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Tifo plans for New Years


Well-Known Member
adz said:
aussiecross said:
there is no way even chuck norris could wave my flag for 90 mins, haha...it was after a goal....just iritates me that im trying and alot of ppl arent and yet they are usually the ones being critical....i might try right on the fence line and who knows may get those first 5 rows to actually do something.... i too will be there early to help set up and by that i dont mean drinking till 5 mins before kick off haha

Fair enough then; we just have to weed out the serious complaints from the obvious piss-takes like this. These people will make out like they are sitting in bay 16 all keen to see the game, when we know it is the worst possible bay to sit in and actually see anything. Half the time they will be talking to each other and the rest of the time being wankers telling people in front to sit down or put flags down. Ignore them! Keep doing what you're doing ;D

-Make sure you and a mate are waving those flags well before kick-off. Another Bay Marinator needs to loudly announce to all and sundry that these flags will be waving all day long, so if you don't like where you've sat (unreserved, right..?) then please move. Don't single anyone out, but generally address the crowd, Auburnstyle.


Well-Known Member
why dont we get there early and take up 2 bays? ive started spreading to bay 15 but when i start a chant, hoping to get people in bay 15 and bay 16, people on the end of 16 just stare at me as if im an idiot. spreading is the key. if all us more keen people can fill the back half of 2 bays rather thn squash into one, let all the kiddies take up the front section and it will look like we have heaps more people.


Well-Known Member
great idea i sit in the back of 17 and try and get the chants going but nothing.I'm not a marinator yet but i love my football. GO YOU YELLOW!!!


Well-Known Member
correction. u are a marinator. u support the mariners and if u sing and try to encourage others to... i guess that makes you even more of a marinator.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Looked fantastic, great start to the evening. Fireworks were brilliant.

Shame about the utter shite in between


Well-Known Member
Looked good ....


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Gen (MarinerMum)

Well-Known Member
Tiffo great but I thought I was in a creche.  Up the front again, I don't know why I do it as people sit down.  Up the back & to the side I found a space for Sophia & MM but all these people did was stand up and not sing.  Left & went back to bay6 to cause trouble.  You have to stand at front, other supporter groups do & this will get rid of the creche crew.  Even those in mid to late twentys just sit drink beer & do nothing but put shit on people cheering for their team.

Seeeeeeeaaaaaaa of yellow looks beautiful


Staff member
forzamariners said:
doesnt look too bad at all though imo the standards should be more spread

would be nice but the bay is packed 1hr before kickoff so you don't really get to choose where you stand.


Staff member
shout-out to the dickhead who kept his flag up during play, especially when we were attacking goal at our end, so we couldn't see a thing :thumbup:


My shout-out goes to the dude that wanted to sit down during the game.

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