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"I for one welcome our insect overlords" - The Politics Thread


Well-Known Member
Both sides rusted on's ... we have two to three years before the next State & Federal elections... so he say's with a please [coated with sugar candy] move away from your fixed positions just this once..

Was listening and reading some of the stuff of David Suzuki ... a particular point he made and he is not a lone voice on this and has by and large support from both the left and the right thinkers ...

The point he made was big nay mega big business is bigger than many countries .... Further they seem to act as one essentially driven by where the best profit is ...

His point was it is difficult for any government regardless of it being left, right or centre to make polices that effect their bottom line... see the reaction by the mining companies to a tax... see the reaction by the unions re changes to work regulations [OK I accept the unions are not big business] ...

He got me thinking [ that's quite an achievement] about a lot of issues however most of all it was his idea that government or say political parties need at some point to understand it would be in their all their interest to develop some kinda joint understanding of how to develop the economy and not bend over to the greater corporate world .... My wife brought me a new shirt on the weekend and herself a new outfit ... Cost very good business shirt $7.00, Top and pants for the wife and very high quality $ 18.00..... FFS these would have cost more in the 70's ... Other things like the big two Wollies & her sister how they screw farmers .... Coal seam gas being mined over Sydney's water supply ...

Just thinking how / why / what / who / because / can be done ... as I said hopefully stay away from this party did this and this party did this ... because both are caught in the same trap ...

Ideas on what can be done...

true believer

Well-Known Member
join get up middy and give them 20 bucks a week like me
also the big corporations your railing against all backed the liberals

better still have a good look at this web site http://thinkprogress.org/
I follow the climate change articals and my favourite writer joseph romm

you should find plenty there
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Well-Known Member
TB - you give Getup $1,040 a year? FAAAAARK.

I give the ALP $50 (plus any donations I make).


Well-Known Member
You mean Roozendaal?

There's a reason why I've been a supporter of progressive people like Anthony Albanese for my 12 years in the Party; we kicked idiots like Macdonald out of the ministry - the NSW Right made Obeid king, and installed puppets (like Macdonald, Sartor, Roozendaal, etc.) everywhere.

As to your 'believeing more'; I don't *like* intra-left sectarianism, but the non-Labor left drive me nuts.

I don't understand the point of GetUp (or the Greens, quite frankly). The whole point of politics is to govern. Parties of government live the wins *and* the losses, lobbyists and protest groups (GetUp and the Greens) claim the victories and disown the defeats. It is always their numbers or their influence that delivers triumph, failure is always down to the weakness or ineptitude of Labor and the evil of the Coalition.

They can campaign on issues, they can whinge from the sidelines, but they can't make law.

true believer

Well-Known Member
As to your 'believeing more'; I don't *like* intra-left sectarianism, but the non-Labor left drive me nuts.

just a cheap shot . as hasbeen won't play .maybe he's got a job with tony as a latter day rosepare

I don't understand the point of GetUp (or the Greens, quite frankly). The whole point of politics is to govern. Parties of government live the wins *and* the losses, lobbyists and protest groups (GetUp and the Greens) claim the victories and disown the defeats. It is always their numbers or their influence that delivers triumph, failure is always down to the weakness or ineptitude of Labor and the evil of the Coalition.
They can campaign on issues, they can whinge from the sidelines, but they can't make law.

the whole point of getup is the fact that it took 20 years for anything to be done about costa and Co.
I burn over the loss of reid .there was no greater snub of the rank and file than the disendorcement of laurie
ferguson .hence why the rank and file turn up for ferguson in werrawia.


Well-Known Member
I have no love for the squashed frog at all. His period as immigration spokesperson was an embarrassment, and the former Minister for Qantas and Miners, Martin is the most conservative Labor "lefty" in the entire party I'm sure.

I'd have preferred Damien Ogden to Laurie in Werriwa, but the machine did as it was told.


Well-Known Member
Hasbeen sits back quietly & watches the Labor factions fight. Good entertainment.
He lives! Brings me back to my old post:

"Ain't it funny how Hasbeen goes all quiet when it's the Liberal Party f**king everything it touches.

Given he pretty much only ever posts in this thread, I'd have thought he might have had something to say about Tony "I'll spend my first week as PM in an indigenous community" Abbott, Joe "the market never gets it wrong" Hockey, Scott "stop counting the boats" Morrison or Julie "they're kicking our arses in public but the Indonesians secretly agree with us" Bishop.

Or even our allegedly corrupt local Liberal MPs?"

So hasbeen, any critique of our new government or has Tony told you to shut up too?


Well-Known Member
As I have said many times (and you don't even have to read between the lines to find a hidden meaning), I am not a Liberal supporter, merely a Labor hater. If Tony has told me to shut up, then he must have told you to also, but he hasn't. Keep the faith brother, only a few more weeks until we find out who the new leader of the opposition is (not that it really matters). Acting leader Bowen seems to be doing a good job. He (of the face like a slapped arse) seems to be on TV every other minute telling us how useless the Abbott Govt. is. If that is the case, why did they win so many seats?


Well-Known Member
As I have said many times (and you don't even have to read between the lines to find a hidden meaning), I am not a Liberal supporter, merely a Labor hater. If Tony has told me to shut up, then he must have told you to also, but he hasn't. Keep the faith brother, only a few more weeks until we find out who the new leader of the opposition is (not that it really matters). Acting leader Bowen seems to be doing a good job. He (of the face like a slapped arse) seems to be on TV every other minute telling us how useless the Abbott Govt. is. If that is the case, why did they win so many seats?
You give no rationale for being a Labor hater. You give no indication of what you're for. You're clearly not a swinging voter, so I'm pretty happy to tag you as a Lib in the absence of any evidence to the contrary.


Well-Known Member
He's not in the party, hasn't been for years. Being slagged off by Latham is probably an endorsement.

true believer

Well-Known Member
the labor party brought blue poles for $1.7 million , what a waste,by those smelly hippies


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