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You know you grew up on the Central Coast when...



ponno said:
the excitement on the bus on the way home from school when we found out hungry jacks was opening at wyoming... we would have somewhere cool to 'hang'....

Sad just sad..what a let down


Well-Known Member
Bearinator said:
You know the bottom pub at the Entrance is ok, the top pub is not.

I actually prefer the top pub (near Coles) to the bottom pub (Near the bridge) Our firm goes out @ 1pm every Friday for lunch, & every time I have eaten at the bottom pub, I have found the food just edible and very over-priced ($18 for a hamburger) while at the Top Pub, while it looks a bit run down, the service is great, the food is great & the prices are great - $9.50 for a hamburger. Fancy lettuce must be expensive these days....  $8.50 per leaf by the looks of it.

Guess where I'm going tomorrow :D Top Pub!!!


Just noticed this thread after seeing it mentioned elsewhere and the similar content in the Tele today.

Love the memories this thread has created and the days of :

Sun night - Gosford Bowlo
Wed nigtht  Aquatic Club
Fri night - prepare for Sat and Sun
Sat      - Avoca Bowlo
Sun arvo - Kincumber Pub

the good/bad days of drink driving and driving home on quiet "country" roads with your lights off and sometimes one of your mates on top hanging on the roof racks!!!

Who said youth today are worst than us - I know my son is better behaved at the same age than i was!


Well-Known Member
ponno said:
... i loved going shopping with mum to big fresh and pressing all the buttons to make the fruit dance and sing...

Those dancing fruit are now inside morisset mega market, and they still dance :)


Well-Known Member
Here's one:

...the first time you heard of a fish taco you thought it was a sexual euphemism, but once you tasted one you've never looked back.


Well-Known Member
Wed night - Aquatic Club
Thurs night - Aquatic Club
Fri night - Aquatic Club
Sat night - Aquatic Club
Sun arvo - Sailing Club

Had a unit on the Gosford waterfront at the time!

Also....fishing on the middle pylon of the old Gosford railway bridge & dodging the trains to get there and climb down.


Well-Known Member
Plus you remember when there was only one lane each way to the freeway from Peats Ridge
to Gosford!


Well-Known Member
Bearinator said:
Cant say I know what your on about there mate.....
Yeah, that's because they don't sell them in Gosford. I'm not saying if you've never heard of them you can't be from the coast, just that if you have then you probably are.

You used to get Fish Tacos from the Snapper Spot at Terrigal, now Darron's at Wamberal is the place.
Some Wamby guys also sell them from food stalls at music festivals such as Blues & Roots, Splendour, Falls, Woodford, Pete's Ridge.


Well-Known Member
I saw a fish taco being made on a cooking show once.  When I first heard the name, I thought it sounded awful, but i reckon it wouldn't be too bad.



Well-Known Member
fish taco just sounds wrong.

'haw haw I shoo yoo mi salami and i see yoo fish taco'


New Member
My dad (was a redcoat and convict depending on the day) and my uncle (tractor ride driver) used to work at Old Sydney Town and I was there almost every weekend if not every 2nd weekend (sometimes dressed as a convict kid pestering the Redcoats). My dad had the cannon blow up in his face before he stopped working there. The explosion peppered his face with gun powder which remained under his skin until he passed away.
I worked at OST too and really miss it, they are trying to bring it back. I hope they do as this generation need some more education in Aust history.
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