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Worst movies *ever*


Well-Known Member
2001 A Space Odyssy the biggest piece of crap I`ve ever had to endure.
I was forced to watch it at school & it`s scarred me for life


Well-Known Member
The cable guy with jim carry so painfull not even Jesus could heal it just nauseating :poo::vomit:it nearly ruined his career


Well-Known Member
Birdemic and Birdemic 2.
You need to be surrounded by multiple friends and be exceptionally pissed to watch this.

Budget for first movie - $10,000
Budget for second movie - $60,000
and you can't tell the difference.

In terms of 'actual movies', Prom Night is the worst thing I've ever seen.


Staff member
actually tbf I haven't seen the whole thing, haven't been able to sit through the lot without wanting to throw the TV at something, or vice versa.


Dead Poets Society is a piss-take surely?

My nomination: Cloud Atlas "starring" Tom Hanks, Hugh Grant and Halle Berry. Don't make the mistake I did and think, "Good cast, should be a good movie..."


Well-Known Member
No love (/hate) for The Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones? They're pretty special for just how low a saga can sink.

Revenge of the Sith redeemed itself somewhat, but the others were just awful.

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