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22022022 v Plastics


Well-Known Member
It's worse than incompetence.

How could he possibly get two calls so badly wrong with so much opportunity and encouragement to get them right?

At the very least it smacks of petulance (VAR is not the boss of me). At the worst... Shaun Evans had bet his house on City winning.

Seriously, how can a genuinely neutral referee get it so badly wrong twice?

Absolutely stinks.


Well-Known Member
Here’s another thought……

Is it time to have neutral (non home team town) referees officiate A League games?
I just think the lack of consequences and responsibility is the number one problem. In a normal job you can be sacked, seems these simple concepts don’t exist with the officials. FA is a blight on the game. APL has every right to demand action from what are essentially a service provider and one who is failing to deliver their services to an adequate level.


Well-Known Member
Streb Delovski (head of A League referees)

Can Fozz redo THAT interview?

Fozz - Streb, you've been head of ALeagues referees for years now. All reports on performance show that they're getting worse, can't apply VAR correctly and several are so incompetent their decisions border on corruption. And Kurt Ams, don't start me there, dude has big issues.

Streb - I didn't come on here to be ambushed.

Fozz - I'm not ambushing you mate, I'm just pointing out that things have gone backwards with you in charge.

Streb - I'm not here to be your mate don't worry.

Fozz - I don't care if you're my mate or not. Why are the ALeague referees so f**king bad?

Streb - what do you want from me eh? What do you want? You want me to resign?

Fozz - YES!


Well-Known Member
Can Fozz redo THAT interview?

Fozz - Streb, you've been head of ALeagues referees for years now. All reports on performance show that they're getting worse, can't apply VAR correctly and several are so incompetent their decisions border on corruption. And Kurt Ams, don't start me there, dude has big issues.

Streb - I didn't come on here to be ambushed.

Fozz - I'm not ambushing you mate, I'm just pointing out that things have gone backwards with you in charge.

Streb - I'm not here to be your mate don't worry.

Fozz - I don't care if you're my mate or not. Why are the ALeague referees so f**king bad?

Streb - what do you want from me eh? What do you want? You want me to resign?

Fozz - YES!
Spicy AF. I like it


Well-Known Member
Id just love to know how often has a ref over ruled VAR twice in one game.I honestly can't think of once that it's happened. Let alone how the on field ref interpretation is so wrong when being guided by a bloke in a box with the rulebook infront of him.
Its all linked to how many dollars are involved. Lets say... allegedly Evans is given $50,000 prior to the game to make sure City win. Maybe his family were threatened....who knows....but that corrupt dog should not ever ref another AL game........if you thought his performance in the FFA Cup final was dodgy....now you know why!


Well-Known Member
Its all linked to how many dollars are involved. Lets say... allegedly Evans is given $50,000 prior to the game to make sure City win. Maybe his family were threatened....who knows....but that corrupt dog should not ever ref another AL game........if you thought his performance in the FFA Cup final was dodgy....now you know why!

Otherwise known as “Proportionality Bias”.


Well-Known Member
Silver lining.
We'll build siege mentality against those pricks in the ivory tower at rhe APL, and the refs will be on eggshells around us for the rest of the year so it'll be another 9 months before they shit on us again.
doesnt help us now though, just looking for positive.
By the way I'm not walking from going to games, and I think people personally shouldn't. The boys need us right now more than ever, tell the officials to f**k off, yell at em, throw up signs, but support our club and the boys.

true believer

Well-Known Member
there is no up side .we lost points and with a leckei red card a good chance at 3 .
we will lose more crowd numbers, which equals income lost .

unless we retaliate and cost the FFA money we can expect to be kicked into oblivion .


Well-Known Member
A boycott wont hurt the FFA at all, will have negligible impact to the APL and no impact on Evans. It will only hurt our club. There's no win to be had here beyond making noise at the game and online.


Well-Known Member
Club has my membership money and always will do I am not hurting them financially.

I am making my own personal stand that I won’t choose to engage with the A-League until there is noticeable and permanent change. To quote Spy v Spy “if power is blocked at the ballot box then I’ll vote it in the open streets”.

The academy will have my support in the meantime. Opposition goal keepers and coaches will also hear me better at these games.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Agree 100% here - @Shaun Mielekamp why should we bother to support the league? If it has to stay in its current form it deserves to die. No one seems to have nay interest whatsoever in changing it

See you at Pluim folks


Well-Known Member
Fans are supposed to be a home ground advantage, worth a goal some say. If we walk out on the boys at home games we lose that advantage and they suffer as a consequence.

Money aside, I want the Refs Association, FA and specifically Sean Evans to suffer over this and know that it is not ok to treat any team the way we were treated the other night against City.

I don't want our players or our club to suffer, our attendance is important to them and our fan base as a whole.

I will be there cheering them on as per usual but if Sean Evans steps onto our home turf he will be very quickly made aware that he is not welcome anymore, same with Kurt Ams if he f**ks one more of our games up.

I don't judge anyone either, you're all free to make your own decision and attend or not, I respect that. I just think even lower crowd numbers at home games hurts our team and the club more than anyone else.


Well-Known Member
Club has my membership money and always will do I am not hurting them financially.

I am making my own personal stand that I won’t choose to engage with the A-League until there is noticeable and permanent change. To quote Spy v Spy “if power is blocked at the ballot box then I’ll vote it in the open streets”.

The academy will have my support in the meantime. Opposition goal keepers and coaches will also hear me better at these games.
Yep I've made a pact to not watch any games on P- other than CCM away games and I'll attend our homes games. I normally try and watch as many games as I can, I know I'm just one person but that will make it 499 and not 500 watching a MethCows game now. If every CCM member stops watching other games as I'm sure I'm not the only one who watches other games then hopefully it will be another drop in their viewing numbers. Didn't watch any of the three games last night and couldn't care what the results are.

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