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    ccmfans.net is the Central Coast Mariners fan community, and was formed in 2004, so basically the beginning of time for the Mariners. Things have changed a lot over the years, but one thing has remained constant and that is our love of the Mariners. People come and go, some like to post a lot and others just like to read. It's up to you how you participate in the community!

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    ccmfans.net is not only for Mariners fans either. Most of us are bonded by our support for the Mariners, but if you are a fan of another club (except the Scum, come on, we need some standards), feel free to join and get into some banter.

Mariners fans in other places ...


Well-Known Member
Ok this is the best i can offer. this is me in Las Vegas.



Well-Known Member
My only regret is I didnt take some Scum merchandise with me to shoot at. It would have made a great rebuttal to the epic fail you tube video of some scummers trying to burn a mariners flag.


Well-Known Member

Turns out I actually did get a photo taken in Mariners gear in Hong Kong (this may or may not have been where parts of Batman were filmed - I am not at all a geek  :p)


Well-Known Member
how old is this picture james???

your jersey still has the logos on it..... jersey we've seen you get around in certainly does not.

or do you keep this one for special occasions??


Well-Known Member
Alicia said:
how old is this picture james???

your jersey still has the logos on it..... jersey we've seen you get around in certainly does not.

or do you keep this one for special occasions??

Hahaha, no no, the logo's were inadvertantly removed after I got back  - that photo was taken in September.


Well-Known Member
serious14 said:
Alicia said:
how old is this picture james???

your jersey still has the logos on it..... jersey we've seen you get around in certainly does not.

or do you keep this one for special occasions??

Hahaha, no no, the logo's were inadvertantly removed after I got back  - that photo was taken in September.

WTF have you done to your jersey in 3 months for the logos to disappear!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Alicia said:
serious14 said:
Alicia said:
how old is this picture james???

your jersey still has the logos on it..... jersey we've seen you get around in certainly does not.

or do you keep this one for special occasions??

Hahaha, no no, the logo's were inadvertantly removed after I got back  - that photo was taken in September.

WTF have you done to your jersey in 3 months for the logos to disappear!!!!!!!!!!

Nipples don't rub themselves Alicia  ;D


Well-Known Member
dru said:
Alicia said:
serious14 said:
Alicia said:
how old is this picture james???

your jersey still has the logos on it..... jersey we've seen you get around in certainly does not.

or do you keep this one for special occasions??

Hahaha, no no, the logo's were inadvertantly removed after I got back  - that photo was taken in September.

WTF have you done to your jersey in 3 months for the logos to disappear!!!!!!!!!!

Nipples don't rub themselves Alicia  ;D

No, it just actually got washed for the first time..... :D


Well-Known Member
dru said:
Alicia said:
serious14 said:
Alicia said:
how old is this picture james???

your jersey still has the logos on it..... jersey we've seen you get around in certainly does not.

or do you keep this one for special occasions??

Hahaha, no no, the logo's were inadvertantly removed after I got back  - that photo was taken in September.

WTF have you done to your jersey in 3 months for the logos to disappear!!!!!!!!!!

Nipples don't rub themselves Alicia  ;D

Power nipples ftw!!!!  (seriously though, I put it in the dryer one day without realising)

Ranyen - funny.  Very funny.  *glares*


Well-Known Member
dru said:
Alicia said:
serious14 said:
Alicia said:
how old is this picture james???

your jersey still has the logos on it..... jersey we've seen you get around in certainly does not.

or do you keep this one for special occasions??

Hahaha, no no, the logo's were inadvertantly removed after I got back  - that photo was taken in September.

WTF have you done to your jersey in 3 months for the logos to disappear!!!!!!!!!!

Nipples don't rub themselves Alicia  ;D

I wish work had a sick bay  :'(


Well-Known Member
Alicia said:
dru said:
Alicia said:
serious14 said:
Alicia said:
how old is this picture james???

your jersey still has the logos on it..... jersey we've seen you get around in certainly does not.

or do you keep this one for special occasions??

Hahaha, no no, the logo's were inadvertantly removed after I got back  - that photo was taken in September.

WTF have you done to your jersey in 3 months for the logos to disappear!!!!!!!!!!

Nipples don't rub themselves Alicia  ;D

I wish work had a sick bay   :'(

Use it as an excuse for early release :)... I plan to


Well-Known Member
Spreading the word ... Victoria, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada


In Vancouver I met a Vancouver Whitecaps fan who was very interested in what team my football shirt was for! He was more excited about a visit by Everton than the Caps season.

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
Melsy - One step said:
Just a few of me around England.


I had lots of fun taking pics with the scarf. When i find more i will post.

How "big" is John Terry?
Lucky you had your trusty Mariners scarf at hand!



Well-Known Member
had a cracker one in my mothers old house in hilversum holland, but alas a jumper is covering it!

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