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R20 v Brisbane @ Gosford


Well-Known Member
Doesn’t matter what level you play giving a ref a spray to that extend has never ever worked in a player’s favour. That’s not “come on mate that’s the third fkn time” that’s just disrespectful and unhelpful.

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
The problem was not the referee it was the team's response to the referee.

Lucas is one of the referees in the A-League that suits our style of play. He does not give soft fouls, he lets the game run and leaves the divers sitting on the pitch. This style suits Matt Simon's rough and tumble style of football. Lucas was very consistent in not giving any soft fouls. He would not have given that soft penalty to Sydney last week. So what do we do, complain and expect every 50/50 decision to go our way and have a dummy spit when it does not. In terms of whinging we made Matt McKay look like an amateur.

I was actually pleased when I saw who was reffing this game and the management should have seen this as well.

But no they are too unprofessional, incompetent or stupid to realise this. The team should have been prepared for no soft fouls, got stuck in and won the game.

But no they wanted to play the victim after the tone was set by our captain in an over the top display on what was not even close to being a foul. From then on it was a forgone conclusion and if you play the victim you become the victim.

A totally unprofessional display by a totally unprepared team.

Mulvey's post match interview was a total embarrassment.


Well-Known Member
Wow. I couldn't watch this or get a replay but ended up watching highlights.

Every single goal was quality.

I think I've finally cracked people. I can't take following this anymore.


Well-Known Member
Did anyone hear what Tom was asked and how he answered at half time?
He tried to sound fairly balanced, but it's clear he's been frustrated by not getting on the field.

Re his relationship with Mulvey he said the start of this season was difficult with struggling to stay in the team.

Would you want to stay at the club if offered a contract for next season: "I haven't been offered a contract yet"

When asked about re-signing in general he said he wanted to stay and that they're settled. Obviously it seems a bit fraught.


Well-Known Member
Got home not long ago, haven't read this thread, haven't watched the highlights yet-

I don't know what this club has to do to beat the Roar at home. Whether it's a flukey goal or two, a plain superior team or having an extra player on the pitch from kickoff (I'll get to that in a moment), tonight of all nights should've been when CCM got the win against them in Gosford. Those cocky pricks in the away bay make the trip down expecting to see another win, and it frustrates me how they can just assume it's going to happen.

Up until the 30th minute CCM looked the better team- created more chances and defended better. The opening Roar goal could've been scored against anybody, second was controversial to say the least. But that 3rd one just underlines how woeful BK is. How on Earth did this club go from having such good goalies to shit like him?

But the ref tonight- what an absolute cretin. A complete muppet. The last 15 minutes of the 1st half looked so promising, tonight could've been an awesome game and he completely ruined it with his one-sided refereeing. The Roar were allowed to hack at CCM, wrestle them down in the box, I saw TWO blatant jersey grabs tonight as well- and people have the temerity to point the finger at players like Matt Simon lashing out?

If CCM were Sydney, they'd have been given at least 3 penalties tonight, no questions asked. It's this kind of shit happening near every week where the 50/50 calls go against CCM and then you see such a one-sided performance like tonight (not a single Roar player carded until the 80th minute IIRC?)- how long is somebody like Matty, as captain, supposed to just lie back and take it? If he had a sky blue shirt and a hipster beard on he'd have been given an armchair ride tonight.

At least tonights' ticket was a freebie from a mate, and to their credit the players out there kept the effort in all game, even after being a man down. It's a real f**king shame they couldn't have competed under an impartial ref and 11 v 11 because they could've won otherwise.

Tonights' game was peak A-League, almost like a stitch-up from the incompetent gimp with the whistle. Then the FFA wonders why confidence in this league is at an all-time low?


Well-Known Member
I hope Tommy's "injury" is OK by next game, with O'Neill gone, we'll need him. Looks like Murray will get another chance to lead the line with Matty gone too.

soccer mad

Well-Known Member
I don't blame the ref at all ,we are simply shit . If we were good enough the refs decision wouldn't have mattered avoiding the spoon should of been enough motivation . Bottom line is what the f**k has Mulvey done our ill discipline tonight is how the team has been mismanaged.

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
Unfortunate as it may be, but not all referees are the same, and they do not referee in the same way. Some are pedants who never get the whistle out of their mouths, some let the game flow and some, if both teams are up for it let them kick shit out of each other.

It is up to the manager to be aware of this and prepare the team accordingly. Similar to goalkeepers who should be aware of likely penalty takers and study their style.

It is all preparation in a professional game that is sadly missing in this club.

The other thing sadly lacking is discipline. I have never seen a referee change a decision after being abused by a player but I have seen many players end up with early showers as a result. Plain, simple stupidity. This is supposedly a professional team, but tonight's discipline was akin to an AA9 game at Meadowbank #3 on a Sunday arvo.


Well-Known Member
I’ve conceded defeat that it’s just plain and simple and the writing is on the wall.
It hurts. We need him. For many more years. And it’s the managers doing.
Jem can be a very similar player. But who the f**k knows if he’ll stick around. And he won’t truly replace tom in our hearts.

We’ll need a world class late 20’s marquee to replace Tom in my heart.

Jem is good but not as classy or skillful as Tom. Jem is more of a Monty style player technically but without the physical side.

Gatt spoke like a reporter, not happy but this will probably happen. The Coast FM bloke didn't appear to be In The Know at all and had swallowed Mulvey's line about him being injury prone.


Well-Known Member
I don't blame the ref at all ,we are simply shit . If we were good enough the refs decision wouldn't have mattered avoiding the spoon should of been enough motivation . Bottom line is what the f**k has Mulvey done our ill discipline tonight is how the team has been mismanaged.

Rubbish the Ref was a complete flog. We were ill disciplined on that i agree but the Ref was giving a master class in double standards and there were at least 2 penalty claims that were vastly more obvious that Brosques dive last week. Matt Simon's spray to the Ref in the 1st hard was absurd.

Swap the keepers and we win that game 5.1.


Well-Known Member
Kennedy played like he did against Scum when we lost 8.2. I thought about giving all the players a rating but its too harsh when some of them were in the 3 or below class but I was actually going to rate Kennedy a 0 tonight and that would be a 1st for me, even Trott scored a 2.
Kennedy HAS to be dropped, his confidence has dropped and he has gone from a liability to a f**king disaster.
Bring in Gauci or my choice Aidan Munford. I also tell you the Moari from Canberra at training would NOT have conceeded those goals.


Well-Known Member
Tommy H on the Coast FM half time show, while Ray Gatt pregame.

Coast FM put a tweet out asking for questions for Tommy. I replied with a whole heap of scathing/controversial ones and I was interested to see Aspro liked my tweet.
Has the audio been posted anywhere mate? Would be very interested to hear his responses.


Well-Known Member
We can blame the ref and many other issues for that result tonight but for me personally, the single biggest influence on the outcome of the game was the respective performances of the two goalkeepers. Jamie Young pulls off three or four world class saves, whereas Kennedy did his best to impersonate an inanimate carbon rod.

Roar are our eternal bogey team and so I never expected much from this game, plus the team has shown that it can’t handle any must-win games, so the writing was on the wall imo.

How the actual fcuk does Andrew Hoole get handed a start week after week? He contributes so little in general play and why can he summarily not be able to strike a dead ball like a professional footballer? That he remained on the field for 80 minutes of the game is simply beyond my ability to comprehend.

Will there be repercussions after this new low, I highly doubt it.....

true believer

Well-Known Member
Kennedy played like he did against Scum when we lost 8.2. I thought about giving all the players a rating but its too harsh when some of them were in the 3 or below class but I was actually going to rate Kennedy a 0 tonight and that would be a 1st for me, even Trott scored a 2.
Kennedy HAS to be dropped, his confidence has dropped and he has gone from a liability to a f**king disaster.
Bring in Gauci or my choice Aidan Munford. I also tell you the Moari from Canberra at training would NOT have conceeded those goals.
christ ! give the kid from umina u10's a start over kennedy.
any future game kennedy starts i will not attend


Well-Known Member
Goals where onside tho. This club is shambles if lets go one our the only players that want to help it out of the state we are in and can actually play. It's such bull shit that all mulveys talk of not enough defensive work and then brings in a player in the same position doing equal or less defensive work.

Were they? At least one live didn't look like it. The replays at the stadium didn't look like it. I didn't record it tonight but re-look at tomorrow's replay. If the one I am talking about was marginally offside it should be overturned because it was never ruled upon before - the AR was well behind the play. There also seemed to be a plethora of what seemed legitimate penalty claims turned down.

I understand the frustration of the players swearing at the ref but I cannot condone it, it is just plain stupid when you are on a yellow. Apparently though a Brisbane player was heard on the TV swearing at the ref in the moments just before with no sanction.

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