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Hutcho is gone - Long live Hutcho


Well-Known Member

CLUB STATEMENT: Mariners part ways with John Hutchinson

Central Coast Mariners Club Statement
Monday, 29 August 2016 -
The Central Coast Mariners wish to advise its Members, fans and the media that the club has parted ways with Assistant Coach, John Hutchinson effective immediately.
Hutchinson who has been with the Mariners as both a player and coach since the club’s inception has reached a mutual agreement with the club that will see him pursue other opportunities.

John Hutchinson thanked the Central Coast Mariners for an incredible 12-year-journey that saw the Morwell Pegasus junior make 228 Hyundai A-League appearances headlined by captaining the Yellow & Navy to its maiden Championship in 2013.

“I have been really happy and grateful to be a part of the Central Coast Mariners for the past 12 years, it’s something I’ll treasure for a long time and I’m just looking forward to the next chapter and where it takes me,” Hutchinson said.

“The club needs to move forward and all I want is what’s best for the club and hopefully as a club we can move up the ladder and have a more successful season.

“If we stay on the Coast I will come to all of the Mariners games, my son is a massive Mariners fan and football is a massive part of my life so of course I will come and watch the Mariners play.

“But whether I stay on the Coast or not will be based on the next chapter of the life of a football coach that hopefully continues and I look forward to the next step in that journey.

“I will be able to take a bit of a break, spend the weekend with my family which is something that I haven’t done in a long time, we will reassess and go from there.

“I’ve been grateful for the opportunities that this club has given me as a player for 10 years then as a coach for a season and a bit.

“The Members & fans have been incredible, to see their smiling faces after games and after we won the Grand Final has been the pinnacle of my career.

“I just want people to remember the good times, not the bad times. I’ve always loved the fans – even the ones that have given me stick and I look forward to seeing the club move up the ladder,” Hutchinson said.

- See more at: http://www.ccmariners.com.au/articl...xdbf2v448q5118x0hjeqam6o#sthash.7uit2IGO.dpuf
Read more at http://www.ccmariners.com.au/articl...sxdbf2v448q5118x0hjeqam6o#AytzTiFstdYzuSJu.99


Well-Known Member
Hutch will be better for this I believe. Emotion aside - he's been the heart and soul of the club for a long time - his coaching skills will be honed cutting his teeth elsewhere in an unfamiliar environment.

It also allows the new regime a fresh slate to really change the status quo at our club.

So I'm sad he's been given the golden handshake, so to speak - but I think this is in the best interests for both parties. And Hutch even seems comfortable with it given the comments in the release.


Well-Known Member
Im sure it will be a polarising decision, but personally the decision fills me with more confidence in the Okon appointment. This shows he isnt just a yes man who was happy for a gig, but in fact dictacted some terms for his appointment.
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Well-Known Member
Sad day. I hope though that some good will come of this and a Paolo/? dream coaching team is here for a few seasons to get us back to where we need to be.
As for Hutcho, club legend. There's not much more else you can say. Hope it all works out for him with whatever he pursues and that he gets to stay on the Coast.


Well-Known Member
Im sure it will be a polarising decision, but personally the decision fills me with more confidence in the Okon decision. This shows he isnt just a yes man who was happy for a gig, but in fact dictacted some terms for his appointment.

You would say that - wouldn't you ;)


Well-Known Member
It's sad to see a club legend leave but at least we still have kwasaldinho but he's probably waiting on a call from arnie lol.


Well-Known Member
As I said on another thread - this decision may have been made 3 weeks ago - before Okon had the top job. Whatever the background it will be sad to see Hutch go - a true stalwart and legend epitomised in his farewell statement:-

“The club needs to move forward and all I want is what’s best for the club and hopefully as a club we can move up the ladder and have a more successful season.

As a long-tem fan and sometime critic I just would like to echo his sentiments and say all I for him is what’s best for the him and his family and hopefully as he moves forward he can have many successful seasons to come. (As long as it is not with the scummers :eek:)



Well-Known Member
Plan for Hutch.
Go to CCMA. Win promotion to NPL1 and go from there. One day we're going to be 'between coaches' as they say, and he'll be the obvious choice - the prodigal son returning.

Likewise, can see him going north of Swansea to the NNSW PS4 NPL as he has an extremely close bond/relationship with Lawrie.

With McKinna's new powerbase as CEO of the Jets and the subsequent influence that can come from it, a strong recommendation from LM for a position with one of the Hunter NPL clubs isn't least unlikely.

Googling Newy real-estate as we speak. ;)


Well-Known Member
Really sorry to see Hutcho finishing up. Perhaps the last of the Club's 'true believers'.

So many that were the 'heart and soul' of the Club are now gone (Hutcho, Lawrie, Simon, etc.). It will be interesting to see where the culture of the Club will now end up without such individuals that bleed yellow and blue.

Big challenge for 'Paulo' and the suits I think.


Well-Known Member
Hutcho said:
I’ve always loved the fans – even the ones that have given me stick and I look forward to seeing the club move up the ladder,” Hutchinson said.

This for me shows he's maturation as a player and then becoming a Coach.

It took him a while to figure out that people can criticise you as player but still love you for pulling on the Yellow & Blue.

When he figured that out, he actually became a better player and thoroughly earned/deserved the Captains armband despite Arnie intially telling him he could look for another club when GA first arrived.


Well-Known Member
I'm so glad that Hutcho didn't spit the dummy and go elsewhere, way back then. He stayed and fought to prove himself and truly defined what it means to be 'a Mariner'.

It made that Grand Final win all the more sweeter for us all, but most certainly for him, having fought his way to get there.

How can you not respect that!

Hutcho, you can leave the place with your head held high because you'll never be forgotten for what you've done for our club
..... how can we, you were good enough to have a trophy perpetually awarded in your name:

"The John Hutchinson Clubman of the Year"
...... :tophat: that say's it all.
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Well-Known Member
Absolutely love the way that this man has played for, represented and helped coach our club. The way he has acted on behalf of us shows his true character. I will miss him from the club and I hope to see him back as head coach in the future.

Thank you John for every moment!

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Club legends and coaching don't go together very well.

Good luck. Club didn't owe him anything in his coaching role. If anything they taught him the best lesson, coaches come and go easier than players.

What part he played in last seasons shamozzle we don't really know.

Interesting that club says must use these players, must do this and that but presumably have allowed Okon to bring his own in..

Thanks for all your efforts
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Hutch, bled yellow .... he was a large part of that special spirit others held us in awe of, a way back.

With the change in coaches that spirit somehow slipped away, but I don't think Hutch ever lost it.

Sad to see him go and wish him well in the future.... never the best player but arguably had the biggest heart.

Good luck Hutch ... don't make a stranger of yourself///

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