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Mariners vs Wellington at NSO - Game Talk


Well-Known Member
I'll listen to 2GB when they've given me a lobotomy, not before.

I accidentally tuned my alarm clock radio to 2GB once instead of ABC, and every morning I'd wake up to it. I'd rage for about 5-10 minutes before finally get up and turning off. Most effective morning alarm I'd ever had.


Well-Known Member
2gb itself leads me to believe that '2gb' is actually short for: 'ideology-based, confirmation biased, sensationalist, trouble stiring propaganda talk from lowest common denominator morons'.

but that's just my experience and, as with all things, I'm open to being convinced otherwise with evidence


Well-Known Member
it's nice this thread has turned to 2gb bashing rather than what it was. happy days after all
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FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Bold prediction time.

Charlesworth will seek to shift a minimum of 3 games to NSO next year.

Someone should ask him if he has broken off talks with NSC..............


Well-Known Member
Maybe the biggest competition match thread in a couple of years... wonders what gave this match so much interest ...

The Nix's like both AU & Heart are playing with little luck ... they are playing much better than their table position indicates...

With all the stuff about weeMac going and may BI coming back ... will be a game I would love to get a result in but we are simply not playing well ... just hope we win...

My run on team...


Storm Seip[??] Trent Rose
Monty Caceres
weeMac Marco Fitzy



Well-Known Member

“I don't see us necessarily leaving Gosford, and I don't want to see that and don't expect that, but if North Sydney Council offers us a good deal then it's tempting.
"We lose money every time we play in Gosford, that's a simple fact. Other than our first game of the season against Western Sydney Wanderers we have lost money on every single home game and that’s not sustainable."

Does not sound like just a couple games. Sounds like shifting lock, stock and barrel.

Capt. Awesome

Well-Known Member

“I don't see us necessarily leaving Gosford, and I don't want to see that and don't expect that, but if North Sydney Council offers us a good deal then it's tempting.
"We lose money every time we play in Gosford, that's a simple fact. Other than our first game of the season against Western Sydney Wanderers we have lost money on every single home game and that’s not sustainable."

Does not sound like just a couple games. Sounds like shifting lock, stock and barrel.

I don't like the way he is going about is but I think it is no more than trying to pressure the council into a better deal at Bluetongue.


Well-Known Member
Taken from the article..break even point is 10K paying fans from what the article says...

"How many games we play in Gosford or North Sydney in the future is down to some degree to the attitude of the councils," Charlesworth said.

"We are largely driven by survival and have been for nine years now. And if one council wants us more than another then we will take that into account.

"The fact is it is about a third of the price for us to play at North Sydney Oval as compared to Bluetongue.

"“I don't see us necessarily leaving Gosford, and I don't want to see that and don't expect that, but if North Sydney Council offers us a good deal then it's tempting.

"We lose money every time we play in Gosford, that's a simple fact. Other than our first game of the season against Western Sydney Wanderers we have lost money on every single home game and that’s not sustainable."


Well-Known Member
Capt. Awesome said:
I don't like the way he is going about is but I think it is no more than trying to pressure the council into a better deal at Bluetongue.
I think you may be right. At least I hope you are.
It's a ham fisted way of doing it though.

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Ouch! A 3rd cheaper. NSO does get a lot more use.

Really up to Gosford council to make the Bluetongue cheaper & more utilised.

Instead of stadium rights it's more like the Mariners are up for Tender.

Big Al

Well-Known Member
They expect 10k at North Sydney. Good luck with that one.

As i've said before - 10,000 is easily achievable but it's what are those 10,000 made up of? 10,000 free tickets to locals assoc reg'd players, $5 each? or $20 each?

If he gets the 10,000 doesn't matter politically how they come. He'd say to each council I can get 10,000 to NSO. Then it's his problem if they are paying to attend but it would be a good bargaining tool to say I got 10,000 there.
While it might be overblown hype & cost a pretty penny it may scare someone into better terms. Whether it be Gosford saying we better tie them up or NS saying look at the potential.

The saving grace for Gosford is they are playing Wellington. I haven't seen an NRL style cheap tickets for NZ passport holders type thing.

Yesterdays telegraph did have ad for the game on inside backpage.


Staff member
Another thing is it might be a third of the price to put a game on at NSO now, but we know it's not up to standard.
So council says let's do up NSO, but now we have to get our money back, how are we going to do that?
Raise prices. All of a sudden we need 15k at NSO to break even.


I'm an idiot savant without the pesky savant bit
well...we will be going down to support the boys after the Snowtown touch-up...irrespective of whatever sneaky meaderings Charlesworth has got going on in his head


Well-Known Member
Of f**king course it is cheaper to hold a game at North Sydney, the facilities are comparatively piss poor, the FFA themselves have said they are not up to scratch and would block a full move to North Sydney because of it. Many millions would need to be spent to bring the facilities up to scratch, then they won't be one third of the price.


Well-Known Member
And they say he's a smart businessman.... Little evidence of it here.

Maybe once he sees the further damage he has done when there are poor crowds at the next few games he'll finally get the message, but I doubt it.

Seems to me that a once great club is in free fall, and I suspect that is what he wants.


Well-Known Member
Side track for a second: it never ceases to piss me right the eff off whenever some misinformed moronic twit head on TWG's Facebook says the Mariners have no fans and we play in front of empty stadiums. Bloody hell, we have better average attendance than Heart and Welly and Adelaide, shut the hell up.

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