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    ccmfans.net is the Central Coast Mariners fan community, and was formed in 2004, so basically the beginning of time for the Mariners. Things have changed a lot over the years, but one thing has remained constant and that is our love of the Mariners. People come and go, some like to post a lot and others just like to read. It's up to you how you participate in the community!

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Well-Known Member
Playing in Muscate, Oman reminds me of a work collegue who, years ago, booked her flight from London to home in Oz but accidently booked a flight to Muscat instead of Mascot!

She said she was puzzled on arrival as she thought the flight should have been longer, and didn't remember Sydney being that hot and dry.


Active Member
J'adore aux USA, se lever à 2 heures du matin pour regarder les garçons jouer est la norme pour moi donc ce sera un bon changement.

Je me demande dans quelle mesure tout cela est orchestré par l'AFC pour favoriser une équipe du Moyen-Orient et dans quelle mesure cela est uniquement dû à des raisons météorologiques.

Je ne peux pas imaginer que les pays influents du Moyen-Orient (Qatar, Afrique du Sud, Émirats arabes unis, etc.) s'en soucient du Liban...
Je ne vois pas pourquoi ils feraient ça, car imaginez une équipe sponsorisée par un groupe terroriste remportant un trophée continental...weird....but the localisation is unfair...Why not doing that in a country of Central Asia or in 2 legs like the AFC Champions League final ?


Active Member
Jouant à Mascate, Oman me rappelle une collègue de travail qui, il y a des années, avait réservé son vol de Londres à Oz, mais avait accidentellement réservé un vol pour Mascate au lieu de Mascot !

Elle a dit qu'elle était perplexe à son arrivée car elle pensait que le vol aurait dû être plus long et ne se souvenait pas que Sydney avait été aussi chaude et sèche.
Crazy 🤣


Active Member
Je viens de réserver ma place pour la tournée de Lawrie. Une décision irréfléchie rendue plus facile par le fait qu'il n'y a pas de temps pour y penser. Je ne pouvais pas laisser passer l'opportunité de nous voir potentiellement remporter la Coupe AFC en personne.
Toi did the right move, we have only one life 😉

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
That's 100% my plan as well. Japan has always been on my bucket list and us potentially playing over there is the perfect excuse to finally go. If the draw is kind to us, it'd either be Vissel Kobe or Yokohama. Yokohama would be sick as it's close to Tokyo

I was lucky enough to attend Osaka vs Kyoto a few weeks ago. Amazing atmosphere.

I'll post some videos and photos in a few days


Well-Known Member
That's 100% my plan as well. Japan has always been on my bucket list and us potentially playing over there is the perfect excuse to finally go. If the draw is kind to us, it'd either be Vissel Kobe or Yokohama. Yokohama would be sick as it's close to Tokyo
I've been once before, visited Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka. I was not a fan of Tokyo but I'm not really into busy big cities anymore after living in London for 10 years. The bullet train down to Kyoto was great and it's a beautiful place to visit. Food in Osaka was awesome and people all lovely. I'd definitely be keen for a trip to Yokohama.


Well-Known Member
That's 100% my plan as well. Japan has always been on my bucket list and us potentially playing over there is the perfect excuse to finally go. If the draw is kind to us, it'd either be Vissel Kobe or Yokohama. Yokohama would be sick as it's close to Tokyo

I was fortunate enough to do the Nagoya game with CoastFM. One week in Tokyo, with a bullet train in and out that day/night for the game, was a brilliant trip.

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