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Mariners v Welly (Pride Round)


Well-Known Member
FWIW - I think all cards were right last night. No other sport on earth lets players/officials be treated the way they are in football, it’s a disgrace. Monty and the bench need to reign it in.
it is hard to argue with the cards.That is only half of it though. Only one side was being. sanctioned.

We also needed to be more clinical and should have been out of sight.


Well-Known Member
Should have easily been 3-0 or more though
Easy, even when we were down to 9 we still put tons of pressure on them but just lacked the final product to sink the ball into the net when it counted.

McGarry was very unlucky not to get that second goal, was a cracker save from Sail.

I've heard from a good source that Monty did nothing worthy of one yellow let alone two. In fact the ref acted on a word from the fourth official for the second card. No swearing and abuse... just questioning the decision.
You're correct here, Monty did nothing at all to warrant the second yellow, was the 4th "official" in the ear of the ref talkin smack.


Well-Known Member
I've heard from a good source that Monty did nothing worthy of one yellow let alone two. In fact the ref acted on a word from the fourth official for the second card. No swearing and abuse... just questioning the decision.
If you noticed, the 4th official moved closer and closer to the Wellington bench as the ref lost control. I really have no idea how he heard anything from the Mariners bench to send Monty off when he was curled up on Talays lap

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
If you think so. Just stating facts. You just don't like them. The Sydney game was a prime example. Soft red card to Syd and no need to lunge in. Missing an open goal. That's a two goal and a one player swing. For our import signings I would expect more. Sorry if you disagree.
No need to apologise. We obviously value different things in players.
It is just that I think with all his faults (no arguments) Kaltak brings a strong presence especially in the air to our defence that will be missed.
I also think Tulio brings a lot of creativity to our attack that leads to many created chances, similarly Benni.
It appears these three players cause lots of differences of opinion here and draw lots of criticism.
I just think we would be weaker without all three.
Everybody sees things and players differently. So be it. I tend to see the good things players do others see the errors.
Call you it as you see it.


Well-Known Member
No need to apologise. We obviously value different things in players.
It is just that I think with all his faults (no arguments) Kaltak brings a strong presence especially in the air to our defence that will be missed.
I also think Tulio brings a lot of creativity to our attack that leads to many created chances, similarly Benni.
It appears these three players cause lots of differences of opinion here and draw lots of criticism.
I just think we would be weaker without all three.
Everybody sees things and players differently. So be it. I tend to see the good things players do others see the errors.
Call you it as you see it.
I think Benni had a decent game last night, did he have a perfect game? no, still lost a lot of possession but still gave it a red hot go at the end of the day.

It is very rare to have every player not make a single mistake all game.

Tulio had some decent chances too, especially the one that falconed Sail lmao.

As for Kaltak, his tackles are mostly slide tackles which are ALWAYS going to be more dangerous than standing tackles, saying this as a ex RB who used to predominantly use slide tackles myself and yes, I did make mistakes where it cost me in the end as once you're mid slide its hard to pull out of the challenge.


Well-Known Member
I am sure that it is just coincidental that Monty and Serge's preferred starting team is similar to mine.
I admit they did throw me moving Fazz to left centre back. An inspired decision.
I think this move showed us all that Dan Hall has even more competition now, unfortunately for him.
Faz done outstanding in that position in my eyes.


Well-Known Member
I am sure that it is just coincidental that Monty and Serge's preferred starting team is similar to mine.
I admit they did throw me moving Fazz to left centre back. An inspired decision.
Spot on, I rarely disagree with the teams that Monty puts on the park. If these players were not up to standard they wouldn’t be starting or in the squad. Garang for instance, how many wanted him starting so much earlier than Monty. Everyone can have their opinions and I don’t expect all to agree with mine but in slanging off on players your are effectively saying Monty and his staff have no idea what they are doing. In the past it was definitely called for with some of our Managers and playing rosters.

Rising Sun

Well-Known Member
I've heard from a good source that Monty did nothing worthy of one yellow let alone two. In fact the ref acted on a word from the fourth official for the second card. No swearing and abuse... just questioning the decision.
You can often pick it up on the effects mike and he will question and challenge but never done in an abusive manner and is no worse than every single other ALM coach and a damn sight better than some e.g. the irish stalker. Ours is also one of the few benches that seem to respect the technical area these days. Yet he seems to be picking up yellows on a frequent basis this season. It it the same as players where a coach has to serve a ban after 5 yellows then you can add that to the conspiracy list.


Well-Known Member
You can often pick it up on the effects mike and he will question and challenge but never done in an abusive manner and is no worse than every single other ALM coach and a damn sight better than some e.g. the irish stalker. Ours is also one of the few benches that seem to respect the technical area these days. Yet he seems to be picking up yellows on a frequent basis this season. It it the same as players where a coach has to serve a ban after 5 yellows then you can add that to the conspiracy list.
Are we actually appealing Montys red? Anybody know?

Rising Sun

Well-Known Member
It is just that I think with all his faults (no arguments) Kaltak brings a strong presence especially in the air to our defence that will be missed.
He has won a few MoMs this season and was probably riding high in the Alex Tobin at one point, but his reds have been costly. If he played in a sky blue jersey then he would probably still have zero reds, but he plays in yellow and navy and there has to be a point where the risk of his all-or-nothing approach outweighs the benefits.

Probably don't need to debate it too much though because by the time he has served his ban, Triantis will be back from overseas and regained his lock on RCB, and I reckon Faz will have a lock on LCB. If Monty his true to his word about players earning their way back in then he may have a long wait

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