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Gold Coast cap crowds to 5,000

David Votoupal

Well-Known Member
dibo said:
David Votoupal said:
Is it possible to strip the license from Palmer, sell to a willing buyer, but keep the name, players, staff, etc?

Yes. The licence, player contracts, club name etc. belong to the FFA. You buy (through your company - e.g. Mariners Leisure Pty.Ltd. or whatever it is for us) the right to operate it. It's like an expensive game of fantasy football.

If the FFA decides to can your licence or take it back from you, I think they *can* compensate you but may not, particularly when the licence is being revoked for what essentially amounts to breaking undertakings. It's breach of contract, so they simply pull out. As far as I can gather, they can operate it themselves or award the licence to a competitor at will.

Long story short - if the bloke who was running Gold Coast Galaxy agrees to step in, they could probably move the licence on tomorrow.

So a similar arrangement to MLS clubs?

Speaking of the MLS, keep in mind that "relocations" were nothing more than transferring the licence from one club to another- like the Cleveland Browns in the NFL, allowing a "new" Browns to be founded. This was the case with the San Jose Earthquakes when its license as transferred to the Houston Dynamo (originally meant to be Houston 1836 but we won't go into that), the Earthquakes returned last year.

What happened basically is that only the licence, player contracts, etc are transferred from one club to a new club, so the old club (in this case the Cleveland Browns and San Jose Earthquakes) kept all the history, honours, etc and could be reactivated at any time when a new license was granted.

Here's the other question- how do Constantine and Palmer compare to people like Manuel Ruiz de Lopera, Jesus Gil and various other dickheads to have presided over football clubs in Spain?

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Jesus Gil>>>>>>>>>>>>>Con

(As he wasnt a scummer)

Gil was famous and controversial for his extreme right-wing political views, summed up in a unique brand of foulmouthed, low-brow populism punctuated by sexist, homophobic, racist and xenophobic remarks and, occasionally, by pre-democratic nostalgia.

It was not unusual for him to publicly and loudly refer to former PSOE town councilor Isabel Garca Marcos as whore during town council meetings and, in one occasion, he dubbed journalist Carmen Rigalt as "jinetera del periodismo" (prostitute of journalism).

His critics labeled his business dealings as shady, hinting at ties to organized crime. The Mlaga coastline, effectively under the area of economic and political influence of the Gil family, became a popular residence for British, Italian, and Russian gangsters while he was mayor, as well as a haven for former Nazis either awaiting or avoiding extradition, such as Otto Remer and, most famously, Lon Degrelle.

At the same time, however, Gil instigated several crackdowns on drug users and prostitutes. He was involved in several criminal cases, including the so called Caso de las camisetas.[3] and Caso Atltico.[4] Although it is true that blue collar crime rates and open manifestations of poverty decreased dramatically during the first years of his administration, there was widespread public perception, and some evidence, that most of this apparent success was obtained to the expense of civil liberties and freedom of speech, and that the means employed to this end were objectable to say the least. Those included: beatings of petty delinquents and prostitutes, deportation of foreigners with a low income, individual handouts of moderate sums of money to homeless people in exchange for leaving town, etc.

The subsequent improvement in the lifestyle of a segment of the population, albeit more apparent than real, was one of the main reasons for his landslide reelections. Some celebrities residing in Marbella, such as Gunilla von Bismarck and Sean Connery, at times participated in Gil's campaigns for reelection.


If your going up...buy them now online. They are still $29. Or, say your a concession and pay $24.


Well-Known Member
offtheball said:
Seeing he is a billionaire not affected by the GFC why can't he suck it up for one season at least.

Why not give away 5000 kids tickets and drop adults prices. Short term loss might end up in some long term gain. Maybe Cullina and co could actually venture into the schools and give out the tickets.

Does the club get any % of the food and beverage sales?
Clive is playing harball trying to get the QLD govt who own Robina to drop the surcharge after 5,000 tickets are sold, however he knew of this condition when negoiating the lease with the QLD govt.

Why he chooses to bring it up now reeks of political opportunism (Clive being a financial backer of the LNP), it is not about the Club or the supporters.

Quite simply Clive couldn't give a stuff what damage he does to GCU (players and supporters), or football in this country.
Time for the FFA to grow a set and step in if Clive persists with his protest against the Govt.
I am sure Canberra,Wollongong,Tasmania or the Northern Territory would jump at the chance of a license and work for the good of the game, and not petty self interests.

Roy Law

Well-Known Member
Obese Clive I didnt become the richest man in the universe by losing money. Whats going on!?
Fat Clive Its the fans, they are very ungrateful
OC Ungrateful! Ill teach them! Put the prices up and limit the amount of seats. Thats what they do at Kylie concerts
FC, kissing the fat feet of OC, Wonderful idea OC. Will Kylie be our new marquee?
OC Ask Miron. He said build it and they will come
FC Weve built it and they arent coming
OC Ungrateful rabble. Tell the FFA to poke their A League where the sun dont shine. Dont they know who I am!?
FC, nose very brown, Im calling Ben right now to let him know who you are.
OC Tell him I want to cap the crowd @ 5,000; if we dont get 5,000 I want to reduce the cap to whatever the attendance is and double the prices. Well keep doing this until the ungrateful fans learn their lesson and come begging back
FC, kowtowing, Wonderful idea oh wise one. I couldnt get Ben; Angus asks can he have licence back under the use it or lose it clause in our agreement.
OC Who is Angus!?


Well-Known Member
The FFA would be but a minnow as far as opponents of Palmer is concerned. I doubt they will do or say anything that can be construed as combative as I'm certain they'd be aware it would be taking a tiger by the tail. He isn't your ordinary club owner in many ways and has political clout equal to his wealth. To see how all this turns out & the FFA reactions will make a great people watching exercise, much more interesting than anything GCU do on the pitch.


Well-Known Member
Blackadder said:
Clive is playing harball trying to get the QLD govt who own Robina to drop the surcharge after 5,000 tickets are sold, however he knew of this condition when negoiating the lease with the QLD govt.

Why he chooses to bring it up now reeks of political opportunism (Clive being a financial backer of the LNP), it is not about the Club or the supporters.

I don't buy this at all - the State election was earlier this year. There's nothing politically to gain here.

On another note, there's also been no mention of what the Titans pay - presumably they're on the same fee structure but as their crowds are bigger they're making money rather than losing it. If there were a difference it would have been a point of discussion. Titans prices seem to be similar going by this pdf of details from a match between them and the Broncos

So basically what's happened is that GCU *aren't* getting special help from the stadium.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Palmer has almost zero political clout IMHO.

Labour in Govt bothe Federal and State (in Qld) and he is an ex staffer of Joh.

What do you think his relationships with them are like?


Well-Known Member
FFC Mariner said:
Palmer has almost zero political clout IMHO.

Labour in Govt bothe Federal and State (in Qld) and he is an ex staffer of Joh.

What do you think his relationships with them are like?

He's probably about as welcome in Qld Ministers' offices as the Ebola Virus.


Well-Known Member
dibo said:
Blackadder said:
Clive is playing harball trying to get the QLD govt who own Robina to drop the surcharge after 5,000 tickets are sold, however he knew of this condition when negoiating the lease with the QLD govt.

Why he chooses to bring it up now reeks of political opportunism (Clive being a financial backer of the LNP), it is not about the Club or the supporters.

I don't buy this at all - the State election was earlier this year. There's nothing politically to gain here.

On another note, there's also been no mention of what the Titans pay - presumably they're on the same fee structure but as their crowds are bigger they're making money rather than losing it. If there were a difference it would have been a point of discussion. Titans prices seem to be similar going by this pdf of details from a match between them and the Broncos

So basically what's happened is that GCU *aren't* getting special help from the stadium.

Plenty to gain if he can force the Bligh Gov into a backflip, will be all over the local media and then the LNP will start looking for other ways to get more backflips.
Hopefully Anna tells him to go f himself, otherwise going to open a Pandoras box


Well-Known Member
But the issue hasn't become a partisan political issue - regardless of his loyalties, he's not actually working as an agent of the LNP, and the LNP aren't backing him. He's an agent of (well, he *is*) GCU - any win for him and GCU would be seen as a win for him and GCU against the Government per se, not as a win for the LNP against the ALP.


Well-Known Member
dibo said:
But the issue hasn't become a partisan political issue - regardless of his loyalties, he's not actually working as an agent of the LNP, and the LNP aren't backing him. He's an agent of (well, he *is*) GCU - any win for him and GCU would be seen as a win for him and GCU against the Government per se, not as a win for the LNP against the ALP.

Overlooking the fact he is one the most prominent financial backers of the LNP, as mentioned he would be welcomed as the Ebola virus in Parliment of course he is going to do what ever he can to make the Bligh Gov look weak.
He is a billionaire, hasn't been adversly affected by the GFC but now kicks up a hissy fit, over a contract he knew about all along. Surely he wouldn't be going into a contract like that if he knew it was a money making loss. (unless it is a tax write off)


Well-Known Member
None of that changes the fact that this hasn't been taken up as a political issue. It becomes a political issue when the LNP (rather than just one of their supporters in his own private business) takes up the running.


Well-Known Member
FFC Mariner said:
Palmer has almost zero political clout IMHO.

Labour in Govt bothe Federal and State (in Qld) and he is an ex staffer of Joh.

What do you think his relationships with them are like?
I'll rephrase. He has enormous political clout - in the state Liberal National Party.


Well-Known Member
curious said:
FFC Mariner said:
Palmer has almost zero political clout IMHO.

Labour in Govt bothe Federal and State (in Qld) and he is an ex staffer of Joh.

What do you think his relationships with them are like?
I'll rephrase. He has enormous political clout - in the state Liberal National Party.

I looked at their website to see if they've put out any media releases or anything, they haven't.

Feel free to have a look: http://lnp.org.au/

They're more interested in other things.

Graham Richardson still (for right or wrong) has clout with some sections of the ALP, but it doesn't mean that the ALP will campaign on everything he gets involved in, frankly they're just as likely to run in the other direction.


Surely palmer would save the 800k by simply putting the team on a normal plane, rather than flying them in his personal jet?


Staff member
Jesus said:
Surely palmer would save the 800k by simply putting the team on a normal plane, rather than flying them in his personal jet?

lol good point... comes into the comp waving cash around and now all of a sudden he's being careful with the expenses.


Well-Known Member
Jesus said:
Surely palmer would save the 800k by simply putting the team on a normal plane, rather than flying them in his personal jet?

I think you would be surprised, for one he already owns the plane so it is only fuel and a crews salary and those will be absorbed by the rest of his business interests anyway. secondly you are flying thirty five or so people around most weekends, add in next to no time spent in airports it isn't such a bad option plus direct flights to where ever they are playing.


Well-Known Member
dibo said:
curious said:
FFC Mariner said:
Palmer has almost zero political clout IMHO.

Labour in Govt bothe Federal and State (in Qld) and he is an ex staffer of Joh.

What do you think his relationships with them are like?
I'll rephrase. He has enormous political clout - in the state Liberal National Party.

I looked at their website to see if they've put out any media releases or anything, they haven't.

Feel free to have a look: http://lnp.org.au/

They're more interested in other things.

Graham Richardson still (for right or wrong) has clout with some sections of the ALP, but it doesn't mean that the ALP will campaign on everything he gets involved in, frankly they're just as likely to run in the other direction.
Dibo, I didn't say the LNP would get involved, I said palmer has enormous political clout. Ok?

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