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The COVID Chat


Well-Known Member
If there are any MMORPG fans on these forums I will see about getting some "family and friends" alpha codes when we get to that stage of development if any of you are interested.

Back on topic:

I was told during my first AZ jab that the best time between shots was 12 weeks and the Gov is pushing for 4-6 week turn arounds due to how fast it's spreading.

My GP compromised and said 10 weeks until my next shot which apparently helps with the coverage the vaccine gives you.

Has anyone else had their second jab earlier than 10 weeks or been told different?


Well-Known Member
Back on topic:

I was told during my first AZ jab that the best time between shots was 12 weeks and the Gov is pushing for 4-6 week turn arounds due to how fast it's spreading.

My GP compromised and said 10 weeks until my next shot which apparently helps with the coverage the vaccine gives you.

Has anyone else had their second jab earlier than 10 weeks or been told different?

. that is a familiar situation

. family and friends have received the same info with GPs more likely to push things out (the closer to 12 weeks, the better). those within the dodgy LGAs (and more likely if you haven't visited your GP) are being pushed into the 4-6 week bracket*

. the thinking seems to be:
  • some protection is better than none
  • more protection is better than some
  • optimal protection has infection probability time risks

* anecdotal based on small sample size (i.e. don't take medical advice from me on a forum)

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
I am relying on memory so stand to be corrected.
The original recommendation was for two doses to be given 6 to 12 weeks apart.
The 12 week separation showed a significantly higher protection against becoming infected.
This work was done before the delta variant emerged.
When the delta variant emerged the main aim was to protect people from hospitilisation which was reported to be effective at the 6 week separation. So it was thought that it was better to sacrifice some immunity to protect against hospitalisation asap.
I have not seen any figures relating to optimal separation of doses of AZ for the delta variant nor how varying the separation time effects protection against long term covid.
I suspect the numbers are still being crunched.
It is all a moving target.


Well-Known Member
If there are any MMORPG fans on these forums I will see about getting some "family and friends" alpha codes when we get to that stage of development if any of you are interested.

Back on topic:

I was told during my first AZ jab that the best time between shots was 12 weeks and the Gov is pushing for 4-6 week turn arounds due to how fast it's spreading.

My GP compromised and said 10 weeks until my next shot which apparently helps with the coverage the vaccine gives you.

Has anyone else had their second jab earlier than 10 weeks or been told different?
Yes they said 12 but doctor at green point said 10 weeks and now I’m due 2nd dose 26th September
The mrs had her first dose at gossy hospital Sunday and they said 6-8weeks ideal but if Covid cases on the coast explode then get it in 4


Well-Known Member
If there are any MMORPG fans on these forums I will see about getting some "family and friends" alpha codes when we get to that stage of development if any of you are interested.

Back on topic:

I was told during my first AZ jab that the best time between shots was 12 weeks and the Gov is pushing for 4-6 week turn arounds due to how fast it's spreading.

My GP compromised and said 10 weeks until my next shot which apparently helps with the coverage the vaccine gives you.

Has anyone else had their second jab earlier than 10 weeks or been told different?

4 weeks. I'm having the 2nd jab on 27th Sept. I just sweet talked the Doctor.


Well-Known Member
I had the first AZ jab 27 March and the second AZ jab 29 May. So exactly 8 weeks apart. And that was before Delta reared it's ugly head!
I reckon any jab first ASAP and the second jab 4 weeks minimum after the first. But best to be advised by the medicos. They should be on top of all this.

Stay safe.

Pirate Pete

Well-Known Member
Pfizer was only 3 weeks apart for me.
Yeah, mine too. Second jab tomorrow.

And for the record I'm getting the Pfizer because........
that was what was available.
I had an appointment for "whatever was available" that was cancelled.
I got the old yeah, nah, when I first tried to see if I was eligible under 1B.

I have to say the roll out of the vaccine has been a shit show. I know of a few office workers who
somehow managed to get vaccinated. Meanwhile I know health workers who tried and tried.
I mean for f**ks sake. Working from home and being fully vaccinated.
Working weekends on the covid drive through and only having one jab!
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
I mean for f**ks sake. Working from home and being fully vaccinated.
Everyone needs to be vaccinated not just front line workers. Who do you think they're catching it from?

But yes i agree front line should have priority and denying it to someone working on a testing facility is plain stupid.

Actually there shouldn't be any need for priority, we should have been vaccinating people while we had no cases, not this mad rush and under supply of vaccines.

Then again would they have gone to waste since a lot of people didn't want the vaccine while there were no cases. "Let's just wait and see if there's a zombie apocalypse from the vaccine". Now they're desperate for it.

What i did find surprising was something like 20% of health workers have refused to have it.


Well-Known Member
What i did find surprising was something like 20% of health workers have refused to have it.

I wonder who they define as health workers? If it includes roles like physios, dieticians, chiros etc., then that figure doesn’t surprise me.

I also know there is as small Covid anti-vax movement amongst nurses. I know a couple of nurses who were holding out but their principles have gone out the window now their job is at stake, and they have subsequently been vaccinated.

I doubt there would be many doctors in that figure. 96% of all doctors in the US have been vaccinated. I can’t see that figure eventually being any worse in Australia.


Well-Known Member
I wonder who they define as health workers? If it includes roles like physios, dieticians, chiros etc., then that figure doesn’t surprise me
Hadn't thought of that. Heard it on the abc news as part of a report on being vaccinated to be a mandatory requirement at some point soon for health workers. They didn't say who's classed as a health worker though. It was in the context of a report on hospitals not having sufficient capacity to cope beyond current levels of cases.

Incidentally this "health system is already overloaded by covid" smells like bullshit to scare people into getting vaccinated and staying at home. I thought last year we'd built all this extra hospital capacity and purchased heaps of ventilators etc. in preparation for this scenario. It's so hard to know who to believe, you've got Gladys saying the sky's falling in and Hazzard saying the health system is world class and not overloaded.


Well-Known Member
Incidentally this "health system is already overloaded by covid" smells like bullshit to scare people into getting vaccinated and staying at home. I thought last year we'd built all this extra hospital capacity and purchased heaps of ventilators etc. in preparation for this scenario. It's so hard to know who to believe, you've got Gladys saying the sky's falling in and Hazzard saying the health system is world class and not overloaded.

. i think both statements can be true without it all being bullshit

. the message from Gladys is everybody needs to do the right thing ... the vast majority seem to have, a minority haven't and an increasing number have been frustrated with the consequences of that

. the message from Hazzard is ... if you need help, get help - you have a far better chance of survival in the health system (stretched or not)

. of course the overall message is to stay and home and get vaccinated ... if that is what everyone had done two months ago instead of trying to find loopholes in a very simple 'stay. at. home' health order, or ignoring it completely, we'd be in a much better position now

. regardless of any capacity in the health system - it is not limitless and the spread (without suppression measures) would be exponential ... and need would exceed capacity quickly - consider any of the first waves overseas for an example and the consequences

Pirate Pete

Well-Known Member
Everyone needs to be vaccinated not just front line workers. Who do you think they're catching it from?

But yes i agree front line should have priority and denying it to someone working on a testing facility is plain stupid.

Actually there shouldn't be any need for priority, we should have been vaccinating people while we had no cases, not this mad rush and under supply of vaccines.

Then again would they have gone to waste since a lot of people didn't want the vaccine while there were no cases. "Let's just wait and see if there's a zombie apocalypse from the vaccine". Now they're desperate for it.

What i did find surprising was something like 20% of health workers have refused to have it.
I realise everyone has to be vaccinated. But I know people who work in offices (accountants & IT) etc and they somehow got jabbed back in March / April. Definitely not 1A or 1B.
My partner asked how and was told they "just booked".
I booked and was given an appointment and then got it canceled, but they wouldn't give a reason.
My partner & I got knocked back despite working in the health field.
At the same time I spoke to several people in aged care who couldn't get vaccinated.

I stand by my comment. It was a shit show.


Well-Known Member
. i think both statements can be true without it all being bullshit

. the message from Gladys is everybody needs to do the right thing ... the vast majority seem to have, a minority haven't and an increasing number have been frustrated with the consequences of that

. the message from Hazzard is ... if you need help, get help - you have a far better chance of survival in the health system (stretched or not)

. of course the overall message is to stay and home and get vaccinated ... if that is what everyone had done two months ago instead of trying to find loopholes in a very simple 'stay. at. home' health order, or ignoring it completely, we'd be in a much better position now

. regardless of any capacity in the health system - it is not limitless and the spread (without suppression measures) would be exponential ... and need would exceed capacity quickly - consider any of the first waves overseas for an example and the consequences

. apologies for the rant

. in short ... the message is simply, the logic is sound ... people need to stop trying to find fault in every word or every action


Well-Known Member
I realise everyone has to be vaccinated. But I know people who work in offices (accountants & IT) etc and they somehow got jabbed back in March / April. Definitely not 1A or 1B.
My partner asked how and was told they "just booked".
I booked and was given an appointment and then got it canceled, but they wouldn't give a reason.
My partner & I got knocked back despite working in the health field.
At the same time I spoke to several people in aged care who couldn't get vaccinated.

I stand by my comment. It was a shit show.

. persistence was my key

. i made dozens of phone calls over a period of weeks (i had 1B qualifications x3) and could not source the vaccine on the coast ... but i was ready when the hub opened in Sydney

. a shitshow? i think unprecedented ... and acceptance of that and the difficulties it entails would make things a lot less stressful for everybody


Well-Known Member
Incidentally this "health system is already overloaded by covid" smells like bullshit to scare people into getting vaccinated and staying at home. I thought last year we'd built all this extra hospital capacity and purchased heaps of ventilators etc. in preparation for this scenario. It's so hard to know who to believe, you've got Gladys saying the sky's falling in and Hazzard saying the health system is world class and not overloaded.

There was an eight hour wait at Westmead’s emergency department last weekend.

Our health system is far from world class. We have to wait many years before patients have access to new medicines that are widely available worldwide.


Well-Known Member
My partner asked how and was told they "just booked".
There were some holes in the system with no validation on people using the housemates/family link for front line workers. They were subsequently addressed but I believe that's how many of those people you mentioned were able to get it.

It'll be 9 and a bit weeks between my booking and jab. Getting closer now but it shouldn't have been such a wait for someone eligible under the criteria.

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
Hadn't thought of that. Heard it on the abc news as part of a report on being vaccinated to be a mandatory requirement at some point soon for health workers. They didn't say who's classed as a health worker though. It was in the context of a report on hospitals not having sufficient capacity to cope beyond current levels of cases.

Incidentally this "health system is already overloaded by covid" smells like bullshit to scare people into getting vaccinated and staying at home. I thought last year we'd built all this extra hospital capacity and purchased heaps of ventilators etc. in preparation for this scenario. It's so hard to know who to believe, you've got Gladys saying the sky's falling in and Hazzard saying the health system is world class and not overloaded.
We may have extra ventilators and a few more beds, but you obviously have no idea how much is required in the way of specialised human resources are required to care for each patient in ICU. Those manning ICU units are extensively trained and not to be found at the drop of a hat at your local dole lineup.

I had reason recently to call an ambulance for a family member. The ambulance took about 30 minutes to arrive. All ended up ok. On past occasions when called (few thankfully) it has been under 10 minutes. I spoke to the ambos and they had been run off their feet going immediately from one call to the next. Add in the time they now have to suit up in full fresh protective gear for each call and you may start to understand.
You do not find fully stocked ambulances and fully trained medics at the drop of a hat either.

The health system is fully stretched at the moment and in certain places (see Mick's post) definitely overloaded. It will get worse in the next couple of months.

Get some years in and also try and keep yourself fully informed from reliable sources before you make calls of possible bullshit in difficult times.

Also do your best not to require quick admittance to casualty or an icu in the near future.

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