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Coast Football Ramble Podcast


Well-Known Member
I called out a lady on facebook who slagged off the active support and the team from her Sofa.
I explained she had no right to criticise anyone unless she actually bothers to go to the games.
Absolute moron....but 80% of the posts on Facebook are drivel, which is why i rarely go on it.


Well-Known Member
The young bloke (Justin apparently) on the drums and the bloke with the beard were doing a good job and then the Mariners emploded and the drum strap broke.........ending the active support.
It was 100% better than the previous game but I feel the big man PP may need to step up and mentor them for the Derby games.


I'm an idiot savant without the pesky savant bit
Have to agree with what the podsters had to say on the new one , but then their usually spot on ....the one thing on the poddie that stunned me was the bit about Paul “ThinSkinned” Okon, having a shot at the boys .....what did he think people were gonna say about that drivel he supplied ....anyway, did I mention #TopPoddie


Well-Known Member
Have to agree with what the podsters had to say on the new one , but then their usually spot on ....the one thing on the poddie that stunned me was the bit about Paul “ThinSkinned” Okon, having a shot at the boys .....what did he think people were gonna say about that drivel he supplied ....anyway, did I mention #TopPoddie
Haven't listened yet but Okon has no credibility to comment - whilst the squad quality was somewhat on MC and $$$, Okon made many of the signings and definitely set the playing agenda - buck stops with him.


Well-Known Member
@Coast Football Ramble - While I can't (and won't) disagree with anything on the pod this week you all seemed understandably a bit down. You came up with the solution yourself - talk about some positive stuff about the club/Coasties or former Coasties. You talked about the NYL lads but Maty Ryan, Danny, Tommy and Musti all played for the NT. Maty in particular pulled off a spectacular save against Sth Korea. In addition Kane Runge an ex Coastie has been picked up by Dandenong Thunder.

Once again I enjoyed the pod - even though I came away thoroughly depressed :(
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Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Here i was thinking the opening song was because Ben Kennedy should 'give it away' as in give it up!
Although he usually does give it away..... The game, giving to the opponents ......

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Nash. Constantly bringing gash keepers to the central coast.

Interesting rumours Gauci sucks. He was billed as the next big thing in the announcement. Surprise it’s more BS
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Staff member
Nash. Constantly bringing gash keepers to the center coast.

Interesting rumours Gauci sucks. He was billed as the next big thing in the announcement. Surprise it’s more BS

Doubt they would say "here's our new keeper - he's shit too". But I agree with your point. :D

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Nash. Constantly bringing gash keepers to the center coast.

Interesting rumours Gauci sucks. He was billed as the next big thing in the announcement. Surprise it’s more BS
Nash needs to f**k off. Though given the discussion on basic skills lacking, it seems the same needs to be said for the entire coaching staff except MM
Hey fellas, just wondering - what are you still criticising MC for, given his spend has increased? Just wondering what your view is


Well-Known Member
Nash needs to f**k off.
Hey fellas, just wondering - what are you still criticising MC for, given his spend has increased? Just wondering what your view is
I think their view is too little too late and the Oar and McCormack signings seemed more like luck than good management. They mentioned for the years before this season "we got what we put in".

I hope we play well so the boys feel like doing another pod next week.


Well-Known Member
So far the Oar and McCormack signings haven't amounted to anything yet anyway ..
Agree, they were pointing out that is part because there was no real plan to go after these players, they just become available late in the piece and MC threw the money around. So both were not match fit and I agree with most on here we don't have the team to get the most out of Ross and tolerate/carry him for 90 mins. I still think MC only started throwing money at the squad again because the HAL is going to be independent soon. You could see Oar improving with fitness however our game plan and lack of mid field presence means Ross is a waste of money unfortunately and that may not change at all this season or unless we make a good purchase in Jan.

This season feels just like the previous after 5 rounds, I've started to think which two or three games will we jag a win on obtaining our second spoon in two seasons.


Well-Known Member
Agree, they were pointing out that is part because there was no real plan to go after these players, they just become available late in the piece and MC threw the money around. So both were not match fit and I agree with most on here we don't have the team to get the most out of Ross and tolerate/carry him for 90 mins. I still think MC only started throwing money at the squad again because the HAL is going to be independent soon. You could see Oar improving with fitness however our game plan and lack of mid field presence means Ross is a waste of money unfortunately and that may not change at all this season or unless we make a good purchase in Jan.

This season feels just like the previous after 5 rounds, I've started to think which two or three games will we jag a win on obtaining our second spoon in two seasons.

Yes - that was my feeling as well. Like you I hope that means we may see a true #10 to connect with Ross in January.


Well-Known Member
That anecdote about Okon reveals a lot about why it didn't work out for him at CCM. That's the kind of thing you could imagine happening in "Mike Bassett- England manager" and not an actual professional club. The most notable problem last season (as I've mentioned before) was attitude. They could be good enough to take 4 points off SFC (could so easily have been 2 wins from 3 if not for the mother of all missed tap-ins), yet poor enough to draw with City who were a man down for half an hour, and be outplayed by Adelaide who were a man and two goals down. This (coupled with getting tickled by some random on Twitter) does not reflect a good coach.

Biggest issue right now is not scoring enough goals. More goals, opposition goals matter less. Attitude plays a part in this too. Apparently of the 5 times where a side has come back from a 3-0 deficit in HAL history, CCM were the team who came back on 3 of those occasions. That's the hallmark of a team with a fighting spirit. Get that same type of enthusiasm in the squad and the technical deficiencies don't stand out so much.

I reckon there's a decent chance at getting a good result against SFC this weekend...


Well-Known Member
Nash. Constantly bringing gash keepers to the center coast.

Interesting rumours Gauci sucks. He was billed as the next big thing in the announcement. Surprise it’s more BS

Val Migliaccio who had watched him in the SANPL had big wraps on him. I haven't seen him play but he has had very limited game time since being signed. It would be no surprise if he was rusty,


Well-Known Member
Biggest issue right now is not scoring enough goals. More goals, opposition goals matter less.
I'm not sure that's entirely consistent with the facts. Have a look at this link
which is one of a few that investigate the relative value of scoring and conceding goals.
Most of these studies put the value of a clean sheet at between 2.4 and 2.7 points, and the one quoted equates a clean sheet to scoring 3 goals in terms of points gained.
I don't know if a similar analysis has been done for the A-League.

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
It's a depressing one.
We have a bit of a rant about the last two rounds.
At least it's not a long one.
Thanks for the truth guys now I am depressed again.

If Tommy H is not injured, MM must sort out whatever problems he has with him and get him playing, and not try and turn a silk purse into a sow's ear. A manager's job is to get the best out of each player so that the team fits together and functions. You do this by treating each as an individual, each with their own management needs. This is one of Arnie's strengths.

One of the teams biggest problems is transitioning from defence to attack. We have a great DM who can fill this gap who is not playing.

If he is injured say so, if not get it sorted. This is what a manager gets paid for.

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