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Mariner stuff not worthy of a whole thread

Nik Mrdjas Disco Bikkie

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Well-Known Member
This whole Vanuatu thing gives me a bad feeling.... Can't articulate why, just seems off
Big money grab I think. We need money. Vanuatu offered us money to go over there and sign their captain. Hopefully they are essentially paying his contract by the money we're getting from them. I don't think there is anything "off" about it, it's just a cash making opportunity. What to you mean by "off"?


Well-Known Member
Big money grab I think. We need money. Vanuatu offered us money to go over there and sign their captain. Hopefully they are essentially paying his contract by the money we're getting from them. I don't think there is anything "off" about it, it's just a cash making opportunity. What to you mean by "off"?
Yeh I guess just a cash grab from one of the poorest countries in the South Pacific just doesn't sit well with me.

I can see it's doing alot of good for their community and getting fans in other regions, but still get a weird feeling.


Well-Known Member
Yeh I guess just a cash grab from one of the poorest countries in the South Pacific just doesn't sit well with me.

I can see it's doing alot of good for their community and getting fans in other regions, but still get a weird feeling.

You can’t imagine their FA, who is footing the bill, would have that much money. Wyoming FC recently donated them a heap of playing strips.


Well-Known Member
I also don’t think they are footing the bill. On Socials it looks to be a good bonding experience and with the result not so sure about a good training experience. Could be the WC money? Who knows.


Well-Known Member
I also don’t think they are footing the bill. On Socials it looks to be a good bonding experience and with the result not so sure about a good training experience. Could be the WC money? Who knows.
Monty said something on one of the podcasts that sounded like they were footing the bill.

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