknowledge that we would probably lose money on half the things they sell due to the smaller market.
Although it could be worse - the club merchandise link on the Jets website doesn't is a completely broken link :piralaugh::piralaugh:
But even they are offering a broader merchandise range than we are.

Is there any consideration to expanding the range to cover not only the essentials, but other knick-knacks and bits and bobs to promote our brand? Or has the club found that everything other than the the basic jerseys and polos
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Well-Known Member
I think the stripes idea is a great one. I'll be earning a few fewer than I normally would this year with the arrival of my little one, but as a way to encourage people to really show off their support I think it's fantastic.

On the little one note - @Shaun Mielekamp, are there any plans to have things like "Little Mariner on board" car signs, or other baby merch?

Cheers, Dibo

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
I guess we won't really know if the Stripes is a great idea or not until the end of the season when they've seen the uptake on it.
But as Shaun has basically said before in the podcast, at least the club is trying new things. If it works well, great. If it's not successful, so be it.
We've already had the feedback about how the family day fit into it, so I'm sure they'd consider that next season.
I like the 'earn your stripes' promo myself.

Also, congrats @dibo :D

Shaun Mielekamp

Well-Known Member
@Shaun Mielekamp
First off, thanks again for your continued engagement with the fans on here. As an interstate fan I only wish I had the chance to see the good work the club is doing first-hand - but even a thousand km away it's clearly that the club has been working very, very hard on building community, especially over the last year or so. Great to see.
Interested to hear from others on here as well.
Looking at the merchandise I was a little surprised to see how little merchandise we actually offer. A few types of shirts, of course, and a single very unimaginative hat design.
But no scarf?
I was also a little surprised that CCM don't offer bumper stickers - easy advertising for the club when these are used!
No jumpers/jackets? no team shorts/socks?
Posters? flags? beer/shot glasses? balls/bags/school stationary? Heck, I'd totally wear CCM cuff links (if they weren't $40 or some such)!

We get a coffee mug, a stubbie holder (both are pretty nice actually) and only 1 keychain on offer.
4 shirt designs plus a singlet, 1 hat and the jerseys. That's the extent of our merchandise range.

WSW and MV have definitely followed the lead of NRL/AFL in the sort of merchandise on offer (MV has a great range). Of course I acknowledge that we would probably lose money on half the things they sell due to the smaller market.
Although it could be worse - the club merchandise link on the Jets website doesn't is a completely broken link :piralaugh::piralaugh:
But even they are offering a broader merchandise range than we are.

Is there any consideration to expanding the range to cover not only the essentials, but other knick-knacks and bits and bobs to promote our brand? Or has the club found that everything other than the the basic jerseys and polos
Hey Capn Gus

There is definitely more to come in the range they have simply put up the pre-order items and old stock they currently have in. They have said that the name and numbers will be activated once the jerseys are in stock so we will push them for that. I know the jackets and apparel range is going to be increased onlast year as there is a great walk out jacket that is one of my favourite items. As far as all the smaller cool stuff I am not across the details there but will pass on feedback and see if I can get someone from rebel to maybe jump on here and give everyone an update.



Well-Known Member
We haven't had a car sticker since season 1 or 2. Most of the Members car stickers have been invisible to the human eye from less than a foot away!
Licensing essentials did a decent Car sticker a few years ago but nothing directly from the club. Maybe we are one of those wonderful secrets that are to good to share?

Pirate Pete

Well-Known Member
I think the stripes idea is a great one. I'll be earning a few fewer than I normally would this year with the arrival of my little one, but as a way to encourage people to really show off their support I think it's fantastic.

On the little one note - @Shaun Mielekamp, are there any plans to have things like "Little Mariner on board" car signs, or other baby merch?

Cheers, Dibo

so you want something like this?

Too much spare time on my hands. Better get back to work.



Well-Known Member
I think the stripes idea is a great one. I'll be earning a few fewer than I normally would this year with the arrival of my little one, but as a way to encourage people to really show off their support I think it's fantastic.

On the little one note - @Shaun Mielekamp, are there any plans to have things like "Little Mariner on board" car signs, or other baby merch?

Cheers, Dibo
With my little boy, when he was a baby i was able to get to most games in his first year due to the nature of baby sleep patterns (invest is a set of baby ear muffs and a baby carrier like an ergo). Toddlers are a different story... the need to be in bed by 6, development of free will etc...


Well-Known Member
We have an ergo, and earmuffs are a no-brainer (though it has to be said, I'm pretty loud, so it might be Dad rather than the crowd that is the problem).

More the problem with bubba dearest is that she wants to be fed every 15 minutes or so, but she's 2 weeks old and we have no idea what she's going to be like come December or whatever.


Well-Known Member
A bit off topic (sorry boys and girls) but I'd like to use this platform to thank Shaun and the mariners team for how well they've used the off-season to spread the word & host events, campaigns etc. The palooza was a huge hit for me, the "earn your stripes" campaign is well thought out and awesome, the members kits are the best in years and the advertisement through signage and constant plugs on the radio is surely to bring big numbers to round 1 at central coast stadium & hopefully games to follow.

It's been a hell of a long off-season but it all kicks off in a bit over a week. To say I'm pumped is an understatement!! COYY!!


Well-Known Member
We have an ergo, and earmuffs are a no-brainer (though it has to be said, I'm pretty loud, so it might be Dad rather than the crowd that is the problem).

More the problem with bubba dearest is that she wants to be fed every 15 minutes or so, but she's 2 weeks old and we have no idea what she's going to be like come December or whatever.
Congratulations on the new addition mate.
Just a little advice from an old hand, "make the child fit into your life".
She`ll settle down nicely once the YA start singing & (hopefully) the band starts playing.
Maybe, given time, she`ll enjoy the cannon going off too! :popcorn:
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