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Rd 17 - Perth Glory (Away) V Mariners


Well-Known Member
I think it’s more the case that we have seen how bloody good the lads can play, individually and as a team so we know their potential.

But haven’t seen them replicate those performances we know they are capable of.

We have gone from an up their arse, front facing defence to an often chasing and leaving big gaps.

And of-course we just can’t seem to take advantage of all this amazing space we have wide when we get to their front third we even often get around their fullback into the box but can’t find the final ball.

We seem to wait to long outside their 18yard and allows them to set their defence, goals come from early balls which is a part of our game that has disappeared.

I think Moreshe and DWH can really help in this space hopefully and have the pace to demand a ball through rather than flicks, tricks and blocked shots.
While this is true I think the team is still building.

Moresche and DWH have hardly figured to this stage and will only add to the team's attacking stocks. McGarry means that Fazz has competition for his spot.

I now go into each game thinking we will win (or at the very least score a couple of goals). Last night was frustrating because we just didn't put it together. When we do someone will be in for a hammering.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely no arguments with that, even if it may be too much to ask of a team made up a heap of up and commer possibles salted with a bunch of experienced could have, should have, would have been, maybes.
This group as individuals are playing their best football. They may be inconsistent but they are playing better with us than they have with other clubs, eg Silverra, Triantis....

What I do not like is the death riding of individuals that goes on here. Last year it was Beni until people had to eat their words and which is starting to begin again. This year it is Kaltak who makes mistakes but many managers of other clubs in the league would give their left nut to have him in the squad. Similarly Tulio and even Danny.

Individuals and teams go through bad patches it is the nature of the game. Criticism of mistakes is part of the reason to have a forum however when that criticism reaches a level that blinds people to the good they are doing and their value to the team it becomes annoying.

I remember many years ago when Wayne Bennett criticised Wally Lewis for making too many mistakes. Lewis' reply was that if he did not try things he would not make mistakes.

The team last night were not that bad and should have jagged a win. A good result.

To make last ditch, brilliant goal saving tackles in the box sometimes will go wrong, trying to pull off impossible passes to put someone in on goal will often give the ball away, as well trying something totally outrageous to beat an opposing player.

These guys are worth it, especially as many are playing above their possible pay grade. Enjoy and make the most of them. We watched Hoole and his like too often in the past.
Gee I don't know why people have to death ride Hoole he had some amazing goals.


Well-Known Member
Danny Mac just made the observation
Thst the boys were fighting their natural body clock to sleep too, impressed that they ground out the result, thoughts?

it is something rarely mentioned when eastern teams fly west

is it the same when they fly east?


Well-Known Member
Position considered :
I like vukovic, don’t want him gone, just seems to violently swing between beast to
Can’t be arsed. Certainly kept us in the game that last 20

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Position considered :
I like vukovic, don’t want him gone, just seems to violently swing between beast to
Can’t be arsed. Certainly kept us in the game that last 20
While you see him just standing there st the free kick it’s not his job to dive for that one. Sounds silly I know but the wall has to cover that angle and he has the left hand side to protect.
The wall was a little to far back for my liking. You need to sneak a meter there. The wall also didn’t jump as one like they should of.
Also some credit to the Perth player hit the ball very quickly so neither the wall or Danny had time to adjust. He also hit the underside of the bar. Not to many keepers are saving that even if it’s on their side but especially Danny who is shorter.

As for the pen there are two ways to go about it. 1 is guess and go early and the second is to hold until the penalty taker commits and hits the ball. You go the right way but you are a tad slow if hit well. Much like Perth Keeper on Cummings first pen. There is a spot in the corner if hit well enough you usually score. Also danny is smaller so that hole exists.

As for replacing a keeper just for the sake of it without knowing what Sozer can or can’t do is a massive gamble and if he was good enough in training you think he’d get a crack. The fact Birraz left and we went and got Danny is a pretty big indicator.

Keepers cop a shit load of blame for something’s that are their fault but also heaps for the defender’s mistakes. Danny hasn’t been fantastic this year by any means and is showing signs age is catching up with him but those saves late is what you want from a keeper and are more expected than free kick and penalty saves

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
Just re watching the game with an analytical eye and minimum emotion.
Just paused at 15 mins when Perth scored.
Up until that point it was one of our best starts in a long time. Front 4 were excellent, Nizz controlling distribution beautifully and the defence were not troubled.
We forced a couple of good saves, one power shot from Beni and a good header for Kaltak.
The free kick on goal was pretty soft but, no arguments. Kaltak had hands touching Taggart's waist with no pressure but to give an indication which way he would turn. Taggart went down easier than Hutch used to. Free kick. Defenders do it all the time, mostly on corners, not necessarily to impede players but to be able to feel which way they are going while trying to follow the flight of the ball.
Ok on set pieces, big risk in open play. Bad mistake, but not a hanging offence.
Free kick, wall jumped at the correct time. No one was stopping that.
Time for a drink more later.


Well-Known Member
While you see him just standing there st the free kick it’s not his job to dive for that one. Sounds silly I know but the wall has to cover that angle and he has the left hand side to protect.
The wall was a little to far back for my liking. You need to sneak a meter there. The wall also didn’t jump as one like they should of.
Also some credit to the Perth player hit the ball very quickly so neither the wall or Danny had time to adjust. He also hit the underside of the bar. Not to many keepers are saving that even if it’s on their side but especially Danny who is shorter.

As for the pen there are two ways to go about it. 1 is guess and go early and the second is to hold until the penalty taker commits and hits the ball. You go the right way but you are a tad slow if hit well. Much like Perth Keeper on Cummings first pen. There is a spot in the corner if hit well enough you usually score. Also danny is smaller so that hole exists.

As for replacing a keeper just for the sake of it without knowing what Sozer can or can’t do is a massive gamble and if he was good enough in training you think he’d get a crack. The fact Birraz left and we went and got Danny is a pretty big indicator.

Keepers cop a shit load of blame for something’s that are their fault but also heaps for the defender’s mistakes. Danny hasn’t been fantastic this year by any means and is showing signs age is catching up with him but those saves late is what you want from a keeper and are more expected than free kick and penalty saves
I like your comments regarding the wall Al.If the players had of shown the referee some respect and got back about 8-9m they might have been ok.I find it so dumb that players stand 5m from the ball, any referee worth his salt would walk them back 11yards

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
15 to 30 mins. Good play. Some lovely balls from Tulio. a short corner on our left that was excellent. A short corner on the right that was a total stuff up. No one was set up for it. Last minute decision between Tulio and Mcgarry. Dumb since Mcgarry corners have been ok.
Beni looking threatening.
Cummings definitely not missing in action so far.
Time to fill the glass. Hopefully I will be able to type at the 45min mark.


Well-Known Member
Just watched replay. Holy Shit Theoharus wastes the ball. Hoole v2. Then scams a pen. Can't see him getting time ahead of DWH when he's in.

Other than that unlucky to not win between blinding saves by Cook and pinging the bars.


Well-Known Member
While you see him just standing there st the free kick it’s not his job to dive for that one. Sounds silly I know but the wall has to cover that angle and he has the left hand side to protect.
The wall was a little to far back for my liking. You need to sneak a meter there. The wall also didn’t jump as one like they should of.
Also some credit to the Perth player hit the ball very quickly so neither the wall or Danny had time to adjust. He also hit the underside of the bar. Not to many keepers are saving that even if it’s on their side but especially Danny who is shorter.

As for the pen there are two ways to go about it. 1 is guess and go early and the second is to hold until the penalty taker commits and hits the ball. You go the right way but you are a tad slow if hit well. Much like Perth Keeper on Cummings first pen. There is a spot in the corner if hit well enough you usually score. Also danny is smaller so that hole exists.

As for replacing a keeper just for the sake of it without knowing what Sozer can or can’t do is a massive gamble and if he was good enough in training you think he’d get a crack. The fact Birraz left and we went and got Danny is a pretty big indicator.

Keepers cop a shit load of blame for something’s that are their fault but also heaps for the defender’s mistakes. Danny hasn’t been fantastic this year by any means and is showing signs age is catching up with him but those saves late is what you want from a keeper and are more expected than free kick and penalty saves
Totally agree with the first one how obvious was the wall going to split

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
30 min to half time.
Mariners clearly the the better team by miles. A couple of mistakes, nothing worth mentioning, no one deserves a rocket at half time as far as I can see.
Clisby lucky to dodge a yellow as was Max. No problems. Keep it up and we should win.
I on a second look I definitely like Mcgarry. Fax has a battle, wonderful.
Nizz is the most important and valuable player in this time more so than that prick McKay, was to Roar in their Glory years. Sign him for life. He may not look spectacular but everything pivots around him. Unusually I did see him get beaten for a header.
Zadkovich is nearly as big a dick on the sideline as he used to be on the field.
The Perth supporters behind the goal are possibly the biggest embarrassment to the A league ever. They need a high school swimming carnival to go and cheer at. It is a damn shame we gave them back their handbell that they left in the Kendall bar pre match in season one or two. We should have thrown it in Brisbane Waters. Bunch of dweebs.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Just re watching the game with an analytical eye and minimum emotion.
Just paused at 15 mins when Perth scored.
Up until that point it was one of our best starts in a long time. Front 4 were excellent, Nizz controlling distribution beautifully and the defence were not troubled.
We forced a couple of good saves, one power shot from Beni and a good header for Kaltak.
The free kick on goal was pretty soft but, no arguments. Kaltak had hands touching Taggart's waist with no pressure but to give an indication which way he would turn. Taggart went down easier than Hutch used to. Free kick. Defenders do it all the time, mostly on corners, not necessarily to impede players but to be able to feel which way they are going while trying to follow the flight of the ball.
Ok on set pieces, big risk in open play. Bad mistake, but not a hanging offence.
Free kick, wall jumped at the correct time. No one was stopping that.
Time for a drink more later.
Excellent as always. I messaged group chat with "we need to score when we are on top". Sadly we didnt. Kaltak dropped his bundle when McGree turned him (Dan Hall doesnt make that mistake)

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
I’m not down in the dumps as I was happy before kickoff to take a point in this game as Perth are a bit of a bogey team for us the way they play.

We were very wasteful and I must admit I was pretty nervous with both our Pens as it seemed like one of those games. Tough trip and even tougher ground to play at.

Kaltak looked mentally fragile after his second red and I thought Hall should have stayed as a starter but hey I couldn’t argue too much about Kaltak not starting. Need to fix his demons if he is starting against the Fire Chickens. Triantis had tape on his legs and was subbed so perhaps we need to manage his work load better as we need him fit and firing for the run to the end of the season

Niz was great but just wish he would have a shot. Maybe we need psych to come in and help some of these lads.

Great to see Jnr back and he did well for his first run. Theo is cursed at the moment and just can’t get past the woodwork, I can feel one coming soon though. He seemed to struggle with the pitch as his ball control wasn’t that great. The Garry looked hungry for a goal which is good to see and he will be great competition for Faz.

Bring on Friday night.

Great post Tevor.

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