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Mariners Squad 2023/2024


Well-Known Member
He has played twice from memory. The Asian Cup game he was terrible but he might just have been overawed. It’s nice to be romantic but i prefer to be a bit more pragmatic.
played in the Australia Cup round of 32 against the aerial shits last year.


Well-Known Member
Can’t see him sticking around. Pretty clearly out of favour in the back end of the season.
Yeah Jacko made it very clear where he stands on some players. DWH, Wilson and Jing towards the end. I’d be surprised if those 3 are here next season. Jing did have some positive moments tbf though.
The interesting ones are Noah Smith and Kuzi because of their injuries. I hope Kuzi is kept around so Doka never has to play RB again. Given we’ve signed mauragis, smiths spot is in jeopardy if fazz doesn’t leave.


Well-Known Member
I would have to review the goals that have come from our right side.
And the goals we have conceeded.

However I believe Doka’s assists and goals have come more so from when playing at right back.

As our tactic is to absorb in the first half and wait for opposition to lose concentration, so may just be conincidence due to the game plan but if we go with a different ‘style’ next year and recruit well.

We may see storm used as the bench utility if we can pick up a right mid that compliments edmo, etc.


Well-Known Member
I would have to review the goals that have come from our right side.
And the goals we have conceeded.

However I believe Doka’s assists and goals have come more so from when playing at right back.

As our tactic is to absorb in the first half and wait for opposition to lose concentration, so may just be conincidence due to the game plan but if we go with a different ‘style’ next year and recruit well.

We may see storm used as the bench utility if we can pick up a right mid that compliments edmo, etc.
Doka had a poor GF as RM. We played him further up the park out of neccesity but i would expect him to go back to FB.

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