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The COVID Chat


Active Member
Ok I moved some stuff out of the CCM Fans and the Club thread - thought about simply deleting it but if this is stuff that is on instagram and publicly out there for discussion, why not?
Thanks mate. Sorry for derailing the chat.


Well-Known Member
My brother lives in the UK so I know what people are experiencing there first hand. You don't want to catch this thing.

The vaccines are not without their own risks, some of the science they're using is unproven and they are not a silver bullet, but if you catch covid and are unvaccinated there's a strong possibility you're in for a really really bad time.

A friend i grew up with and his wife both caught it in London in March 2020. Some of her sense of smell has still not returned and he gets tired very easily. Neither were vaccinated at the time as there was no vax available then.

I respect people's right to choose, for some people i think it's going to take them knowing someone that's had it before they'll be convinced. I know people that have had it, i got vaccinated.

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
I am sick of hearing that people "have a right to choose".

We all live in a society where there are rules laid down for the benefit of all.
You do not have the right to choose whether you will pay tax or not.
You do not have the right to choose when taking banned drugs.
You do not have the right to choose what side of the road you drive on.
Society selects what rights an individual has through the process of government and laws.

Pirate Pete

Well-Known Member
My brother lives in the UK so I know what people are experiencing there first hand. You don't want to catch this thing.

The vaccines are not without their own risks, some of the science they're using is unproven and they are not a silver bullet, but if you catch covid and are unvaccinated there's a strong possibility you're in for a really really bad time.

A friend i grew up with and his wife both caught it in London in March 2020. Some of her sense of smell has still not returned and he gets tired very easily. Neither were vaccinated at the time as there was no vax available then.

I respect people's right to choose, for some people i think it's going to take them knowing someone that's had it before they'll be convinced. I know people that have had it, i got vaccinated.
Have a listen to to the Long Covdid podcast.
You definitely do not want to catch it.
My sister & her husband in the UK have both had it. Both seem to have fully recovered.


Well-Known Member
In the context of football, your right to choose might be choose to get vax and play in the team, choose not to get vax and don't get to play.

Unethical to mandate injecting something into someone's body. You don't own them.

What happens if it turns out to be another thalidomide and you forced them to have it?


Well-Known Member
Of course we each have a right to choose whether or not we have any vaccine, just as we do with influenza and countless others. Yes the risks from COViD may be significant and vaccination may improve your chances of reducing its effects if you become infected, so that’s what each of us have to take into consideration.

In my opinion, mandating any form of medication or medical procedure is just plain wrong, regardless of the circumstances as it simply crosses the civil liberties line.

A great many people in history have fought and died to protect our right to choose and so we should all be respectful of that. Don’t hate on those who are reluctant to be vaccinated if you have chosen to, just remember it’s their right.


Well-Known Member
Anyway - knocking someone in the change-room for being fully vaccinated and wearing a mask isn't really model behaviour.
Really bad behaviour, often it's not even about the person with the mask, they're thinking about protecting their vulnerable family member at home. Imagine how traumatic it would be for someone like Kye if he passed it on to his mum.

Not a good sign for the season ahead if there's already discord in the dressing room. Contentious subject but you've got to respect other people's opinions and comply with health rules, especially when you're a team.

Pirate Pete

Well-Known Member
Sky News isn't what I'd watch, but I saw this elsewhere.

FFS, wear a mask and get jabbed people.

And I thought the numbers would be lower today. Less people being tested due to the rain.


Well-Known Member
The PFA are driving vaccination and organising education for the players :popcorn:
It's clear which side they're pushing and it's the right stance, however hypothetically (but plausibly) if VIC & QLD said for workers (including A league teams) to travel there they must be double vaxxed and show their vaccine passport and a player refuses to vaccinate that puts them in a spot where they may need to represent a player with whom they dont agree.

The club might wish to terminate the contract of a player who won't be able to make it to 6 (give or take) games due to their stance, I'm sure the player would expect the PFA to act on their behalf should they want to stay.

I have a feeling things might head in that direction before the end of the year especially if Sydney goes with let it rip and other states are able to keep their cases down or at zero. Could be a big challenge for the league.


Well-Known Member
In the context of football, your right to choose might be choose to get vax and play in the team, choose not to get vax and don't get to play.

Unethical to mandate injecting something into someone's body. You don't own them.

What happens if it turns out to be another thalidomide and you forced them to have it?

I love how thalidomide is always used as an example for people not to use vaccines. It’s like saying I refuse to have any builders build my house because of some bad building work causing houses to collapse in the US in the 70s, as building practices were different back then.

These vaccines are not experimental and we probably know more about them than most medicines we have. mRNA and Vector Virus vaccines have been used and studied for decades now. The SARS Covid vaccine have been in development for twenty years now. There are now millions of patient years of safety data available. More safety data than most medications. We know through decades of vaccine research that there is not likely to be any new safety signals in the medium or long term that we don’t know now.

By the way, Thalidomide is now being used successfully as a blood cancer medication for multiple myeloma.


Well-Known Member
They started working on these vaccines when the original covid became a thing 20 odd years ago. The Polio vaccine guy worked for that long on his (Salk??)

This brand snobbery/fear is 100% at the feet of that smug corrupt PM - he needed to keep his mouth shut - who asks the brand of their flu shot? No one
That assumes one gets a flu shot mate.

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