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CCM Fans and the club

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Well-Known Member
I think Mike is going to ask for shareholders to invest more. I'm going for the angle that he wants to deliver on his promise of a competitive team this year and is not relying on the ffa grant to do it.

I don't buy that. You might be able to get some money from Williams & the Kings, but I suspect it wouldn't be enough to make a meaningful difference.


Well-Known Member
However, I'm surprised of this conflict of interest. How can a CEO of one entity be a shareholder of a competitor?

It didn't seem to be much of a problem for Lyall Gorman with WSW, and it wouldn't surprise me if he's involved in some way with the "Southern Expansion" bid.


Well-Known Member
Could be something to this.
I think Mike is going to ask for shareholders to invest more. I'm going for the angle that he wants to deliver on his promise of a competitive team this year and is not relying on the ffa grant to do it.
It also wouldn't be out of the ordinary for a request like this to come with the threat of him packing up his bat and ball and f**king off.
Sort of, this is about our survival on the coast. If the Aleague operating model changes to self regulation and is coupled by the investment by large cashed up organisations then we need to change. Our crowds would need to improve, local investment would need to be realised, we would need to spend the cap and add both Aussie, overseas and youth marque's. We would need to run like the FC's, Victory's etc i.e thoroughly professional. I hate to say it but it appears that our mates up the road have the jump on us. The Nix may save us initially. The A-league franchises will have a financial interest in how all clubs perform, there will be no compassion or loyalty. Being labelled the little club that bats above will be a deathnell. I'd say the owner knows this and is preparing the fight. Make no mistake the big companies would take our licence in a heartbeat and move the club to where it makes sense for them. I wish Mike the best of luck.

Big Al

Well-Known Member
That's Mariners FC Developments Pty Ltd, which owns the CoE and the majority stake in the club.

Here's the current shareholders of Central Coast Mariners FC Pty Ltd (doesn't add up to 100% due to rounding):
  • Mariners FC Developments Pty Ltd - 72.28%
  • CCMFC Pty Ltd - 9.35% (sole shareholder Alan Williams)
  • Afrelen Pty Ltd - 7.22% (shareholders David & Marie King)
  • Done Nominees Pty Ltd - 2.88%
  • Ian Kiernan - 2.16%
  • Brian Sewell - 1.44%
  • McKinna Investments Pty Ltd - 0.90%
  • Lawrie McKinna - 0.90%
  • Jerry Raterman - 0.72%
  • Andrew Sylvester - 0.72%
  • Central Coast Football - 0.72%
  • Scott Higginbotham - 0.72%
  • Lyall Gorman - 1 share
At what date was that at? Is that recently or couple years ago etc


Well-Known Member
I was reading on another thread the interplay between Wombat and BG, where Wombat asked BG if something he wrote was sexist.

It got me thinking - is BG the only female that reads this forum? There are at least forty readers / contributors (from the response to the survey on Monty), with BG being the only one I can identify as female.

Of course this is of no consequence, but it sparked my interest. Are there any other females on the forum?


Well-Known Member
I was reading on another thread the interplay between Wombat and BG, where Wombat asked BG if something he wrote was sexist.

It got me thinking - is BG the only female that reads this forum? There are at least forty readers / contributors (from the response to the survey on Monty), with BG being the only one I can identify as female.

Of course this is of no consequence, but it sparked my interest. Are there any other females on the forum?

BG is a fantastic Mariners fan. Her and her Hubby bleed yellow. She is smart as well with a wicked sense of humour.
If Bikini told me i was out of line i would immediately pull my head in.
I know i push it sometimes but if the likes of BG or Midfielder tell me to behave .....i would listen instantly.

Fruitbat's wife used to post but i dont think too many ladies do. Great post as usual FD.


Well-Known Member
Could be something to this.
I think Mike is going to ask for shareholders to invest more. I'm going for the angle that he wants to deliver on his promise of a competitive team this year and is not relying on the ffa grant to do it.
It also wouldn't be out of the ordinary for a request like this to come with the threat of him packing up his bat and ball and f**king off.

I think this may be a good summation. While the claim is the club is $9m in debt it may be that Mariners FC Developments Pty Ltd (Mike) has only recouped a certain percentage of his borrowings to build the COE and it is that entity that has the debt. The stall waiting on the alternate traffic access for the next stages cannot be helping.

Obviously this is all speculation based on a rather spurious source but there may be a kernel of truth buried in there somewhere (even if it is possibly been misrepresented) The major shareholder is going to be here for the Mariners Medal, it is the right time for a review of the season and to plan for next season, an EGM is probably something that would be appropriate at this time.

It was reported some time ago (probably around the time that the FFA were talking up a $100m a season TV deal) that the owners were told their grant would be about $5M. If the plans for next season were based on that then there will be a shortfall of $1.75M. Mike may be asking for the other shareholders to stump up just short of a combine $500,000 to contribute to that (while pointing to the fact that he is doing all the heavy lifting).

Alternatively he may be asking for more funds from the other shareholders to retire a bit of the debt in exchange for an increase in shareholding or indeed it may be a combination of both.

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
I own a third of some companies and cant get them to operate as i would like. 2% is miniscule.

Agree. Furthermore, these are just sweetner amounts almost certainly for people who went above and beyond in their service or were taking cuts to come aboard or both etc.

Silly to think they must either relinquish them or never take another job in football administration.
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Big Al

Well-Known Member
Agree. Furthermore, these are juat sweetner amounts almost certainly for people who went above and beyond in their service or were taking cuts to come aboard or both etc.

Silly to think they must either relinquish them or never take another job in football administration.
Agreed it's not much different to holding 500 nrma shares but there are precedents in other sports specifically overseas of people having to sell there shares before accepting certain positions. I wonder if he told the jets.

Agree it's completely trivial but Jets fans would be spewing if they knew what a share was


Well-Known Member
Agreed it's not much different to holding 500 nrma shares but there are precedents in other sports specifically overseas of people having to sell there shares before accepting certain positions. I wonder if he told the jets.

Agree it's completely trivial but Jets fans would be spewing if they knew what a share was

Scummers know what a share is.....:"f**k off Davo, I put $50 of my centrelink in today. Make sure i get my fair share of that Oz bro"

true believer

Well-Known Member
Hi Style_cafe
Yes we are pushing hard to not get any back to back matches next season, whilst we also did this last season we still ended up with back to back games on three occasions. Often this is caused by the away teams availability as once they lock in specific match ups such as Derbies for the broadcaster the Sunday afternoon matches get lumped with whats left.
In regards to the stadium management rights we have been told that the council will look to make the upgrades that we offered to do to the venue as part of the offer we proposed and as such they have essentially rejected our offer for the time being as they look to improve their own operations. However they are yet to confirm this in writing or publicly inform the community. With a new council elections due in September I am sure the community will cast a firm eye to this one to ensure the best outcome for everyone is achieved.
G'day shaun as we would all like to see a mariners friendly mayor elected . Is there any canidate for us to back ?
I would wager this site has a fair amount
Electoral experience .that could help get someone who has our goals in mind.
September is not far away .
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