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"I for one welcome our insect overlords" - The Politics Thread


Well-Known Member
Julia has for me a few political pluses: She's dead set smart, she can cut through on issues and communicate, she is/was from the left, she's not from the NSW party. (Plus personal niceties for me - she is a bit Welsh and definitely female)

Julia for me has some political minuses: Her actions so far - not going far enough to roll back work choices, the ridiculously populist and useless MySchool web site, and worst of all being party to the worst decisions of the Rudd government.

But I have to vote for my local member (and of course below the line for the Senate) so I don't get to vote for her.

I'm in Bennelong - the rodent's old seat, which Maxine McKew won (just) last time.

So I will have the choice of:
a) Maxine for ALP (not exactly the best in connecting with her constituents)
b) John Alexander for Libs (ex tennis player parachuted in for this one)
c) Lindsay Peters for the Greens (local)
d) anyone else who puts their hat in the ring

I am open to being convinced for my vote (and with the luxury of being retired and with a guaranteed cash flow not tied to the sharmarkets) and will be asking them a number of questions:
1. Will you vote for the proposed Internet Filter?
2. Will you oppose demonisation of the relative handful of asylum seekers who make it by ship to Australia, and focus on many the thousands illegal immigrants who come by plane?
3. Will you vote for increased taxation of super profits?
4. Will you vote to end the NT intervention into Aboriginals lives, and those on income support?
5. Will you vote to have a referendum on becoming a Republic?
6. Will you lobby to bring our services personnel home from Afganistan?
7. Will you lobby to invest in rail infrastucture in the states?

Not everyones list, but I will be asking it - and will be interested in her views in the meantime which will of course impact on Ms McKew.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member

I just unlocked the "Backstabbing Bitch" badge of Foursquare

Tony Abbott and I are going to go an urinate on Malcolm Turnbull and Kevin Rudd's doorsteps

I'll be negotiating with mining executives. I'll be taking along my vuvuzela to do all the talking



Anyone keen on a state and federal tag team? Come on, I'd go there.



Well-Known Member
Bill Shorten can f**k off. So can David Feeney, Don Farrell and the rest of the f**king droogs.


Well-Known Member
A little aside that caught my attention... two junior ABC political junro's talking about the vote and  said ... they had been talking to a couple (no idea how many that is) of labour minsters who said the unions knew and were talking about the vote before they a minsters knew ...

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
scottmac said:

Anyone keen on a state and federal tag team? Come on, I'd go there.


One is reportedly a female David Campbell so it may not be as much fun for you as you think  :)

(expect that alleged smear to get a big airing come election time)

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
FFC Mariner said:
No,read it carefully, Labor like all political parties is made up of factions and the gap between Julia and Rudd is hardly a secret.

I would imagine that if Labor power brokers got a sniff that they might be in trouble, they would knife him.

Wow, I posted that in February..................

but can I tip football matches? Important stuff. Sadly, no


Well-Known Member
Love these two.



Well-Known Member
So what's Tony's policy? It's all very well to criticize the Government for only having a process for developing policy and a release date, but he doesn't even have that.

All he has is the constant refrain of "we'll stop the boats". Aside from the fact that boat arrivals account for about 2% of our net intake and much less than even that of our overall population growth, he seems to think that all he needs to do is repeat the refrain of "we will stop the boats."

He's a policy-free zone and he's a fraud.

He's bagged the ALP for backflipping on policy - what about the Libs on the ETS?

He's bagged the ALP for dumping it's leader in dead of night - how soon he forgets how he came into the job much less than a year into the job, and how the bloke he replaced came into the job a year before that.

Lastly he bags the ALP for 'debt and deficit' without ever explaining how his plan would've got around the fact that revenues tanked and welfare spending had to rise.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Sick of the revisionist Fairfax media whores love in with Waynker.

This tool was part of the kitchen cabinet who rubber stamped all of Kev's policy backflips and botched initiatives but now claims that the RSPT was never a budget item.

What a slimy piece of shit he is


Well-Known Member
FFC Mariner said:
Sick of the revisionist Fairfax media whores love in with Waynker.

This tool was part of the kitchen cabinet who rubber stamped all of Kev's policy backflips and botched initiatives but now claims that the RSPT was never a budget item.

What a slimy piece of shit he is

Look, it is about time you stopped beating around the bush!

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