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WTF Files


Well-Known Member
Post your WTF news stuff here...

to get started...

Ninemsn.com.au said:
More than 130,000 inflatable breasts have been lost at sea en route to Australia.

Men's magazine Ralph was planning to include the boobs as a free gift with its January issue.

The cargo is worth about $200,000.

A spokeswoman for Ralph said the container left docks in Beijing two weeks ago but turned up empty in Sydney this week.

The magazine has put out an alert to shipping authorities to see if they have the container, but if they don't turn up in the next 48 hours it will be too late for the next issue, she said.

Ralph editor Santi Pintado urged anyone who has any information to contact the magazine.

"Unless Somali pirates have stolen them its difficult to explain where they are," Pintado told AAP.

"If anyone finds any washed up on a beach, please let us know."


Well-Known Member
World Record in Japan: Largest Orgy 

Japan has successfully set a new world record. Having 250 men and 250 women who commensed to have sex in the same place at the same time, completing the world biggest orgy ever!

The Orgy was held in a warehouse with a professional camera crew taking pictures and recording the entire event, which was pretty hot and sticky.

Imagine what it must be like to come stumbling across a room filled with 500 people having oral sex and screwing their brains out. Not to bad a way to end your day huh?

It all seemed a little too organized for our personally liking but leave it to the Japanese to accomplish a goal. Especially if it had anything to do with naked women and sex.

The entire event was actually filmed and available for purchase on DVD

Link & Pics: http://www.weirdasianews.com/2006/10/13/world-record-in-japan-largest-orgy/


Vagina Ripped Apart by Water Fountain 

Water fountain shows have always been a big draw for people. Whether you are taking a moment to enjoy the world famous Bellagio fountain show or the smaller, but still amazing, Tianyi Sqaure show in Ningbo, China, you are likely to enjoy the overall experience.

Yang, a 19 year-old college student, had a very different experience.

In August of 2007, Yang was at a local center square in the Henan Province of China. She went with some friends to enjoy the day and see the musical water fountain show.

Yang and her friends were playing in the water fountain area and enjoying the light burst of water that would spray them. All of a sudden, while Yang was struck by a powerful burst of water that threw her into the air.

After the fall, Yang experienced extreme stomach pains and was bleeding badly. She was immediately taken to the hospital to undergo medical care.

The doctor said that the fountains water pressure had torn her vagina and damaged her intestines.

During the following 7 months, Yang received 3 surgeries to repair the damage, which left her some pretty bad scars.

Yang is suing the owners of the fountain for around $24,500 in damages.

Link & Pics: http://www.weirdasianews.com/2008/05/18/water-fountain-rips-womans-vagina-sfw/

And here's a link with a hefty warning to those lip-biting girls:



Well-Known Member
I'm not sure which blows my mind more :S THose are all out there. Asia FTW. lol I've bookmarked that news site :lol:


Well-Known Member
Countryhick said:
I'm not sure which blows my mind more :S THose are all out there. Asia FTW. lol I've bookmarked that news site :lol:

great post with the ralph thing

love the quote from the editor


Well-Known Member
Just got this email lol

Complement of the day,

Thank you for reading my mail. i am Mr. Mathew  Kuku a staff of African development Bank attached in Private Banking services. I am contacting you concerning a customer and, an investment placed under our banks management 4 years ago, I contacted you independently of our investigation and no one is informed of this communication and I would like to intimate you with certain facts that I believe would be of interest to you.

My proposal;

I am prepared to place you in a position to instruct the finance firm to release the deposit to you as the closest surviving relation. Upon receipt of the deposit, I am prepared to share the money with you 50/50.. But on the other hand, you as a foreigner and also with all the necessary legal and official documentations from me and the presiding attorney and also with the authority vested upon me by the original depositor. If you find yourself able to work with me, contact me through this email. Please note that, I am a happily married with two kids. Do not betray my confidence. If we can be of one accord, we should plan a meeting, soon.

I await your response.


Mathew Kuku


Well-Known Member
agreed, i indeed replied and we are meeting tomorrow in a location that cannot be disclosed within this forum


Well-Known Member
haha I love getting those. I just laught at them and wonder how people could possibly fall for them.


Well-Known Member
i can confirm that i am now the sole beneficary of a deceased Nigerian Government officials fortune.....have just paid the fees to have the monies released to me.....my first action will to build a roof over the northern end of Graham Park, watch this space.


Well-Known Member
keensy said:
i can confirm that i am now the sole beneficary of a deceased Nigerian Government officials fortune.....have just paid the fees to have the monies released to me.....my first action will to build a roof over the northern end of Graham Park, watch this space.

And a bar behind the Bay? plaease let there be a bar behind the bay


Well-Known Member
dru said:
keensy said:
i can confirm that i am now the sole beneficary of a deceased Nigerian Government officials fortune.....have just paid the fees to have the monies released to me.....my first action will to build a roof over the northern end of Graham Park, watch this space.

And a bar behind the Bay? plaease let there be a bar behind the bay
i was going to keep this a secret but u have forced it out of me.....there will be a bar IN the bay


Well-Known Member
Dru is not talking about you barring up keensy, he means a bar that serves beer.


Well-Known Member
Our friends at Weird Asia News said:
Apples Apples

I have known for years that the iPhone was extremely popular in Japan, especially with the number of requests I got from friends asking me to send them one.

However, one very avid Apple fan, decided to show his love for the iPod and Apple in a different way.

An owner of a Fuji apple orchard printed up custom stickers of iPods and the Apple logo. He then put the stickers on his Fuji apples while they were still young and on the trees.

A month later after the apples had matured, he removed the stickers.

As you can see the lack of sun reaching the apple cause them to keep the stickers original design.

No word as to what was done with the box of Geek Apples, but they did say they were quite delicious.


Well-Known Member
There is no place like Japan when it comes to vending machine weirdness.

You can get a whole slew of weird, but common, items like umbrellas, rice, beer, tobacco, eggs, and even porn, on any given street through the land of the rising sun.

However, in some darker and more obscure side streets of Japan, you can find vending machines selling things that even the Japanese find weird and strange.

One such vending machine that is found through out Japan is the Used Schoolgirl Panties vending machine.

As the image shows, machines would carry used panties with a picture of the schoolgirl who supposedly had worn them before giving them up to be sold.

Used schoolgirl panties are so popular, that even stores illegally sell them. As you can see in the below hidden camera investigation, schoolgirls can come into stores like this one and they are paid for the underwear they are currently wearing.

In fact the The Japanese government has identified the sale of used schoolgirl panties as such a problem they actually outlawed the sale or purchase of used schoolgirl panties anywhere, including vending machines.

A commercial was also made to help deter men from buying used schoolgirl panties by suggesting that the panties might not have even been worn by schoolgirls at all.

Pics and vids at http://www.weirdasianews.com/2008/11/28/used-schoolgirl-panties/


Well-Known Member
Kiss of deaf

A young woman in southern China has partially lost her hearing after her boyfriend ruptured her eardrum during an excessively passionate kiss, local media reported.

The 20-something girl from Zhuhai, in southern Guangdong province, went to hospital completely deaf in her left ear, the China Daily said, citing a report in a local newspaper.

"The kiss reduced pressure in the mouth, pulled the eardrum out and caused the breakdown of the ear," the paper quoted a doctor surnamed Li from the hospital as saying.

The woman's hearing would likely return to normal after about two months, Li said.

"While kissing is normally very safe, doctors advise people to proceed with caution," the paper said.



Well-Known Member
Another one:

STILL can't think what to get him for Christmas? Socks don't seem to cut it any more? Fret no longer because Burger King is here to help.

The mass purveyor of grilled meat is offering, for a limited time only, something even better than its usual piles of beef patties. This week, American men were given the chance to smell like their favourite meat snack with the launch of Flame, Burger King's contribution to the perfume market. The company describes Flame as "the scent of seduction with a hint of flame-broiled meat".

Astonishingly, this elixir costs a mere $US3.99 ($5.75). By contrast, one of its competitors, Chanel No.5, costs $US80.

Flame, a body spray for men, was launched this week online and in a selection of US stores, the list of which can be found on the perfume's website, which is named, appropriately enough, www.firemeetsdesire.com.

There, prospective buyers are greeted with what sounds like a melange of Barry White music and an interactive spray can, which morphs into scented candles. Burger King is not the only celebrity perfume on the market this Christmas. Kate Moss will no doubt be putting up a stern fight with her Velvet Hour scent. But the model will surely struggle against a fragrance that has such a noble history.

"The Whopper sandwich is America's favourite burger," the website boasts. "Flame by BK captures the essence of that love and gives it to you. Behold now you can set the mood for whatever you're in the mood for."

As long as that mood involves meat, presumably.

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