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2020/21 Season

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
This is a very interesting discussion guys and i want to thank you for it because it is agreat insight. There is plenty here that highlights the need for more insight information about the club. It is a new world for us now in the media space now as the Fox/telegraph content is dramatically reduced or non-exstant at all. It was only a couple years ago that Tom Smithies articles would be in every paper and on the back pages with professional journalism and articles. Now filling the void is unfounded blogs and click bait articles that the astute fan no longer trusts - and rightly so.
which makes it an obvious look towards the clubs and the league to provide into this space that the clubs would normally always shy heavily away from.
The rumours tidbits and juicy stuff can be extremely distruptive internally as context, opinion and personal relationships are affected and influenced.
Whilst i would love to keep everyone updated with who limped off at training or who is hanging out at a beach with another clubs CEO and looking to get out of their contract to sign with another A-League club - thats just not content clubs are geared to handle properly.
But to say that one of the new visa players hit a bomb top corner goal in an internal match is definitely news that fans would love to hear.

I can only say that we will take this conversation as background for our comms strategy and things like Mariners TV might be a good vehicle to fuel this positivity and experience in being a Mariners fan.
It was only a couple years ago that Tom Smithies articles would be in every paper and on the back pages with professional journalism and articles. Now filling the void is unfounded blogs and click bait articles that the astute fan no longer trusts - and rightly so.

Yes very much this. Everyone knows that real Journalism the world over is now on it's knees.

Completely understand re Gossip. My expectation was only ever would be positive gossip only. And we know when there's positive things to talk about, muck raking and goo feasting has less power and allure.

"But to say that one of the new visa players hit a bomb top corner goal in an internal match is definitely news that fans would love to hear."

Exactly this. And I posit it becomes even more worthy of becoming a talking point, with just a couple of sentences about how maybe he worked on X with his technique, or learnt X back when or, scored his first like this etc...this is the kind of football talk, tidbits I was eluding to and imho offers real value to fans in what I'm sure the majority most care about. One genuine piece of insight, about even the smallest aspect of our beloved game/team/club, is more valuable than a whole pile of fluff pieces.

I can only say that we will take this conversation as background for our comms strategy and things like Mariners TV might be a good vehicle to fuel this positivity and experience in being a Mariners fan.

Thank you for listening and engaging Shaun. That's really exciting news.


Well-Known Member
If there’s no video, it didn’t happen right? :overheadl:
Saw Clarkey smash an absolute screamer at Soccer 5s v Mike Cockerill and Adam peackcock etc. I had to give him a bit of praise as i left through the fence.......he said.....thats the best goal I ever scored!!!! Still beaming.
It was world class and maybe 20 people saw it lol.................................and no one would ever believe Clarkey coz it wasnt his forte.
But Ronaldo would have been smiling!


Well-Known Member
This is a very interesting discussion guys and i want to thank you for it because it is agreat insight. There is plenty here that highlights the need for more insight information about the club. It is a new world for us now in the media space now as the Fox/telegraph content is dramatically reduced or non-exstant at all. It was only a couple years ago that Tom Smithies articles would be in every paper and on the back pages with professional journalism and articles. Now filling the void is unfounded blogs and click bait articles that the astute fan no longer trusts - and rightly so.
which makes it an obvious look towards the clubs and the league to provide into this space that the clubs would normally always shy heavily away from.
The rumours tidbits and juicy stuff can be extremely distruptive internally as context, opinion and personal relationships are affected and influenced.
Whilst i would love to keep everyone updated with who limped off at training or who is hanging out at a beach with another clubs CEO and looking to get out of their contract to sign with another A-League club - thats just not content clubs are geared to handle properly.
But to say that one of the new visa players hit a bomb top corner goal in an internal match is definitely news that fans would love to hear.

I can only say that we will take this conversation as background for our comms strategy and things like Mariners TV might be a good vehicle to fuel this positivity and experience in being a Mariners fan.

. Shaun, may i also suggest that if the team cannot equalise the sound on released interviews (i.e. recent interviews with Staj and our new signings) ... could you please add the interview questions as subtitles?

Pirate Pete

Well-Known Member
. Shaun, may i also suggest that if the team cannot equalise the sound on released interviews (i.e. recent interviews with Staj and our new signings) ... could you please add the interview questions as subtitles?
I turned the automatic subtitles on.
From memory it only picked up the last question.

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
. Shaun, may i also suggest that if the team cannot equalise the sound on released interviews (i.e. recent interviews with Staj and our new signings) ... could you please add the interview questions as subtitles?
Lol. Drives me crazy.

A league press conferences don’t bother to mic the journos. But at least for our own content like Mariners TV this needs to happen. It’s mental creating Q&A content for people to listen to but you can’t hear the actual questions.
. Shaun, may i also suggest that if the team cannot equalise the sound on released interviews (i.e. recent interviews with Staj and our new signings) ... could you please add the interview questions as subtitles?
Hi all,
Thanks for the feedback and suggestions on here the past week, as Shaun mentioned we'll take it onboard!
R.e. the presser questions, no problem at all. I'll look to sort this starting from tomorrow's pre-game media opp.


Well-Known Member
Scum away (14/2) has been changed to nix away @ WIN Stadium @ 4:05 PM @ and Methcarthur away (22/3) has been postponed.

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