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Mr Rudd's Flashin the cash!!


Well-Known Member
The figures Mr Turnbull is suggesting, wouldn't even reach the stage of a drop in the ocean.
The Libs are on a political suicide run without some credible figures and plans to tackle this downturn in the economy.


Well-Known Member
serious14 said:
Blackadder, addressing us all live from Labour Party World Domination HQ!!!!   :p

Not at all, just a case of Political suicide from Turnbull.
Denying the cash handout to help provide immediate benefits to most people, and severly cutting back on infrastructre development.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Blackadder said:
serious14 said:
Blackadder, addressing us all live from Labour Party World Domination HQ!!!!   :p

Not at all, just a case of Political suicide from Turnbull.
Denying the cash handout to help provide immediate benefits to most people, and severly cutting back on infrastructre development.

Agree Turnbull has butchered this golden opportunity to get in and damn Krudd before the economics text books do, but his reasoning is wrong

Thats all - the package is a farce and wont position us for growth when things turn around (as they always do)


Well-Known Member
That's right, I saw a show on him a while ago, eye opening as I had hardly heard of him before he became opposition leader.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Merchant Banker by trade.

Now I wonder who took advantage of the loony right wing "markets must be free" economics to sow the seeds of this particular f**k up?

Oh yes, Merchant Bankers

Jorome Alexander Bennett

Well-Known Member
Can the stimulus package get enough votes to pass without the coalition?? Ie. independants+labor>coalition???

Construction works in every primary school in Australia is a mini Harbour bridge in all centres...Good idea,imo. Whereas the US went for energy infrastructure which doesn't have the same effect on the masses. No real visibility. New effecient wires do not have the same effect as new halls, etc. in every school.

So can the more politically savvy please inform me of what effect the coalition's stance is.... A complete scuppering of the plan? A delay while agreements between parties are made but then a passing of ? Or it can go on without them?

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
The Right have an institutional hatred of budget deficits. Its a throw back to Reaganomics and Thatcherism (and didnt that set the UK for a fall?)

School Halls wont increase GDP and sustain jobs into the future 1 iota

If the Independants get a big enough bribe, it can pass the Senate and become law

Jorome Alexander Bennett

Well-Known Member
School halls will give or secure jobs now. It is a measure designed to stimulate. It would cost a helluva lot more to create jobs that will last forever and isn't what is call for at this time.

Cash in hand will increase consumption, as it did at the end of last year.  Jobs + consumption is a good recipe to fill in the trough until the economy recovers to the path of growth. If nothing is done the economy recedes and the worldwide scale of this economic crisis strongly threatens depression if no action is taken.

I do think this package will have a positive effect. So what are the chances it will get through both the lower and upper houses?? 50/50?


Well-Known Member
In the house it will pass on party lines, in the senate the government needs to get the greens, steve fielding and nick xenophon to get the required 39 votes


Well-Known Member
Rudd proposes this 40 bn dollar plan knowing that Coalition will oppose it, boosting his popularity??

Jorome Alexander Bennett

Well-Known Member
dibo said:
In the house it will pass on party lines, in the senate the government needs to get the greens, steve fielding and nick xenophon to get the required 39 votes

And what are the chances of getting the 39 votes?
I thought I read that Xenophon would side with Liberal/Nationals.


Well-Known Member
Jorome Alexander Bennett said:
dibo said:
In the house it will pass on party lines, in the senate the government needs to get the greens, steve fielding and nick xenophon to get the required 39 votes

And what are the chances of getting the 39 votes?
I thought I read that Xenophon would side with Liberal/Nationals.

xenophon said he would be supporting the package

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