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Well-Known Member
I work with a guy who just came back from South Africa with the Green and Gold Army.

He spent some time talking to one of the management team at melbourne victory. They were discussing vuvuzelas and how they might filter into the australian landscape.

The comments from the victory guy was that they will ban them as a OHS issue. Lets hope that the mariners and other clubs do the same.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Happy to shove any vuvuzela up the arse of the person blowing it (sideways)

Trust the GGA to think they are cool. What a bunch of absolute wankers they are. Doubtless  they plan to sponsor them from some gambling firm or the like?


Well-Known Member
From what I understand the Mariners' management will be actively promoting them for matches.

Having experienced them myself they are no big deal. You actually tune them out after a while.

The big problem will be with the active support. Everytime the Australian supporters got a chant up the South African public at the games joined in with the vuvuzelas and this drowned out the chants.

I have also seen them used to great effect in conjunction with singing and used for visual effect during chants by thrusting them forward in the same way supporters do with scarves.

Oh, I hope your mate enjoyed donating his money to the GGA and experiencing sleeping in a tent for the same price I was able to let a luxury two-bedroom apartment in Cape Town.


Well-Known Member
marinermick said:
From what I understand the Mariners' management will be actively promoting them for matches.

Having experienced them myself they are no big deal. You actually tune them out after a while .......

Remember Mick when we had smaller versions in the NSL, I bought mine at King Tom, but they were banned .... probably still are in the ground rules.

We used mine at the Breakers! Should I bring mine to the first game?


Well-Known Member
kevrenor said:
marinermick said:
From what I understand the Mariners' management will be actively promoting them for matches.

Having experienced them myself they are no big deal. You actually tune them out after a while .......

Remember Mick when we had smaller versions in the NSL, I bought mine at King Tom, but they were banned .... probably still are in the ground rules.

We used mine at the Breakers! Should I bring mine to the first game?

For the life of me I cannot remember them.

Don't think the guys in the press box will appreciate you blowing it during the match ;-)


Well-Known Member

plz kkthnx


Well-Known Member
marinermick said:
The big problem will be with the active support.

Do active supporters get a say in the whole vuvuzela subject?
Vuvuzelas combined with the free junior memberships should be fun for active support..


Well-Known Member
We already queried it with SFC management and they confirmed that they are banned at the SFS.  So if you like your football vuvuzela free.... you know where to be  ;D


Well-Known Member
We are talking about a club which always hands out sponsored clappers, thundersticks and other sponsored shit to piss adults off. I expect there will b free vuvuzelas at all games


Staff member
Paolo said:
We are talking about a club which always hands out sponsored clappers, thundersticks and other sponsored shit to piss adults off. I expect there will b free vuvuzelas at all games

The masterfoods stuff is ok though ;D


Well-Known Member
They could be quite fun annoying the shit out of the away supporter bay the best the scum supporters would cant afford them. I guess the scum supports will have there free posters or game guides rolled up making the vuvuzela noise threw them


Well-Known Member
Matt--Simon said:
They could be quite fun annoying the shit out of the away supporter bay the best the scum supporters would cant afford them. I guess the scum supports will have there free posters or game guides rolled up making the vuvuzela noise threw them



Well-Known Member
marinermick said:
Oh, I hope your mate enjoyed donating his money to the GGA and experiencing sleeping in a tent for the same price I was able to let a luxury two-bedroom apartment in Cape Town.

I know he went with a tour group. I assumed it was the GGA . I know he was in a hotel and rubbing shoulders on a day to day basis with many of the who's who of australian football. Thats how he met the guy from the melbourne victory.

Out of interest, what were the GGA army charging to stay in a tent cty?


From what I heard, they were going to be brought in...but have taken some sound advice, and will not be giving them away this season.


Well-Known Member
Vuvuzelas are nothing new. They used to be plentiful (and annoying) at NSL matches many years ago. I'm sure they were ultimately banned, and in my opinion, should stay that way.

Other fun devices allowed into grounds before the 'fun police' took over included air raid sirens, wooden rachet rattles, air horns (in a can), and my favourite, car air horns (5 tubes) powered by a car battery. It was bloody heavy, but useful for away matches if attacked by the Croats.

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