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Round 21 v Western United (A)

Pirate Pete

Well-Known Member
Reply to pjennings, having problems with tablet.
Let them know you won't renew next year without a serious change.
I'm sure they have the saying about falling on deaf ears in your part of the world.


Well-Known Member
"I'm sure they have the saying about falling on deaf ears in your part of the world."
Absolutely said here. Ownership of local squad didn't care, in my mind. Ignored us for a long time. Same owner owns a successful NFL team. Always felt that the local team was just something to fill the stadium during the offseason.
Major supporter group started a protest for a change. Took a bit, but all cleared out. Things are slowly improving, despite today's result.
Nobody hears the voices that are never spoken.

true believer

Well-Known Member
Reply to pjennings, having problems with tablet.
Let them know you won't renew next year without a serious change.
they got screamed at by a lot of us .
in the end we f'kn love the club .
unfortunately we haven't been rewarded for our long suffering ,
with a competitive team .

we could have sub four figure crowds next year
if we still have a bunch of kids in yellow shirts


Well-Known Member
they got screamed at by a lot of us .
in the end we f'kn love the club .
unfortunately we haven't been rewarded for our long suffering ,
with a competitive team .

we could have sub four figure crowds next year
if we still have a bunch of kids in yellow shirts
Most of the kids are the only good thing going. SS aside.


Well-Known Member
Just caught up and wow that was dogshit all round.
- Our midfield was terrible and handed the ball over in dangerous areas way too often. Especially Stensness horrible game even if the goal was spectacular.
- It felt like we broke a relatively functional backline to fit Rowles in and it was the wrong move. That one is on Staj.
- I don’t want to see Ziggy at RB again. CB or don’t bother, give miller his spot back.
- I’m tempted to call our attack impotent but at this point I’m thinking maybe it’s just a eunuch. The difference between when Burgess and others got the ball in advanced areas was night and day. There’s no defending Murray today and I usually stick up for him.
- Who’s mrs did Jair bang? Or did he run over someone’s dog? what does the bloke have to do to get a run..

Jesus Christ I just realised I was wearing my mariners shirt out this afternoon while this clusterf**k was unfolding

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
Sigh. OK.

The Lone Ranger and Tonto find themselves in the middle of thousands of screaming Indians at Custer's Last Stand.
The Lone Ranger turns to his faithful partner Tonto and says, "Looks Like we have come to the end of the road Tonto".
Tonto responds "What do you mean we paleface".

ie Speak for yourself not the rest of us.
Good to see you have removed your original post, you are learning Grasshopper.


Well-Known Member
The post match with Staj didn’t really press him with any hard questions or bigger picture questions.

I reckon the boys yesterday again did not lack effort. Stens, Kim and everyone really ran there guts out.
But when you turn over the ball from nervous feet so often and defending in a chasing manner rather than ‘walking and sliding the team forwards’ the boys were gassed too easily again.
Then tired feet add to the nervous feet.
And the result 6-2.

* Taking Miller out was a mistake.
* Tongyik did sacrifice defence for the sake of attack a few too many times.
* Wing backs still a bit too high and unable to receive ball with room.
* Nisbit too high, needs to be next to Kim so both players have someone to pass to.
* Teams easily go around our first line, need to sit between defenders and force back to keeper for a clearance more.

* Really need to set up a final and definitive structure to work towards next year!
I appreciate that Staj tries to change based on opponent but last 6/7 games we need to change the current structure completely and stick to a new format to really give something new a chance for more than 1 game.


Well-Known Member
Nizzy was playing as the 10.

Stens and Kim were very poor as a defensive shield and the back 4 were simply woeful.


I'm an idiot savant without the pesky savant bit
HOI Staj, Stop pissing about and settle on a f**kING 11...some week to week stability might just f**king help


Well-Known Member
Didn't watch the game yesterday, I went for a walk instead because the exercise is great and it would be a much more enjoyable afternoon than finding some pub playing the game and then sitting there for 2 hours muttering curses at the screen. It was only when I reached North Avoca surf club that I randomly checked Fb and saw the score (at that time) was 4-2. I figured maybe if we're lucky it'll end up a 4-4 draw- but not to be.

I said a couple of months ago that the Jest, WSW and Victory were in a worse place than CCM, but difference is they've all taken action in the right areas and got spirited wins on the weekend. Following CCM at the moment is like playing a multiplayer video game where everybody else is buying new weapons/ potions/ armour and levelling up yet we persist on playing with the default weapons and armour you start with. January was the time to boost this squad and yet again Charlesworth did SFA. Had we acted, we could be enjoying results like WSW and the Jest of late, maybe even the Roar- yet haven't moved forward an inch.

I went back and looked at the thread from last years' F3 derby when it was Staj's first game in charge, people were saying how much better the whole team looked and where might the squad be if we'd had him since the start of last season? What we're seeing now is the answer to that- overall better than under the previous few managers since Arnie, but there's only so much Staj can do with the resources he's been given. And this is about his limit. Mourinho, Klopp, Pep, Simeone or Zidane would struggle to do much better without adequate resources.

Nearly didn't bother to check this thread at all and have only followed the last few pages, but it's been unusually promising to read so far. If we were SFC or MVFC or WSW, the rot going on at this club would never have lasted this long. Their bigger/ more expectant fanbases would've made a lot of noise about their discontent, and the FFA would realise what a bad look it was for one of their most prominent clubs and the game- and ensured action was taken. CCM don't have that advantage- we don't have the supporter numbers or the demographic/ political clout. So I agree that we need to become more vocal/ prominent in publicising our thoughts on the state of this club and its' ownership.

I fully support boycotting games and am happy to take part in a protest of any sort should it be arranged. I like the idea of going into the ground, putting up a banner/ banners and then walking out. Below is a quick sketch I thought up for a big banner idea- could change the captions but I think this really spells out (for neutral fans) the change in fortunes of this once proud club and what needs to happen ASAP. I'm open to feedback:

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