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Two forums?


Well-Known Member
northernspirit said:
i like this forum so much better, was happy to see the PM there :D
Beowulf posted on the Proboards: "Farewell...won't see me on the new forum...I can't stand its format..Bad move"

Can't please everyone. 

For me the colours are too Blingish, and light background hurts my old eyes. Hey that's just me ..


A change of colour scheme, more in keeping with the Mariners colours, would be nice.

But I would understand it if a yellowish background ended up looking worse than this Bling-ish format.


Staff member
If someone wants to make an SMF template with colours that are not "blingish", they can send it to me and I'll put it on here


Well-Known Member
adz said:
If someone wants to make an SMF template with colours that are not "blingish", they can send it to me and I'll put it on here
Is there an easy way to create a template?
Do you download and install the entire software to play around with colour schemes? Is it in code or is there a nice friendly interface?

EDIT: Don't mind me, just had a closer look at the site and i think i can figure out how to give it a go.


Well-Known Member
kevrenor said:
northernspirit said:
i like this forum so much better, was happy to see the PM there :D
Beowulf posted on the Proboards: "Farewell...won't see me on the new forum...I can't stand its format..Bad move"

Can't please everyone. 

For me the colours are too Blingish, and light background hurts my old eyes. Hey that's just me ..

as Beowulf said, you can't please everyone and that's fine.

I think most people prefer the new 1 which is the important thing, colours can be changed (not by me as I have no idea how to do it).  Saying it's too 'blingish' is a bit odd thou as it's only a forum, plus we have a photo of Bluetongue up the top with a massive Marinators flag?


Staff member
I think they mean because SFCU is running the same forum in the same (default) colours. The Roar fans are too but the forum isn't too "Roar-ish". Plus it is blue so that must mean it is Sydney. The proboards forum is dark grey so that must be Mariners colours.


Well-Known Member
What part of sky blue and dark blue isn't obvious DJ?  ;D

adz said:
I think they mean because SFCU is running the same forum in the same (default) colours. The Roar fans are too but the forum isn't too "Roar-ish". Plus it is blue so that must mean it is Sydney. The proboards forum is dark grey so that must be Mariners colours.
This one?  http://northern-element.com/phpBB3/

Adz, as you know the Proboards Forum used the default background but with Mariners navy and deep yellow highlights, and light yellow type.

I know that SMF is even more limited in how you can change the colours than proboards, and that is thus a lot of work that shouldn't be loaded onto you - but given that people can choose a template for themselves the offer of loading templates up if they can be produced is a very good one. People just need some guidance on how that may be done.

For me, I was just expressing a personal opinion ... as I did in the poll.  I like the forum overall, just don't like the colours.


What?....we can load our own individual selection of a template rather than just everyone having the same skin for the forum?


Well-Known Member
Pete said:
What?....we can load our own individual selection of a template rather than just everyone having the same skin for the forum?
Well yeah, look in the profile area .... BUT first one has to be produced - that is (important) compatible, sent to Adz, and when he gets a chance loaded.


Staff member
kevrenor said:
Adz, as you know the Proboards Forum used the default background but with Mariners navy and deep yellow highlights, and light yellow type.

Sorry, did not know that. Same setup as here then, default with some bits changed to yellow.

kevrenor said:
I know that SMF is even more limited in how you can change the colours than proboards

Absolutely the opposite of this! Although I think you mean you can't just go into a menu and choose colours as easily as proboards... ;D anything/everything can be changed, but it is in code rather than choosing from menus.

kevrenor said:
People just need some guidance on how that may be done.

Would love to run a course on html/css/basic php, but I don't think there is enough interest.... anyone...? anyone...? bueller...? :p

kevrenor said:
For me, I was just expressing a personal opinion ... as I did in the poll.  I like the forum overall, just don't like the colours.

Fair point and I have had a go at making it more yellow than blue, but ended up making it quite ugly. 11 votes on that poll and the majority are don't care - leave it alone, so the colours have not been at the top of the priority list. Anyone is welcome to make up a template and send it through tho.


Well-Known Member
One thing about the forum that some may hate .... see how it tells you how many hours you've spent on here! Imagine what Marinermick's and Omni's would say if we'd been here for 3 years!  :ashamed:

Still times a wasting ....  :vhappy:


Staff member
funny you should mention that.. I was just considering setting my count back to 0 ;D


Well-Known Member
I love the look of the forum as a whole - the banner is superb!

The only suggestion would be perhaps amending the presentation of the forum. As an alternate to the predominantly blue and yellow, I would suggest modelling it on the away jersey given the white back ground with black font would much easier to read as opposed to typing on blue or yellow.

With that said, I don't know how to implement the above template so I won't complain.

Nice job all involved!  ;D


Staff member
Thanks mate, constructive criticism is better that "I don't like it" ;)
I might try changing the light blue rows (in the board and thread views) to light grey instead... keep the yellow on blue headings... see how that goes.

And don't be afraid to complain! Just that not all complaints will be addressed ;D


is it possible to get the same smiley faces as the Sydney fourm?


Well-Known Member
adz said:
Thanks mate, constructive criticism is better that "I don't like it" ;)
I might try changing the light blue rows (in the board and thread views) to light grey instead... keep the yellow on blue headings... see how that goes.

And don't be afraid to complain! Just that not all complaints will be addressed ;D

Thanks mate, appreciate the reply.

When all is said and done, I have no problem with the layout, colour or banner. We have professional looking forum to talk about our team. End of. My feedback is just "food for thought".

p.s. I know the feeling re: getting complaints with little weight behind it in terms of suggestions and/or solutions in my line of work.


Active Member
bakery5 said:
is it possible to get the same smiley faces as the Sydney fourm?

I'd prefer we had our own, except
  I think that should be compulsory

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