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2020/21 Season


Well-Known Member
I could not make it because of illness. That sounds like a decent crowd given the circumstances. Personally i'm glad we don't have a home game for a while. It gives me time to recover

Shaun Mielekamp

Well-Known Member
Probably not - Shaun said while we are 'allowed' 50% capacity, the stadium is really only set up with social distancing for 35% - around 7000.
This is correct, legally we are aloowed to get to 50% however to get the seating done properly with social distancing it does leave us around the 35% mark. We will continue to assess the situation as it evolves with the government restrictions, safety first and members will always get priority.


Well-Known Member
This is correct, legally we are aloowed to get to 50% however to get the seating done properly with social distancing it does leave us around the 35% mark. We will continue to assess the situation as it evolves with the government restrictions, safety first and members will always get priority.

I, for one, am very appreciative of the efforts you and team have made for ensuring a safe venue at Central Coast Stadium.

I was aghast yesterday at how little social distancing between spectators there were at Campbelltown and how the vast majority of people were not wearing masks.


Well-Known Member
I, for one, am very appreciative of the efforts you and team have made for ensuring a safe venue at Central Coast Stadium.

I was aghast yesterday at how little social distancing between spectators there were at Campbelltown and how the vast majority of people were not wearing masks.
I went to Macarthur Square before the game and approx 70% of people were wearing masks.
Also, coming into the ground a lot of people were wearing masks.However,the recommendation as it stood was to wear a mask into & when walking around the ground but it was ok to remove them whilst seated and watching the game.
My family actually moved seats to social distance during the game.
I`m glad I did, as the fist pumps and woohoos!!! when DDS scored didn`t endure me to the crowd...:popcorn:

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