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The official all-purpose trolling bogan scum thread


Well-Known Member
I dunno, signing Joel Griffiths would be good for the lols. People north of Swansea would go to pieces so hard John Hunter will be overflowing with shrapnel casualties.
Not sure about that. I think his glory days with the faithful are gone. They won't really miss him, neither will the team - he's done sfa for them this season apart from getting sent off after the final whistle in his first game back.
On a serious note (I know you weren't serious) if he joined CCM, I'd immediately burn my supporters gear and never darken the portals of CCS again.


Well-Known Member
I can't get my head around the decision making that has lead to this. Not only did they get rid of the coaches, they got rid of the players. Who is calling the shots? What the hecky heck is happening? Who in their right mind or even in their wrong mind thought this was a good idea?


Well-Known Member
As per the ground announcer last weekend, "He's moving onto bigger and better things".

I suppose for a Media Manager the jets crisis is going to be a much bigger and better event than anything he has had to handle at the Mariners.


Well-Known Member
may just be rumour but didn't someone say Ando asked for a release... if he wants out to the jets I'd happily take Jaliens in replacement

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