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Active Support

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Well-Known Member
I've said it once, I'll say it again...this divide is awful. It will do none of us any favours. We are already limited in terms of numbers as it is.
Can't agree more. The club needs unity - within and from the fans - more than ever. I think everyone needs to have this in mind going forward regardless of what's gone on in the past.
There is only one point to all and any of this - our Central Coast Mariners.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Heaven forbit there be a little bit of banter ‍♂️ jesussssssss
Mate, that is absolutely disgraceful. Pull your head out of your arse.
Outright homophobia is not banter. Just like racism and sexism aren't banter. Grow the f**k up.
This club and its fans will never stand for homophobia - and we will absolutely oppose anybody who tries to represent the supporters with homophobia. Comments like that can very easily get called out to the broader HAL base and make not only all CCM supporters look bad, but the club itself.
It is not okay. Time to wake up.
You want to represent the club? Time to gain a bit of maturity and start thinking about the implications of that - and whether you're actually prepared for what it truly entails.
Also, show a little bit of respect to your predecessors. You don't get to shit on the YA. They were doing the hard yards on this for years.
Reckon you can do better? Then do better - don't shit on people who have poured money, time, sweat and tears into the club. Everything about that post - and your response to it on here - is completely childish and shows a complete absence of leadership.

And don't shit on people who like chants that you don't like. If you had any sense of history of the supporters you'd know how harmful that's been in the past.

Also, when others from your mob were on here slinging shit at us, you came on here with a fairly weak defence of how they don't speak for the 'coastie crew' and you respect and want to work with the rest of the supporters. Well, from that tweet, you've made it clear that was all bullshit.

You need to check your attitude hard. Right now? You and yours are doing nothing but trying to divide people. And that is the very last thing we need right now. Splitting the supporter base is not the way forwards. Shitting on the other supporters is not the way forwards. Homophobia is not the way forwards
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Well-Known Member
Ok I think it enough of the attacks on each other. Right or wrong comes down to opinion. It seems to me we are going to have 2 seperate active support groups. I hope this is wrong. Can someone answer me is the yellow Army still going to be the active support group or are they going to let the new group take over. I’m hoping that the heads of both groups can get together and work it out like adults. Otherwise I can see it getting very ugly down in bay 16 which will be ashame for everyone.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Not sure the KKK has any adults which is likely to be the issue.
I shall sit in my nice new seat in the stands and ignore it all.
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Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
Give up now.

Worst thing in 15 years I’ve heard our active group say, so that’s got to be the shittest start imaginable.

This new active group is over before it began imo. Cannot see anything good coming from it. Only more shit.

I was wishing them well. But now I hope the club tells them to jog on as soon as possible. Impossible to imagine anyone foolish enough to post that tweet - let alone to then try to defend it on the grounds of banter - could ever bring anything worth having to the Mariners club.

Divisive, hateful and immature is all I’m getting. We need that even less than we need another 3 DM’s.


Well-Known Member
Heaven forbit there be a little bit of banter ‍♂️ jesussssssss
You were invited by @Shaun Mielekamp to a sit-down formal meeting, to be included into discussions with the YA regarding active support for our beloved Football Club this season.

Your actions & words, both preceding & up to this derogatory homophobic post on social media show that you are truly lacking in both common sense and maturity.

In my opinion, Shaun & the Club would be well advised & should rescind immediately that invitation to 'a seat at the table', as well as cease to communicate or to have any interactions with both you personally & your 'Coastie Crew' included.

From my experience of being involved 15 years ago in the founding Active Supporters group, 'The Marinators', it is in my honest opinion that you're just simply NOT worthy of the task & are a complete and utter liabillity to the CCM Football Club.

Mangrove Mudcrab

New Member
Well I didn’t lie. This place is f**king toxic.
Thanks for just proving who’s been screenshotting stuff posted on my Facebook too.
Hook line and sinker.
Imagine being this oblivious. You jump to little brothers defence and blindly ignore all the puerile shit him and his little posse have been up to on this forum and across Facebook - and you blame all the “toxicity” on everyone else. Even got your dad posting positive reviews on the CC Facebook page whilst managing to slag the YA off as a “bunch of drunks” at the same time. Now THATS toxic.
How do you know what has been said
To him in private conversation? I actually already discussed with him about his post. What little posse? The only one that’s posted on here was him.

I’m not responsible for what anyone else

Imagine being this oblivious. You jump to little brothers defence and blindly ignore all the puerile shit him and his little posse have been up to on this forum and across Facebook - and you blame all the “toxicity” on everyone else. Even got your dad posting positive reviews on the CC Facebook page whilst managing to slag the YA off as a “bunch of drunks” at the same time. Now THATS toxic.


Staff member
The attachment disappeared, sorry, I've been trying to get the servers to hold onto them between reboots but it's not playing nicely
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