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Daily Telegraph anti-football


Well-Known Member
*sniff* *sniff*  Smell that fear lads.....


TIM Cahill's double strike made him the toast of Australia last night, but it's a pity all he gave afterwards was a serving of sour grapes.

Cahill put on a stunning post-match display as he refused to answer questions on the MCG pitch in a defiant stand against the media.

He showed he was still stinging from criticism over last week's drunken nightclub incident.

After he was given a standing ovation when he left the field, all fans wanted after the match was to hear from their hero.

Instead Cahill let them down.

When jokingly asked about his popularity in Japan following another match-winning performance against the Blue Samari, Cahill delivered a poorly timed volley.

"I'd just like to thank the crowd, the lads, a great turnout in Melbourne. I'm so proud to be here, so proud to play tonight so I think the credit just goes to the crowd, you were brilliant," he said.

When pressed again about his two-goal performance, Cahill went back into defensive mode.

"As I said, I just want to thank the crowd. I enjoyed the game, great Japan team. This is a step forward for us, it's great to finish top of the group. Again thank you so much to the crowd, thank you."

The display was a protest to the reporting of how he was kicked out of a Kings Cross nightclub in the early hours of Friday morning, after the Australian Football Awards.

He drew criticism for creating negative publicity for the code in the week Australia launched its 2018-2022 World Cup bids.

Cahill answered his critics with a five-star performance on the field, but undid all that good work with his show of petulance.

Stunned Fox Sports commentator Simon Hill tried to summise Cahill's comments and distance the station from being the target.

"OK, well, interesting interview with Timmy Cahill. I think it's perhaps clear from that, that he wants to make a bit of a statement about the media," Hill said.

"Of course we weren't part of the stories that were running all this week, particularly in Sydney. I'm sure you've read them or heard about them. Anyway he was certainly the hero tonight."

Former Socceroo Mark Bosnich defended Cahill, and the media's role, but hit out at the "scum of the earth" whose jealousy tried to bring the Socceroos star down


Well-Known Member
Fark the Terror is a rag ... the anti Football stories they are running  is almost beyond belief ... I just hope it cost em readers over the long term...

Would love to see this paper go broke ... run by a bunch of c**ts IMO who want something and I honestly believe they have an agenda ...


Well-Known Member
clarence said:
marinermick said:
I will be on ABC radio statewide talking about this in five minutes. 92.5 locally

Any audio link for this, for those who had to work? Couldn't see it on the ABC website (although it has a lot of links etc. so maybe it's there?)

none that i can find


Well-Known Member
Good on Tim. Ludicrous piece in the Daily Errorgraph. Like we give a f**k that he didn't much feel like giving an interview last night after the week he's had. Like we were thinking "I enjoyed the comeback win, Timmy scored two great goals (again), but without a breathless cliche-loaded moment of saying absolutely nothing interesting I feel unfilfilled"...


Well-Known Member
[glow=red,2,300]*Daily Telegraph New Flash*[/glow]

Cahill suspect in fatal orphanage fire, several Puppies also killed.

The biggest joke is that these morons consider themselves to be journalists.
They should stick to reporting the FACTS, not "making news"


Well-Known Member
Honestly, Good on Bozza for his post match wrap up, He passionately defended Timmy even though he was being paid for the night by the same company that owns the Terrograph. That's what i love about Bosnich, he speaks from the heart and does not care what anyone thinks.

Just look at Ange Postecoglou's reaction when Bozza goes into his speech. almost to say "Whoa Whoa Whoa buddy, lets not bite the hand that feeds us".

........Why did we let him go again, if not first choice keeper he could definitely be in the locker room between halves Firing up the boys with talk like that.


Well-Known Member
Smell the fear is right!!

Strange as is it may sound, I am finding a lot of comfort in the fact that the errorgraph are so aggressively attacking football... I mean, we all know that the beautiful game, the world game, will take over in this country because it is inevitable. Though I think that a lot of these "journo's" are realisisng it too.

You know you are doing well when people start talking s*t about you. And the barrage of s*t leaves me to believe that they are scared that they don't know how to stop it.

My bias toward football itself aside. The code is aided by the consistently upstanding australian individuals who play the game, when compared to other codes.


Well-Known Member
marinermick said:
clarence said:
marinermick said:
I will be on ABC radio statewide talking about this in five minutes. 92.5 locally

Any audio link for this, for those who had to work? Couldn't see it on the ABC website (although it has a lot of links etc. so maybe it's there?)

none that i can find

How did it go mick? Did you give it to News Ltd?


Well-Known Member
marinersman said:
marinermick said:
clarence said:
marinermick said:
I will be on ABC radio statewide talking about this in five minutes. 92.5 locally

Any audio link for this, for those who had to work? Couldn't see it on the ABC website (although it has a lot of links etc. so maybe it's there?)

none that i can find

How did it go mick? Did you give it to News Ltd?

As much as I could being on the ABC. It was a bit different from my normal rant on community radio, but after listening to Bozza last night I felt a bit better about my spray.


Well-Known Member
Crikey on Cahill, from MV forum...

5 . Tim Cahill kicks a goal against News Limited too
Sports journalist Anthony Stavrinos writes:

Tim Cahill ended up on the front of Pauline Hanson fake photograph publisher, The Sunday Telegraph , in a pretty embarrassing beat up on the weekend, headlined "Socceroo Cover-up".

Last time I checked, getting drunk was not a crime.

The papers editor, Neil Breen, copped a serve from Alan Jones on Monday morning. You dont have to be a Jones fan to realise he had some pretty valid points.

Breen survived after his sloppy handling of the Pauline Hanson photo affair, but this won't do much to enhance his reputation.

After scoring a double for Australia last night in the Socceroos 2-1 win over Japan to end Australias World Cup qualification campaign on a winning note, Cahill made his point to the Murdoch media, shunning Fox Sports in this post-match interview.

"Okay, well, interesting interview with Timmy Cahill. I think its perhaps clear from that, that he wants to make a bit of a statement about the media," Hill said.

"Of course we weren't part of the stories that were running all this week, particularly in Sydney. Im sure you've read them or heard about them. Anyway he was certainly the hero tonight."

Wrong Simon -- it was a statement about the Murdoch media and the story was carried with the byline of rugby league writer David Riccio on the Fox Sports website.

And just to show Cahill has nothing against the media generally, he offered this more-participatory interview to Alan Jones -- or "AJ" as he refers to him -- this morning.

Declaration: Anthony Stavrinos is a freelance journalist whose stories occasionally appear in The Sunday Telegraph s competitor, The Sun-Herald


Well-Known Member
Jesus, if I see another reporter say 'kick a goal" when referring to our beloved sport, I will track them down and vomit on them ad nauseum. 


Well-Known Member
maybe a word change so the the term "Daily Telegraph" is changed to "Terror-graph" sorta like Aloi s i and aloi$i


Staff member
thomas477 said:
maybe a word change so the the term "Daily Telegraph" is changed to "Terror-graph" sorta like Aloi s i and aloi$i

hmm u may be onto something here


Well-Known Member
adz said:
thomas477 said:
maybe a word change so the the term "Daily Terrorgraph" is changed to "Terror-graph" sorta like Aloi s i and aloi$i

hmm u may be onto something here

LOL... it took me a minute, but I see what you did there Adz.


Well-Known Member
and they're at it again!!! they have spoken to the bouncer at the centre of the whole debacle, who for some reason refuses to be identified

SOCCEROOS star Tim Cahill skolled a woman's drink, grabbed a bouncer by the collar and refused repeated requests to leave a nightclub in a drunken night out covered up by soccer officials.

That is the claim of the bouncer at the centre of the drama last Friday morning at the Trademark nightclub in Kings Cross.

Incensed that the incident has been swept under the carpet the bouncer, who does not wish to be identified for fear of retribution, last night decided to set the record straight.

"We've been made to look like liars, which is so frustrating," the guard said.

"They're making it out that the issue didn't occur when it simply did."

He then added: "He's not welcome back."

Discrepancy: Bouncer account refutes FFA findings

In the first detailed account of what really occurred, the bouncer maintains the Socceroos star was responsible for the altercation after he was refused service by bar staff for being too drunk and grabbing the collar of a security guard.

The guard also claimed Cahill and his group of friends tried to take the bouncers' licence badges pinned to their clothing.

The fracas erupted shortly before 3am.

The manager on duty at the Trademark was the one who first approached Cahill, the security guard told The Daily Telegraph last night.

"He noticed that one of the bartenders was having an issue with him (Cahill) and that he was blowing up," he said.

"The manager spoke to the barman, who then said: 'I'm not serving him anymore'.

"So the manager said: 'Look mate, you've had enough. We can't serve you any more'. Cahill reacted by grabbing a drink out of the hand of the girl next to him and skolling it."

It was a red flag to security staff, who radioed through that Cahill was to be removed from the nightclub.

"The first guard said: 'Why don't you come outside, we'll have a chat about it'.

"Cahill said: 'Mate, I'm not going anywhere.' The guard repeated: 'Let's go outside, we'll have a chat'."

The guard said Cahill's group of friends approached the scene at this point.

"I was the last guard to come up and at that stage nobody was really moving," he said.

"One of the guards had met these boys before and was really trying to calm the situation down.

"The funny thing was Cahill was so drunk and the reason it blew up was because he grabbed this other guard by the collar and started nudging him. This guard was trying to take the tension out of the situation and he just turned on him.

"One of the other guards was wearing a scarf and at least one of the group started pulling on his scarf.

"They then started ripping all our licences off as we walking down the stairs. They were just grabbing at all of us. Although his peripherals were around and they got involved, we were focused on him because he was the aggressive one.

"It was only after that when his brother started being aggressive as well. It was only when guards had moved the group outside that a word of warning by security staff to Cahill seemingly struck a chord.

"I went up to them and said, 'who do you think has got more to lose, you have millions of dollars and I earn $30 an hour as a security guard. Who's going to look like the bigger goose?'," the guard said. "I think that's when it sunk in because he knew if he had been caught out the front by media being thrown out by bouncers, he'd be in a world of trouble. They then left really quickly."

The guard said he chose to speak out after being left angry that his workmates would be accused of not doing their job properly when so many patrons witnessed the incident. He listened to Alan Jones' radio breakfast show on Monday and said he almost picked up the phone and rang in because he was fuming that the broadcaster had dismissed the issue.

Cahill's manager Paul Martin last night refused to comment on the guard's version of events.

Yesterday, Cahill tried to explain his position, but when asked to detail his version of events, he declined.

"Sometimes in football, you have to live with these things and people chase things that are not there," Cahill told Channel 9's Today program.


Well-Known Member
Funny how none of these other "patrons" or his "workmates" have spoken up..... I mean, if the club was full and _everyone_ saw it, where are the other witnesses??

I hope Cahill sues and cleans the c*nts out.


Well-Known Member
hmmm... from what i've seen happen when several bouncers get a drunk guy alone outside of a venue, if the bouncer said to me 'Why don't you come outside, we'll have a chat about it', I would've refused as well.


Bouncers are dickheads. My friend had her drink spiked at a club in Sydney, and when the bouncers found her, one of them proceeded to grab her breasts as a joke...just as her friend came over and found them.


Well-Known Member
im not going to even glance at that filthy rag now, just not worth giving them the attention.

Terror-graph is shit rag, with shithouse reporters


Well-Known Member

Trademark boss Mim Salvato today ridiculed the media slurs on Tim Cahill - and said the Socceroo was welcome back at his bar any time.
Sydney's Daily Telegraph has been running a week-long smear campaign on the Australia star, alleging he had a night of "disgrace" and "shame" at the Kings Cross bar last week.

It even ran claims today that he had been banned from returning to the high class nightspot, with anonymous quotes allegedly from a club bouncer saying: "He's not welcome back."

But the owner of the bar today said: "We love Tim Cahill and he's always welcome here as our guest. He's a national hero who has taken us to the World Cup.

"They've blown it out of all proportion. I don't know what they are going on about. I don't want Tim to look like a bad guy. It was just a simple misunderstanding."

Salvato - who went to the same Bexley school as Cahill - revealed Tim had celebrated the success of World Cup qualification with him at the bar on Wednesday night without any incident.

But when Cahill returned the following night without Salvato, a junior manager at the bar insisted strict Australian drinking laws meant bar staff were unable to serve him.

"If you look even slightly intoxicated, we are not allowed to serve you," explained Salvato. "Tim didn't understand this because he lives in England where you can drink as much as you like."

The situation became heated when the doorman intervened.

Salvato added: "The doorman got his knickers in a knot. We don't employ the doormen directly, we use a security company and no-one knew who he was.

"He certainly doesn't speak for Trademark. He had no right to talk about this. If he had a personal issue with Tim, that's his personal issue."

He added: "It was a nothing incident that should never have happened. Tim was just partying and then left. No punches were thrown and nothing else happened. There was no 'disgrace' or 'shame'.

"Police only became involved after the media phoned them. They came down, looked at the CCTV video, saw there was nothing to investigate and that was it.

"The Telegraph got it way out of line and I don't understand why they have been doing this."

Radio host Alan Jones took Telegraph editor Neil Breen to task over the newspaper's handling of the story and today again praised the Socceroo hero who scored our first ever goal in the World Cup and gave Australia victory over Japan with a brace of goals on Wednesday night.

Talking about the Telegraph in an email to a fan, he said: "I'm just sick and tired of these people. They assassinate all of us.

"I don't mind what they say about me, but some of these people have to be brought to a heel. I've had it for years. I don't see why others should have to endure it."

He added: "You will not find a greater sportsman or human being than Timmy Cahill."

Former Socceroo goalkeeper Mark Bosnich also joined the debate after the game on Japan, branding those responsible for the story as "scum".

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