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Well-Known Member
I reckon we should start a petition  to the FFA against  Breeze . how many times not only us but other A-league teams have been jipped by his decisions and i dont feel we deserve a referee like that . Both us and Newcastle went into the weekend ranked  1 and 2 now how come we didnt get Mark Shields to ref our game seeing though he is supposedly the top ref in the country but instead he does the Sydney Game. The game was heart breaking even an away goal wouldve helped but NO we get dissalowed an onside goal and given a penalty agaisnt us which wasnt a penalty.  I have been doin my research on Breeze and have come up with .

The dodgy decision given against the Mariners  against sydney FC in the dying seconds to give Sydney a winning penalty with less then a minute to go .

The Blatent handball in the box by muscat  in the melbourne qld game. was not given .  referee was breeze

The  game on the weekend the crucial decisions.

many times we have been wrong done by breeze and i think it is time someone does something.  i took an extraxt from football fans forum    saying.

Everytime we have Breeze he kills the game for us

FANS VIEW ON FOOTBALL NEWS FORUM  Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 8:22 am    Post subject:

Infoman wrote:

well if breeze cant keep up with play week in and week out, then it just proves our points, he is plain cabernet. and should not be allowed to ref another game until he proves himself.

so i believe it is not onnly us who feels he should go and its heart breaking for me to watch my team always suffer at the hands of him unlike the good refereeing both ways in the game against wellington ..

i may be over dramatising  but i have really had enough


Well-Known Member
And his hand chosen ARs:


"Hey Power, want to hear how you say ... 'you're an incompetent prick' in Spanish?"

Breeze was allowed to choose who he had with him, according to my source.

(thanks to Marconigirl for the photo)


The FFA need to think long and hard about the standard off refereeing if they want to expand the A-league if words spreads that we have s**t Refs players will not want to play hear.

It is like the refs are some kind off protected spices in a wildlife park. They are not shot when they become a pest.


Well-Known Member
bristol said:
The FFA need to think long and hard about the standard off refereeing if they want to expand the A-league if words spreads that we have s**t Refs players will not want to play hear.

It is like the refs are some kind off protected spices in a wildlife park. They are not shot when they become a pest.
Refs need to be told when they are having a bad one. Managers should be able to comment on the performance of the ref.
Not just breeze but all of these a-league refs get worse and worse every week.
Refs have way to much protection.
One really bad ref and linesman decision could cost the mariners a grand final spot.
Very poor refs.
They all need to pull there f**king heads in!!!


Well-Known Member
Agreed, we are playing a game where whenever players, coaches etc...say anything negative about the ref they get fined.

I can't see Breeze even being spoken to about his performance. All O'Leary got when he red carded Porter was to be moved back to 4th official which would have happened no matter how he reffed the game... It seems as if they have no one to answer to if they have a bad game.

On the upside, apparently the news anchor on fox sports was giving it to him yesterday.  :thumbup:

Good Luck with him Syd and Qld!


New Member
Sadly one of those games where a refs bad decision altered the course of the game. Away goal would have been valuable.

U guys actually played pretty well, Corssbar, missed penalty and dubious off side goal - wasnt your day.


Well-Known Member
what i want to know is , is it worth starting a petition and are our fans behind this petition if it was to be started because i know i have had enough of Breeze  and i am very sure other A-League fans have aswell


Well-Known Member
Aden said:
what i want to know is , is it worth starting a petition and are our fans behind this petition if it was to be started because i know i have had enough of Breeze  and i am very sure other A-League fans have aswell

Every fan would be behind it, but you would be wasting your time.


I agree with DJ. We would be wasting our time on a petition against Breeze specifically. Perhaps a better idea would be a more general, public campaign to the FFA for better refereeing standards, starting with:
1. having paid professional refs
2. a referees boss to assign reffs, ARs; review performances after each match; and ensure physical fitness.

Despite the stats and other arguments, any specific call for Breeze to be hung from the nearest tree will only look like sour grapes.


Well-Known Member
douges said:
I agree with DJ. We would be wasting our time on a petition against Breeze specifically. Perhaps a better idea would be a more general, public campaign to the FFA for better refereeing standards, starting with:
1. having paid professional refs
2. a referees boss to assign reffs, ARs; review performances after each match; and ensure physical fitness

1.  Not sure that would actually improve things ... think Graham Poll!  :fireup:
2.  There already is one - Richard Lorenc - perhaps write to him with a copy to Ben Buckley FFA

In terms of assessment, each game has a Referees Inspector - I don't have who it was on Sunday, as it is on the team sheet, but for example only - at Bluetongue for NY Eve it was Clive Mackillop (a lovely chap)

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Whist I agree Breeze is not up to standards, it was the AR who blew it on Sunday. Whilst the ref can over rule, Breeze wouldnt have been able to tell from there.


Shield is the best ref in the country the FFA and Fifa suggest. Why then was he refing the minor semi? Surely he should have been doing the major?


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking that Breeze and Shield will swap this weekend, thus making the referring even over the two legs. What happens after that will be interesting.


Well-Known Member
Atomic said:
I'm thinking that Breeze and Shield will swap this weekend, thus making the referring even over the two legs. What happens after that will be interesting.

Good luck Queensland then... (They will need it.. )


Well-Known Member
Jesus said:
Shield is the best ref in the country the FFA and Fifa suggest. Why then was he refing the minor semi? Surely he should have been doing the major?
Shield is shit


Well-Known Member
marconigirl said:
Atomic said:
I'm thinking that Breeze and Shield will swap this weekend, thus making the referring even over the two legs. What happens after that will be interesting.

Good luck Queensland then... (They will need it.. )
its a breeze winning with breeze......  :thumbup:

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