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CCM vs Victory


Well-Known Member
For me the most pleasing aspect of last night was with a small budget and spending way less than Victory we not only held our own but on balance were the better side and we know how to win.

Staj, showed us how to and Monty has been exceptional.

Monty totally out coached the highly rated Pops, the goal they scored was a screamer it bent and then curved and then dipped.

Sammy S was doing something different last night to previous years...seems Monty has got into his head.

To explain, Storm received a pass from SS .. Storm ran down the sideline. SS started to move and then Storm lost the ball. SS torn back to find in the right back position allowing Storm to cover in the right mid role.

I almost stood and cheered SS tracking back to cover a lost ball both closing space and allowing Storm to close the right side middle third.

never really been part of his game before and a reason I think his career stalled

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
The sign of a good/great coach is their ability to make players better.
Popa doesn't. Monty does.
My dislike of Victory as a toxic organisation is growing.
Have their man on the APL board and dip their hands in the till? Then have Nani on marquee wages.
These grubs can't spell conflict of interest.


Well-Known Member
100% not a pen, VAR got it right. We’d be livid if it was given against us (though you have to feel those are the ones that would be given against us - another issue entirely…). Chatting with a few players post-game who said the same.
On the offside - clear & obvious doesn’t come into it with offside calls. It’s either offside or onside. *Grits teeth* VAR got it right again. Cumdog extends his lead atop the disallowed goals standings.


Well-Known Member
100% not a pen, VAR got it right. We’d be livid if it was given against us (though you have to feel those are the ones that would be given against us - another issue entirely…). Chatting with a few players post-game who said the same.
On the offside - clear & obvious doesn’t come into it with offside calls. It’s either offside or onside. *Grits teeth* VAR got it right again. Cumdog extends his lead atop the disallowed goals standings.

You're right it is, but to over turn the original decision the VAR has to point to a clear point at which the offside takes place. The issue is that the clear point isn't shown with the lines given, there is two very dodgy lines that don't seem to have a base, sitting directly next to each other. It would be easily rectified too, introduce a margin of error as the Dutch League has, but they chose not too, so instead of discussing a great win last night, we are discussing the legitimacy of another VAR decision.
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Well-Known Member
You're right it is, but to over turn the original decision the VAR has to point to a clear point at which the offside takes place. The issue is that the clear point isn't shown with the lines given, there is to very dodgy lines that don't seem to have a base, sitting directly next to each other. It would be easily rectified too, introduce a margin of error as the Dutch League has, but they chose not too, so instead of discussing a great win last night, we are discussing the legitimacy of another VAR.
Spot on, a great win and we are all up in arms about dodgy decisions. I felt so angry after the game and had to keep reminding myself we won. Calmed down today and I don’t accept those two decisions as correct and wouldn’t happen to any other team other than the Nix and us. Bring on the next game and outstanding effort from a team that had to deal with a quick turnaround after a sauna game.


Well-Known Member
He was signed as

As far as I'm concerned it isn't.

Nizz got the ball first. Acton then touched the ball but never controlled it. Acton then tripped Nizz. Clear penalty. If Acton was in control of the ball then it would be no penalty.
My thoughts exactly, doesn’t matter if Acton contacts the ball after Niz attempts to take it round him (Niz definitely touches the ball first). The contact with his legs prevents Niz from rounding the ball up and attempting to score. How the pundits can honestly see it any other way is beyond me.


Well-Known Member
He should be stood down, way too much factual evidence of clear bias over many seasons. He is a blight on the referee fraternity. The APL should never have agreed to use FA referees, diabolical decision that is causing damage to the League.
Do you honestly think handing control of referees would result in a better outcome?


Why do only certain clubs vote on key APL board decisions?
Who fcuked up the P- deal?
Who blew $30M on a dud app?
Who runs a marquee fund to advantage certain teams?
Who decided to hold the next three GF’s in SYD?

I rest my case your honour ??‍♂️


Well-Known Member
Just went and watched a replay of the incident again in which I challenge you to do the same. If you think the ball is anywhere near Nizz and recoverable then you are completely wrong.
Sorry Mick but it doesn’t matter what angle the ball deflects from Acton’s hand, he cleans up Nizzy with his follow through thus denying him any opportunity to chase the ball down after that contact. The fact that some people share your view whilst others don’t shows that there can be differences of opinion on the nuances of such decisions. It’s water under the bridge now so we move on.


Well-Known Member
Do you honestly think handing control of referees would result in a better outcome?


Why do only certain clubs vote on key APL board decisions?
Who fcuked up the P- deal?
Who blew $30M on a dud app?
Who runs a marquee fund to advantage certain teams?
Who decided to hold the next three GF’s in SYD?

I rest my case your honour ??‍♂️
I guess I’m just hoping it would be better, last season when there were some terrible decisions good bloke said he would get to the bottom of it however it became apparent they cannot influence anything to do with referees. Totally agree the APL was a pipe dream by the large clubs and the league has gone backwards no matter what people say about FA and Foxtel the game was better under their control. When the P- deal is done the league will probably end. That’s maybe 2 more seasons to go.


Well-Known Member
I think a big part of the problem is that KGJ and other VAR refs are on a bit of a power trip and sticking their noses in far too often on far too many close decisions. Their role is to pull up the clear and obvious errors.
They are over reaching their role in their power hungry ego trips.
Alternatively, they are sensitive to VAR criticism and overreact by scrutinising to the nth degree every decision to avoid blame-ie arse covering


Well-Known Member
Maybe - just maybe - you are the one misreading the situation.

Very possible
Sorry Mick but it doesn’t matter what angle the ball deflects from Acton’s hand, he cleans up Nizzy with his follow through thus denying him any opportunity to chase the ball down after that contact. The fact that some people share your view whilst others don’t shows that there can be differences of opinion on the nuances of such decisions. It’s water under the bridge now so we move on.

But he doesn’t clean Nizzy up. Nizzy is late to the challenge that Acton gets to first. You accept this and you have to accept the Silvera “foul” and yellow.


Well-Known Member
100% not a pen, VAR got it right. We’d be livid if it was given against us (though you have to feel those are the ones that would be given against us - another issue entirely…). Chatting with a few players post-game who said the same.
On the offside - clear & obvious doesn’t come into it with offside calls. It’s either offside or onside. *Grits teeth* VAR got it right again. Cumdog extends his lead atop the disallowed goals standings.
Wash you sensible mouth out PP. Heretic.

Big Al

Well-Known Member
That’s my issue. He gets a touch ‘just’ but takes out the man and if he doesn’t Niz recovers the ball. We see that pulled up all the time in general play.
Lucky Niz didn’t get a yellow card for getting the ball first.

Ridiculous referee but i was super pissed at the game saying how can it be “clearand obvious” if it’s that close
However if it was given against us i’d be pissed as the keeper does get enough on the ball to clearly deviate the ball.

I think it’s been pretty well unwritten rule for a long time if the keeper gets the ball it’s all good so i can accept that but after every little thing including both VAR going against us it just felt worse

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Roux was excellent except for the goal but while a little off the player it was a fantastic strike.

Kadette (MV LB) was excellent. He physically out muscled both Beni and Koul. He won what seemed like every challenge with Beni especially in the air. Could have been a combination of him and Broxham in the first half but Popa also had them set up that every header feel to their midfield and then they had a outlet pass ready and over run us in the middle from all the second balls.

However they didn’t really look like scoring except for the first 10 mins. They had one shot for the goal and that was it in the first half. Such a deflation to the team.
Wilson was dangerous early for them and that ball to Nani in first 40sec was beautiful. Lucky Roux got there to block the that.

Watching MV setup at Corners was interesting. They clogged the penalty spot to the 6yrd box and it was second balls rebounds that Cummings pounced on.
The variation to Beni which almost came off was a very smart counter.

Well deserved win

Crowd - great numbers shit crowd. Typical new years casuals social event. Great for the club but sick of people walking up and down the isles all game and when are the fireworks - 9pm - No after the game not a set time. First offside - I’ve never understood soccer. Who do we sing for. On half size crowd gets a great response because everyone knows what’s happening. Last night they were to busy talking to care. Old man get off my grass rant over.


Well-Known Member
We played positive, creative, attractive and entertaining football. Scored great goals and could easily have been 4 goals up and only weren't by the thinnest of margins.
Their goal was a worldie but otherwise Vuka had little to do as we closed out their quality attackers well.

A game to enjoy!

true believer

Well-Known Member
I guess I’m just hoping it would be better, last season when there were some terrible decisions good bloke said he would get to the bottom of it however it became apparent they cannot influence anything to do with referees. Totally agree the APL was a pipe dream by the large clubs and the league has gone backwards no matter what people say about FA and Foxtel the game was better under their control. When the P- deal is done the league will probably end. That’s maybe 2 more seasons to go.
Bring back labozzetta


Well-Known Member
Just watched the game.
- Their goal was coming, we just seemed to fall into this 15 minute period of no desire, letting the game linger, no control in the midfield.
- big difference with Nizz back in the team.
- still offering teams the chance to snatch a draw when only leading by 1. All the backs provide great examples of composure in those last 20 minutes that Steele/Silvera could learn from. A few times we worked hard to get the ball out of our box and those two had the chance to get it strong, ride a tackle and keep possession but they went for speculative kicks and turned over possession
- is Ono the only import Poppa has ever got right? Why bring a Spanish left back into the team if he's not going to be a STAR. If it's Nigro replacing him then Noah Smith must be injured. Marchan = meh
- credit to staff for getting him working again and Storm for his comeback. His best season since he left the club.
- happy with the win, could have been by three or four, could have been a draw.
Cadete is the Victory LB and yes he is Spanish.He scored the Victory's goal ( and it was a worldie) and won most of his duels against Garang.He may not be a Star but is a very strong and accomplished defender.Marchan is a midfielder and yes he is only so so.

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