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Mariners vs Qld


Well-Known Member
:headbutt: damnit that was a bit disappointing wasnt it.. midfield was a bit average definitley missed hutcho i thinks and really didnt perform too well after we scored the first.. once viddy put one in our net we kind of died and that was it.  :naughty: these things happen but we will really have to lift and get a result in adelaide next week and then back it up at home against sack 'em fc. :fireup:


Well-Known Member
How dissapointing indeed. I have no idea why Vidmar even went after the first ball. It was going straight across goal.

I was suprised the 'old legs' stretched that far. How long is Vidmar on contract for and do you think there would be a clause something to the effect of you are TO OLD and NOT PERFORMING so please leave?

There is so many players now that are quicker and have better balls skills to get around him and really at the back we need as much help as possible to support Danny.

BTW - How good was his save yesterday..... 3 blocks and still had another 3 in him.

Danny - I salute you.

Vidmar - The soup kitchen at Gosford needs a part time chef......... :vhappy:


Well-Known Member
yep. viddy is on contract till the end of this season as far as I kno.. IMO he was a quality player, but he is now past his prime. no doubt he lifts the profile of the team, and he is a VERY experienced player.. but maybe it is his time to move on. we have players that are more than sufficient to fill his boots in terms of talent, and the money that we are spending on his wages could attract good talent to the club also, or be used to secure aloisi. maybe he could look at a coaching role or something, idk :headbutt:  ??? . thoughts??


Well-Known Member
I am not sure what capacity of coaching. From a defensive perspective there are many other applicants for that role. Would like to see him still involved with the CCM but just not in a defensive poistion in the team.


skilbeck said:
uptheguts said:
. How long is Vidmar on contract for

I think its until the end of this season

Good..... I'd like to see him gone after sunday's performance.

or do you think I'm too harsh on the poor old bastard?


Well-Known Member
striker said:
skilbeck said:
uptheguts said:
. How long is Vidmar on contract for

I think its until the end of this season

Good..... I'd like to see him gone after sunday's performance.

or do you think I'm too harsh on the poor old bastard?

Not at all I think throughout the season he has shown his lack of pace and turns, both red cards were due to his pace and tiredness........a legend that he was there comes a time for everyone to hang up their boots, Viddy is lucky to have got 2 extra years after his heart troubles.

Personally I do not expect a defender who is on his wage to make the mistakes that he does.

In saying that, I know he has helped Boogs develop so at a coaching level he could be an asset, but how many coaches do we need? and what can he offer that Fergie and Tobin can't?
Gee everyone is ready to give Vidmar the shove. Overall he's done good enough for the Mariners and now you want him out quicker than the Socceroos supporters wanted 'Arnold Out!'

Maybe he's gone one season too many, but that is hard to judge for any sportsperson.

I'd like to see him work with the Academy, and start his coaching career from there. Sooner or later, Tobin or Ferguson will move on, that's the nature of the beast. And then Vidmar can slot in if he's good enough as a coach.

But he may well end up teaming up with his brother in Adelaide just as easy as he's likely to stay on the CC.


Asa Foetida said:
Gee everyone is ready to give Vidmar the shove. Overall he's done good enough for the Mariners and now you want him out quicker than the Socceroos supporters wanted 'Arnold Out!'

What I really want is for the Mariners to do well.  And, if we have to get rid of some player, than that's is ok too!


Well-Known Member
To all those that have stated that Vidmar is past his 'use by date' and to those that still think he's not and just had a 'bad day at the office', rewatch the game and pause the game at exactly the 1:50 mark, that's right 1 minute and 50 seconds into the game and you'll clearly see why it's time for him to hang up the boot's.

Soggy Seo passes the ball to Murdocca and you'll clearly see that Vidmar is about 12-13 yards from the halfway line in his own half (defending extremely high up the park for a LCB)

Murdocca then slides a beautiful ball from right to centre of the 18 yd line. As Murdocca put's foot to ball for this pass, Reinaldo can be seen 2 yards behind Vidmar, who's still standing in the same position, now pointing to some/thing/one?

Mackay makes an angular run to get on the end of the Murdocca pass and Reinaldo starts his frantic run from where he was standing behind Vidmar. Vidmar just starts to walk back towards the goal!

Heff fails/ over runs to meet Mackay (Viddy's still walking) and Wilko falls over him as Mackay turns the ball back, hold's it up, & waits for Reinaldo (Viddy's still walking) to get to him and finally releases to Reinaldo, Mile sprints to get Reinaldo from behind (Viddy's still walking) but Reinaldo ultimately fcuk's up what should have been an easy goal within 2 minutes of play.

Watching the slow motion replay, especially the one filmed through the back of the goals, Tony Vidmar can clearly be seen walking THE ENTIRE FCUKING time the play unfolded, his body language whilst walking is one of absolute NON-URGENCY.

Like they say, a picture paints a thousand words! You either give your all or nothing. Watching the replay the only thing Vidmar looks like giving is a fcuk.  :'(


Rowdy said:
............ Watching the replay the only thing Vidmar looks like giving is a fcuk.  :'(

hey Roddy

how about the time he let the o.g.in ?  he looked over his left  shoulder to see who was there - no Roar player except Wilko...why didn't he let the pass go past him as the Roar player was on his right and Wilko just behind him to the left would clear it without any hassle...

p.s..I am fcuking dyslexic aslo!  (0);


Well-Known Member
deliberate, not dyslexic.

....and a man at that!?  ::)

What happened to your constant avatars of seriously HOT football babes?  :p


striker #9 said:
Rowdy said:
............ Watching the replay the only thing Vidmar looks like giving is a fcuk.  :'(

hey Roddy

how about the time he let the o.g.in ?  he looked over his left  shoulder to see who was there - no Roar player except Wilko...why didn't he let the pass go past him as the Roar player was on his right and Wilko just behind him to the left would clear it without any hassle...

p.s..I am fcuking dyslexic aslo!  (0);

Hey yeah, where's the footballing babes. That cartoon is poxy mate. :D


Yes Pete.....poxy is right.....

how about

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