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R2 - Central Coast Mariners vs Macarthur FC at home

true believer

Well-Known Member
Not a fan of the chant. But Wilson right now would struggle to make an NPL team.
Harsh huddo . Wilson isn't beni , he might not make it . But him being death ridden early season is disingenuous of the fan base .

Its a new season . Where we finish will largely be determined by the fans getting behind the team and lifting them up . Not treating them as mangee dogs ,treated as pariahs


Well-Known Member
Harsh huddo . Wilson isn't beni , he might not make it . But him being death ridden early season is disingenuous of the fan base .

Its a new season . Where we finish will largely be determined by the fans getting behind the team and lifting them up . Not treating them as mangee dogs ,treated as pariahs
Have to jump in and say where we finish up should have very every little influence from fans getting behind a team. They are a professional outfit and outcome should 100% be determined by training, techniques and strategy. Nail those 3, have some success and pride and the fans will follow.


Well-Known Member
Niz wasn’t barged. Was a good no call. Wasn’t quite a dive but he basically lost his balance. Was no push in the back. Ref was right

Handball hit his shoulder and arm was down next to his body if it was arm. Also correct no penalty.

Aspro feel on the ball and handled it. Wasn’t like a dilberate grab. Was fair way out and red would’ve been over the top. Also right call.
Both second half penalty calls happened right in front of me - just metres away.

I can't bear to watch any replay so going by what I saw live - Nizz was smashed from behind as he was about to pull the trigger.

The ball definitely hit the hand and the whole crowd around me went up in unison KNOWING it was a penalty and in utter disbelief that it wasn't given.

Given how close I was to the action, I'd be amazed to learn that it didn't happen the way I saw it.

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Both second half penalty calls happened right in front of me - just metres away.

I can't bear to watch any replay so going by what I saw live - Nizz was smashed from behind as he was about to pull the trigger.

The ball definitely hit the hand and the whole crowd around me went up in unison KNOWING it was a penalty and in utter disbelief that it wasn't given.

Given how close I was to the action, I'd be amazed to learn that it didn't happen the way I saw it.
They both looked clear live on TV too but they weren’t.

They were as described.


Well-Known Member
As long as there's a consistent VAR approach I don't mind those calls going with the on field ref. IF it means we are only going with clear and obvious and not relying on minutes of replays.

Sounds like Jets may have been robbed by VAR, hopefully that stays consistent ?

Niz wasn't just pushed in the back, the couple of very quick replays they showed it looked like he may have been tripped.

Yorkshire Mariners FC

Well-Known Member
I'm not a fan of this opinion, which I've seen multiple people tout. In my book Balard is now 30% more of a player than Steele. A season or 2 ago they were on par but Balard has developed beyond Steele. He's part of what we were missing today.

My greatest concern at the moment is for all the talk of having competition for places, there isn't. We've got a decent starting 11 and a bunch of young boys backing up those positions. Lose too many of the starting eleven in any one game and we're in the shit. It's not depth if the difference in quality/ experience is so profound.

Train this team too hard at your peril. We already have extra AFC workload.
I just feel he used them in the wrong games. Steele should be playing in Asia where we need more attacking and Balard can't buy an attacking pass. Balard needs to play a-league to cover for ( insert names as well as Wilson her) and break up play which is does really well.

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Were they discussed by the commentators?

I instantly thought penalty both times.
Yeah they all agreed with ref. I know you don’t like replays but maybe just fast forward to both incidents. Pretty sure you will agree with the ref decisions.


Well-Known Member
Do you think there is more depth behind it?

Probably, but without the detail on why play panned out as it did.

He talked mostly about transition which was what killed us against Macarthur, especially BP (ball possession) to BPO (ball possession opposition). This is the hardest football moment to embed into a team, especially one that tries to play with such forward momentum. It was also our biggest weakness last season under Monty, but we scored enough goals to nullify this.

In my opinion we have been lucky both teams so far haven’t had a strong number ten. The way MJ is pushing six, seven, eight and eleven so forward together it is no surprise that we are getting hammered when we lose ball. Adelaide and Macarthur haven’t exploited this as much as they could of. I can’t understand what MJ is trying to achieve here and what tactics he is employing.

Subsequently the BPO to BP transition phase seems all over the place with no apparent structure moving forward. Players are bombing forward without a plan taking up space of other players. This is really affecting moving to the BP phase. Players are running into each other’s space crowding lines and easily allowing the opposition to defend in numbers. The only opportunities we are creating are through the individual skills and abilities of players. Note how many times Theo and Torres did this without linking with Tulio and especially Kuol.

If I can see this in what MJ was saying and what I saw, then A-League coaches and their team certainly can. No real revelation here.

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Probably, but without the detail on why play panned out as it did.

He talked mostly about transition which was what killed us against Macarthur, especially BP (ball possession) to BPO (ball possession opposition). This is the hardest football moment to embed into a team, especially one that tries to play with such forward momentum. It was also our biggest weakness last season under Monty, but we scored enough goals to nullify this.

In my opinion we have been lucky both teams so far haven’t had a strong number ten. The way MJ is pushing six, seven, eight and eleven so forward together it is no surprise that we are getting hammered when we lose ball. Adelaide and Macarthur haven’t exploited this as much as they could of. I can’t understand what MJ is trying to achieve here and what tactics he is employing.

Subsequently the BPO to BP transition phase seems all over the place with no apparent structure moving forward. Players are bombing forward without a plan taking up space of other players. This is really affecting moving to the BP phase. Players are running into each other’s space crowding lines and easily allowing the opposition to defend in numbers. The only opportunities we are creating are through the individual skills and abilities of players. Note how many times Theo and Torres did this without linking with Tulio and especially Kuol.

If I can see this in what MJ was saying and what I saw, then A-League coaches and their team certainly can. No real revelation here.
Without Vuka, Adelaide could of had a few more.

Not so much the cows.

Monty’s teams did have lapses but you could always see the improvement in the following weeks. Let’s hope for similar.

The bye week hopefully we get time to put a lot of training on this stuff. Right now with Asia we have to be careful with load management so probably less training.
Players prefer playing but when you have a new group we need the training more.


Well-Known Member
Probably, but without the detail on why play panned out as it did.

He talked mostly about transition which was what killed us against Macarthur, especially BP (ball possession) to BPO (ball possession opposition). This is the hardest football moment to embed into a team, especially one that tries to play with such forward momentum. It was also our biggest weakness last season under Monty, but we scored enough goals to nullify this.

In my opinion we have been lucky both teams so far haven’t had a strong number ten. The way MJ is pushing six, seven, eight and eleven so forward together it is no surprise that we are getting hammered when we lose ball. Adelaide and Macarthur haven’t exploited this as much as they could of. I can’t understand what MJ is trying to achieve here and what tactics he is employing.

Subsequently the BPO to BP transition phase seems all over the place with no apparent structure moving forward. Players are bombing forward without a plan taking up space of other players. This is really affecting moving to the BP phase. Players are running into each other’s space crowding lines and easily allowing the opposition to defend in numbers. The only opportunities we are creating are through the individual skills and abilities of players. Note how many times Theo and Torres did this without linking with Tulio and especially Kuol.

If I can see this in what MJ was saying and what I saw, then A-League coaches and their team certainly can. No real revelation here.
Interesting, thanks Mick. I've certainly noticed the forwards are regularly stepping on one another toes and crowding each other when we're in possession.


Well-Known Member
Interesting, thanks Mick. I've certainly noticed the forwards are regularly stepping on one another toes and crowding each other when we're in possession.

7, 9, 10 and 11 had this beautiful rotation under Monty. Players would slide and create space behind the lines.

In my opinion Nizzy is playing too high, almost a traditional number ten, rather than being an eight. This is creating a further crowding issue, making Tulio or Kuol obsolete at times.

It is also making us very vulnerable in the counter. Even more so when the fullbacks push high.

I am sure MJ sees this. How he will fix it and/or get the players to adhere to his plan will determine our season. MJ is either too ambitious or not ambitious enough at the moment. Time will tell whether he is a Monty or a Mulvey.

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