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The 2018/19 Positives Thread


Well-Known Member
Had to read this like 3 times to understand.
A new years eve win is a must.
The next 3 games will make or break the season. With 2 home games that will attract a reasonable crowd we just have to make it happen to keep the faith. If not then it's rebuilding for next season i fear, and even then i'm not sure we really know yet what that entails yet. Grim times unless there is a huge turnaround.


Well-Known Member
The next 3 games will make or break the season. With 2 home games that will attract a reasonable crowd we just have to make it happen to keep the faith. If not then it's rebuilding for next season i fear, and even then i'm not sure we really know yet what that entails yet. Grim times unless there is a huge turnaround.
Wouldn't be surprised if FFA postpone the new teams announcement to after finals then announce 4 new teams for 20/21 whilst rescinding the licences for Nux and us. Didn't allow GCU and Fury to drag down the league for 5 yrs. At least we get 8k to games still

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
Wouldn't be surprised if FFA postpone the new teams announcement to after finals then announce 4 new teams for 20/21 whilst rescinding the licences for Nux and us. Didn't allow GCU and Fury to drag down the league for 5 yrs. At least we get 8k to games still
When licences were renewed all teams got 10 year extension except Nux who if I remember correctly got 4 or 5. The licence is safe from being resumed, however the new FFA could approve it being sold to a different area, something the old FFA would not allow.


Well-Known Member
The CCM canon will out-do Brisbane Water Fireworks on NYE
:pirashoot::pirashoot::pirashoot: ...... :innocent:
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Well-Known Member
I'm positive the fireworks will be going off, but the cannon...hmmm well I guess it'll go off twice before the kick-off.
Throwing positive thoughts out there into the Universe, with strategy in mind.

- were currently paying $4.50 to win v Nix
- likely lose to the Nix this weekend & this goes up instantly to around $6
- bookies then check the records & see that Glory are our 'bogey team' at BlueTongue and odds go even higher, I'm hoping for $7/7.50.

Throw a Redback on CCM for NYE and pray for Law of Attraction (positive thoughts in the Positivity Thread;)) to kick in for a
$120-$150 drink later that night.

Win/Win ..... Happy Dayz !! :cheers:

If it doesnt work :headbutt:, then fcuk it .... I go straight back to kicking Mulvey's selections/tactics/purpose in life etc etc.


Well-Known Member
I just opened a bottle of Balvene 14yo Caribbean Cask. First smile all week. :)

The Balvenie Triple Cask has probably been my favourite drop of 2018. Picked up a bottle of Bruichladdich Barley 2009 through duty free on the way over here which is also a gorgeous drop. Will probably grab a Balvenie on the way back through!

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
The Balvenie Triple Cask has probably been my favourite drop of 2018. Picked up a bottle of Bruichladdich Barley 2009 through duty free on the way over here which is also a gorgeous drop. Will probably grab a Balvenie on the way back through!
The Caribbean cask has a definite rum influence, luscious and rich, toffee and vanilla on the palate with a strong sugar aftertaste that encourages you to have another dram.

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