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i hate refs


Well-Known Member
There was only one man with the whistle tonight, and A-League referees do not reflect the abilities of other referees (or even other A-League referees)


Well-Known Member
Everytime Matthew Breeze refs a Mariners game there is controversy. Then as soon as he's not there, the Mariners either play well and win or are out-done by the other team. If you have to lose a game, I know which way is better to lose.

It really reminds me of Parramatta and Greg Hartley in the late '70s, except I don't see the Mariners ever winning a Grand Final with Breeze in charge.


Well-Known Member
I have a facebook page - A league soccer referees need to go back to training... http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6366399994 visit and join if you want?!?!??!


Well-Known Member
The standard of refs in this league is not up to scratch.
Last night watching you guys and newcastle.
The refs abuse the use of yellow cards Way too musch. FFS you can't even do a hard tackle without getting booked. This has been happending all season with every single game.
Then you got the lines mans, last night with aloisi was one of the worst calls i have seen.
And that goal will mean all the difference...
If i was a marinator i would feel very ripped off.
As for all refs and linesman go wake up to yourself ffs.


Well-Known Member
If Steve Bucknor can be dropped due to umpiring errors in one game....

..... why can't Matthew Breeze be dropped due to numerous refereeing errors in multiple games?

We need the media or someone with the right authority to investigate this issue and highlight how poor his refereeing has been.  To classify him as the #2 referee in Australia is extremely embarrassing.


Well-Known Member
we can only pray... the league really needs to employ a refereeing coach, someone who can liase with the referee's at length after every game and fix their approach to refereeing at a better more consistant quality. the standard is so low, theres mark shield then day light. i believe they will be bringing in someone like that for next season.

also, this bullshit about players and coaching staff not being allowed to comment on how poor a referee's performance was is an absolute joke. i believe they deserve to be critisised, how will anything ever get done if theres a code of silence in regard to all referees?

the media can harp on for weeks about poor managers being sacked, or players form being pathetic, surely someone -- namely football managers, should have the right to comment on the performance of a referee without fear of fines or sanctions.


Omni said:
There was only one man with the whistle tonight, and A-League referees do not reflect the abilities of other referees (or even other A-League referees)
omni still trying to support the ref's mate you have to admit breeze is a joke every time he has ccmfc. but it will not stop until lowey stops paying the bills. :redcard:


Just goes to show Breeze wasn't listening when they went for the seminar in asia recently.
Breeze seems to make up his mind who's going to win before the game starts.
With so much riding on these decisions maybe overseas referees should be brought in?
I agree being beaten by a better team is far better than trying to beat the referee and it's not just ccmfc games i refer to.
Two penalties and only one card issued. Lets hope FFA do something to curve this for the sake of the game and ALL the supports who feel cheated by poor refereeing.

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