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The Championship: 'all things thread'


Well-Known Member
Villa will definitely make the play offs and a a strong chance to go up. I presume you mean Birmingham rather than Bristol City.
The Blues are in trouble but hopefully can avoid the drop. 3 teams in danger of the last relegation spot. I think the Brummies will stay up.
Thanks, yes I meant Birmingham. Only interested 'cause my ancestors are from there. Already know the Baggies are going down.


Well-Known Member
Baggies beat Scum (sorry I mean Man U) on the weekend but they are gone!!!!. BTW How good is the Baggies keeper!

I went to school there for a few years. Its a tough city Birmingham but i have a soft spot for BCFC. I learnt to speak with a Birmingham accent after a few years as a London accent is an invitation to fight every 5 mins.............when we moved back down South i was called Brummie (even though i was a southener) for a year but my parents wised up and sent me to a private school so the need to fight was much less frequent regardless of accent or colour. Thankfully i lost the terrible accent but could never say "saaalt again.....its was always sult" marking me as a freak lol.

The cool kids supported BCFC and the posh/glory kids all followed Villa. My dad took me and a mate to Villa park one year but refused to go in the Leeds end coz he said they were Hooligans. The Villa end (Holte end) is massive and probably holds more than the whole of CCS. Not easy, not chearing when Leeds scored.
Next year a friend's dad took us to Birminghams ground for the visit of Leeds. Leeds scored and we did a little fist pump to each other. Some scummy Brummie fan must have spotted it coz he slyly burnt 2 or 3 cigarette burns into the back of my jacket which i didnt spot until the next day.
That sums up the difference with Blues and Villas fans.


Well-Known Member
Good win for Leeds and a QPR loss means we now have 4pt gap. Might as well bring the Leo back from Thailand now TB.

Birmingham won as well Magpie so it was a good night!

true believer

Well-Known Member
Good win for Leeds and a QPR loss means we now have 4pt gap. Might as well bring the Leo back from Thailand now TB.

Birmingham won as well Magpie so it was a good night!
Got some 20 bhat notes with the new king on them . The girl in the gym was over the moon with the one i gave her.
So i stashed a few for your missus and the girls at east gosford.
I'll drop them in , sob , with a case monday if i get a chance.

true believer

Well-Known Member
Take a 6 pack out for yourself brother and let me know what you think of it?
i had one in thailand .anything tastes good there .

i brought 3 QPR shirts last night . long sleeve with 21 luongo on them . 20 pounds each would have been 12 without the name.
i would imagine the same deal would be happening at all championship clubs

beer coming soon


Well-Known Member
Fulham advance to the playoff final with a 2.0 win over Derby.
They will play Villa or Boro at Wembley for a spot in the EPL.

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