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Merged Thread - Danny Vukovic Red Card (outcome page 42)


Well-Known Member
thats why its a stupid ban for the sake of the FFA, i feel its more to punish the CCM then to punish Danny. Because Danny wouldve been awesome for the olympic side and he could be the difference between a medal or not IMO


Well-Known Member
Atomic said:
dibo said:
T said:
I get that he touched the Ref and thats bad, it just seems that they are trying to make up for all the other screw ups that have been made in the past.
Why choose NOW to make a stand. Why not next season???

then why ever...?

the injustice here won't be that danny gets punted, it's that not only did c**tface get away with his offence with only a yellow card, not only did he then go on to pretty well singlehandedly drag his team to the toilet seat and win the golden boot and JWM in the process, but the absolute f**king moron that failed to punt him for *the* sending off offence of all sending off offences continued to receive his weekly match and paypacket for the rest of the season, including a junket to the canary islands.

*that* is the injustice, that is the brick to swallow.

It's also the fact that Danny will be missing the chance to go to the Olympics. The same length of ban handed out to an older player wouldn't be as much as a punishment, so there is an injustice there.

sorry, what's unjust there? it's an unfortunate coincidence, but had this happened a year ago it would be no more or less just.

skilbeck said:
thats why its a stupid ban for the sake of the FFA, i feel its more to punish the CCM then to punish Danny. Because Danny wouldve been awesome for the olympic side and he could be the difference between a medal or not IMO
the rules apply whether the olympics are coming up or not. had danny been done for drugs or match fixing or brawling on the field, the same result would apply.

there's no anti coastie thing going on here, it's just a shit sandwich. life serves them up sometimes.


Well-Known Member
The latest delay is bordering on malicious cruelty by FFA.

Certainly they need to punish Danny, but this is getting ridiculous now.

As a qualified (but lapsed) referee from down in the lower divisions, I'd agree that Danny's actions should not be tolerated, and an example should be made (within reason). But FFA have been way, way over the top - first with the initial penalty, then the revised penalty, and now the delays.

They should apply some 'fair play' here, and get some perspective. The need to:

1. put Danny out of his misery, and
2. get on fixing the flawed system that allows a punch in the nuts rewarded, and a little 'love slap' savagely punished.
3. fix the system of refereeing that allows three refs and a fourth official with all their technology, miss, or fail to act on such a blatant handball.


Well-Known Member
I was actually saying that to someone the other day "wouldn't it be funny if they just kept delaying until September"


Well-Known Member
Omni said:
I was actually saying that to someone the other day "wouldn't it be funny if they just kept delaying until September"

LOL thats funny ............ you may be right ............ great post


Well-Known Member
Will his ban start from the day of the revised decision or the day off the red card? Because the longer the delay the more games he misses and thats just bs. I understand if the FFA do not want to look like total pratts handing down a 9 months ban the same week as the other football codes hand down 6 week bans for king hits but this is stupid and harsh. Danny shouldn't pay for the FFA's inconsistency. 


Well-Known Member
grecquemariner said:
Will his ban start from the day of the revised decision or the day off the red card? Because the longer the delay the more games he misses and thats just bs. I understand if the FFA do not want to look like total pratts handing down a 9 months ban the same week as the other football codes hand down 6 week bans for king hits but this is stupid and harsh. Danny shouldn't pay for the FFA's inconsistency. 

It will be the date he got sent off.


Well-Known Member
Thats alright then. The coach would be silly to choose him to participate in any team activities with his future still uncertain. Dam i just wish the decision was made already. 


Well-Known Member
So we should hear something Thursday night then? I get the feeling the FFA only have a single office that they have on a time-share basis. Seems like they will only discuss the matter for 4 hours per week.


Well-Known Member
Cockerill is saying in the Herald today that a decision will most likely be made in the next 48 hours.

I know we've heard it all before, but it must be getting close now, surely.

Regardless of the outcome, it will be good to finally (pending any CAS appeal) to put it behind us and move on.


Well-Known Member
Isn't FFA painted into a corner with this due to the timing of the Olympics and the A League season?

If they reduce the sentence to anything less than 6 months it equates to a 0 game suspension. That would leave them open to ridicule (probably on par to the ridicule they copped over the Griffiths affair).

The only way I can see Danny going to the Olympics is if the decision is over turned, didn't he plead guilty?

Or am I missing something?


Active Member
offtheball said:
Isn't FFA painted into a corner with this due to the timing of the Olympics and the A League season?

If they reduce the sentence to anything less than 6 months it equates to a 0 game suspension. That would leave them open to ridicule (probably on par to the ridicule they copped over the Griffiths affair).

The only way I can see Danny going to the Olympics is if the decision is over turned, didn't he plead guilty?

Or am I missing something?

Nope, I don't think you are, that's exactly what I've always thought, too. If he is to carry any ban into the A-League season - which he probably should - then he pretty much has to carry one for the Olympics, yeah? I guess.

I think the FFA might realise the penalty perhaps doesn't fit the crime and perhaps even know they made an initial harsh judgement entirely because of the presssure they came to bare in light of the Griffiths incident, but circumstances are making it difficult for them to find a way out of it without, as you say, effectively reducing the ban to zero. He's effectively been banned for 3 months, outside of the fact that the FFA could send it to FIFA and make it global and it just so happens to fall over the Olympics.

Also, I believe the FFA were following strict FIFA edicts by not overruling Breeze when he failed to red card Griffiths. FIFA seem very funny about that rule, they are seemingly totally against second guessing refs by imposing contradictory retrospective punishments. If you are not red carded, you can't be banned for the offense, no matter how ludicrous the ref's decision, lest you draw the wrath of Uncle Sepp.

I don't really see what the FFA could have done about this, they're kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place. Farked if I know, the whole thing sucks, I know that much, entirely because of chronic shit refereeing. I guess the best thing we can possibly hope for is that they say right, your ban is for the A-League only, but you can go to the Olympics. I can't see how that wouldn't look dumb, but they should just do it anyway. It seems no-one would care, every football fan in the country wants him to go to the Olympics, it could benefit him a lot, being one of our best prospects, it could benefit the NT and potentially even the game as a whole should we do well, it's waaay harsh under the circumstances....just put it into perspective and let him go FFS.


Well-Known Member
Rubbernose said:
offtheball said:
Isn't FFA painted into a corner with this due to the timing of the Olympics and the A League season?

If they reduce the sentence to anything less than 6 months it equates to a 0 game suspension. That would leave them open to ridicule (probably on par to the ridicule they copped over the Griffiths affair).

The only way I can see Danny going to the Olympics is if the decision is over turned, didn't he plead guilty?

Or am I missing something?

Nope, I don't think you are, that's exactly what I've always thought, too. If he is to carry any ban into the A-League season - which he probably should - then he pretty much has to carry one for the Olympics, yeah? I guess.

I think the FFA might realise the penalty perhaps doesn't fit the crime and perhaps even know they made an initial harsh judgement entirely because of the presssure they came to bare in light of the Griffiths incident, but circumstances are making it difficult for them to find a way out of it without, as you say, effectively reducing the ban to zero. He's effectively been banned for 3 months, outside of the fact that the FFA could send it to FIFA and make it global and it just so happens to fall over the Olympics.

Also, I believe the FFA were following strict FIFA edicts by not overruling Breeze when he failed to red card Griffiths. FIFA seem very funny about that rule, they are seemingly totally against second guessing refs by imposing contradictory retrospective punishments. If you are not red carded, you can't be banned for the offense, no matter how ludicrous the ref's decision, lest you draw the wrath of Uncle Sepp.

I don't really see what the FFA could have done about this, they're kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place. Farked if I know, the whole thing sucks, I know that much, entirely because of chronic shit refereeing. I guess the best thing we can possibly hope for is that they say right, your ban is for the A-League only, but you can go to the Olympics. I can't see how that wouldn't look dumb, but they should just do it anyway. It seems no-one would care, every football fan in the country wants him to go to the Olympics, it could benefit him a lot, being one of our best prospects, it could benefit the NT and potentially even the game as a whole should we do well, it's waaay harsh under the circumstances....just put it into perspective and let him go FFS.

fortunately the FFA are not making the decision on this case because it has gone to the second appeal process

those deciding danny's future have no connection to the FFA and are made up of lawyers and ex-players


Well-Known Member
Rubbernose said:
offtheball said:
Isn't FFA painted into a corner with this due to the timing of the Olympics and the A League season?

If they reduce the sentence to anything less than 6 months it equates to a 0 game suspension. That would leave them open to ridicule (probably on par to the ridicule they copped over the Griffiths affair).

The only way I can see Danny going to the Olympics is if the decision is over turned, didn't he plead guilty?

Or am I missing something?

Nope, I don't think you are, that's exactly what I've always thought, too. If he is to carry any ban into the A-League season - which he probably should - then he pretty much has to carry one for the Olympics, yeah? I guess.

I think the FFA might realise the penalty perhaps doesn't fit the crime and perhaps even know they made an initial harsh judgement entirely because of the presssure they came to bare in light of the Griffiths incident, but circumstances are making it difficult for them to find a way out of it without, as you say, effectively reducing the ban to zero. He's effectively been banned for 3 months, outside of the fact that the FFA could send it to FIFA and make it global and it just so happens to fall over the Olympics.

Also, I believe the FFA were following strict FIFA edicts by not overruling Breeze when he failed to red card Griffiths. FIFA seem very funny about that rule, they are seemingly totally against second guessing refs by imposing contradictory retrospective punishments. If you are not red carded, you can't be banned for the offense, no matter how ludicrous the ref's decision, lest you draw the wrath of Uncle Sepp.

I don't really see what the FFA could have done about this, they're kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place. Farked if I know, the whole thing sucks, I know that much, entirely because of chronic shit refereeing. I guess the best thing we can possibly hope for is that they say right, your ban is for the A-League only, but you can go to the Olympics. I can't see how that wouldn't look dumb, but they should just do it anyway. It seems no-one would care, every football fan in the country wants him to go to the Olympics, it could benefit him a lot, being one of our best prospects, it could benefit the NT and potentially even the game as a whole should we do well, it's waaay harsh under the circumstances....just put it into perspective and let him go FFS.

Maybe the answer is the ban will start from after the Olympics ......... FIFA ........ rules allow you to be sent off in champions league and not in local league.

Maybe they are looking to see if Olympics ............. is a different league ......... or .......... if the ban can start at the end of the Olympics .......... this may mean we would loose Danny for a greater period than now if the ban applied from after the Olympics.

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