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Mariners Financial Crisis in the Daily Tele


Not just super. Try wages as well.

The article states the source as worrying about this weeks wages. Is it definite that wages have not been paid previously or just a worry that has yet to eventuate?

If its the latter, once again it seems quite extreme to go to the terror to get your story across and suppy them with what you say is quite damning information.

If its the former and players have been forced to seek solutions on their own then that is quite disturbing.


Well-Known Member
I mean in the meeja.

The most dangerous place in the world is between Brendan Schwab and a football journo's dictaphone.


I mean in the meeja.

The most dangerous place in the world is between Brendan Schwab and a football journo's dictaphone.

Maybe he's seen it all before and its not as big a deal to him as it seems to be to others who are on the pointy end of it.


Well-Known Member
Chairman's Message Tuesday, 13 September 2011 Dear Mariners fans,

The pre-season preparation continued on the weekend with another win for our team playing dynamic football as always under the expert mentoring of Graham Arnold.

After the heart-breaking loss in Brisbane at the end of last season, it would have been easy for all of us at the club to feel disheartened. But the signs on the pitch suggest we’re ready to challenge for the A-League title again this year. I’m as excited as ever with only a month to go till the A-League starts. I know all of you are too. Already a considerable boost in membership numbers and glowing feedback from the Mariners community work confirm this. I thank all of you for investing in the club.

Unfortunately, there are rumours circulating around the Coast and the broader Australian football community, regarding apparent financial issues. After reading yesterday’s article, I felt the immediate need to write this open letter to all of you to clarify where we - the Mariners - are heading.

Every A-League club has financial issues. So does almost every football club around the world. Football is not an immediately profitable business. It is a constant balancing act, one where we are carefully managing competing financial requirements. That’s the reality that all of us in “the football family” are faced with. But the Mariners are no worse off than any other club. In fact, quite the opposite. We have set the national benchmark in laying community foundations. We have stayed true to our ethos throughout our history and continue to sensibly build the club towards sustainable growth.

Let me assure you, our current position is similar to that of most sporting bodies. We spend a lot of money supporting our core product of entertaining football and community integration. We work tirelessly to support that with commercial revenue streams.

On the football side, we currently have the most depth we have ever had. The feedback from supporters and football critics suggest the on field output last season continues to be the best we’ve seen at the Mariners. And of course in terms of long-term security we have already started work on the Centre of Excellence. This is a project that will make us the first club to be backed by a sound development, a hub of football vision and dreams for the Central Coast.

As a club investor, I acknowledge there are financial considerations to make – but, we have a bright future and what I can state is there is no doubt that the Mariners are staying in for the long haul.

The A-League as a whole is always looking for investors! Indeed, I invested into the club four years ago, and then Mike Charlesworth invested last year. When the League is in its formative years, we need fresh capital on a regular basis. We want people to buy into this club to assist in delivering the vision that we all want.

They include people equally as excited about our vision, people who believe in the club, the region we represent and the sport of football in general - in a nutshell, folk who believe in the Mariners.

I hope to meet those of you who are interested face-to-face at another Fans Forum in the coming months (details to come). Meanwhile, I urge you all to keep living the Mariners dream - together!


Thanks for reading,

Peter Turnbull
Mariners Chairman
On Behalf of the Board



Well-Known Member
I applaud Peter Turnbull for addressing this issue with us.

The rumours will abound & people will have a dig at us but more than at any time in the Mariners short but illustrious history we need to stand together!!

With just 5 weeks to go until our first home game, we should be starting to gather our friends to get as many bums on seats as we can.



Well-Known Member
Great stuff, hats off to Mr Turnbull.

Lets do our bit any get as many new menbers as we can. I've roped in one Newbie (he came to 3 or 4 games last year with me) for a season ticket. I'm going to see who else i can get to sign up.

COME ON YOU YELLOWS! (and Navy Blue ffs)


Well-Known Member
+1 to signing up new members. The lastest news from the Jets shows them at 7759 memberships for the coming season.


I Haven't been online in a while and i feel i must!

the reason this club is in the fiancial position it is in is because of Mr Turnbell.

His reasoning the CCM are in this position,is because every other sporting club has money problems. Sorry that don't wash. He has to answer the fiancial questions with more than "well everyone else is struggling so it's ok"
If you're in business and at the end of the day you can't pay your bill's you are trading insolvently and to do so is illegal.

We have a great white elephant in Tuggerah that will be a our savour fiancially but we need funds to build it and if we have a tax bill of $1m plus there is no way we can afford to build it, even with Goverment money.

I'm really concered and have been for a while, we need new blood to invest in CCM without Mr Turnbell.



Well-Known Member
Pieman you said

I'm really concered and have been for a while, we need new blood to invest in CCM without Mr Turnbell.


Peter said in his press release...

The A-League as a whole is always looking for investors! Indeed, I invested into the club four years ago, and then Mike Charlesworth invested last year. When the League is in its formative years, we need fresh capital on a regular basis. We want people to buy into this club to assist in delivering the vision that we all want.

I am looking for a difference ...

On Peter Turnbull ... what has he done wrong ? ? ... can you be more specific ...

If we need an injection of funds [and it appears we do] and the current shareholders cannot meet the requirements ... they like Con will loose their licence .. at worst FFA will take over the running of the club...

For me the greater concern is the ownership structure of the COE...

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
"If we need an injection of funds [and it appears we do] and the current shareholders cannot meet the requirements ... they like Con will loose their licence .. at worst FFA will take over the running of the club..." :rolleyes:

North Qld, Aukland...........

"For me the greater concern is the ownership structure of the COE..."

Why be concerned, it is not owned by CCM....

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
I Haven't been online in a while and i feel i must!

About time, you have been sorely missed. Keep up the good work.

I share your concerns and am very worried about the future for CCM.

I am getting very concerned about:

1)the overall financial viability of the club (it is amazing how they got the membership applications out early this year, :rolleyes:)

2)the great saviour, (the COE). When was the work starting again? (not just the fives courts).

3)how is the "proposed COE going to be the saviour?

4)ongoing rumors as to new buyers appearing from Middle East, Indonesia, Singo etc with "announcement to be made in the next 2 weeks".

I am not feeling greatly reassured. :unsure:

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