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Armageddon Thread


Well-Known Member
Bus loads of city people raiding regional centre... you can't get a toilet roll despite them being made in huge numbers locally....

Your stories ....


Well-Known Member
Related to CCM - if Mike / his businesses takes a massive financial hit... can he continue to fund the club?

Wait and see I guess.

Big Al

Well-Known Member
My mum is in isolation. Co worker returned from philippines before the 14 day isolation (was 48hrs) and then cane to work, started coughing and spluttered about a week later. My mum worked directly with her the day her symptoms were showing.
she has now tested positive about a week after her negative test.
My mum had to basically volunteer she had worked with her (could of shut up and no one would have blinked an eye.
rings the hotline and they say she has to isolate (as her work requested to). Said to them I live with my sister and brother. They said they are fine to move around unrestricted as they didn’t have contract with the woman who was positive. They only need to isolate if my mum shows signs. Um. Bit late. Then mum is just to ring a doctor and probably self isolate more.
no testing no worry about people she lives with.
The government numbers you see on the news are complete BS. They don’t want to or have the means to test.
my mum works in a shopping center in Sydney (you will know where if you following the news).
to all the older forumities please mask up. While the coast is pretty clear for now there is so much more unreported out there.
woolworths is probably the worst place to be (not where mum works)

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
I've made a specific point of checking in on who ever serves me at a supermarket. The manager at Coles Lisarow was spat at in the face because she took extra packets of pasta from a lady (who had kids with her).
These are the people who need thinning out tbh.
Keep calm and be kind to people and we will get through this


Well-Known Member
I've made a specific point of checking in on who ever serves me at a supermarket. The manager at Coles Lisarow was spat at in the face because she took extra packets of pasta from a lady (who had kids with her).
These are the people who need thinning out tbh.
Keep calm and be kind to people and we will get through this
Honestly take this as a warning. When shit actually falls apart this is what people will devolve into.
With the way this year has gone, once SARS is over with it'll be something else. Hopefully it's not a depression.


Well-Known Member
I was listening to the radio the other day when they where talking about COVID-19.

Someone rang and made the political point (before he was cut off) that Morrison has a credibility problem. The host said he wasn't interested in politics he wanted to get information out. Now whether you support Morrison or not is not the question.

If the aim is to get the information out it needs to be received. If half the population do not believe Morrison the aim is not being met.

If the Government is serious about getting the information out it needs to do two things.

1) Involve the ALP in the discussion. This happened with HIV/AIDS when Hawke and Peacock decided on not only a bipartisan approach but also the appearance of bi-partisanship. Peacock stood right beside Hawke at every press conference.

2) Decide on a trusted spokesperson. In the case of HIV/AIDS it was Ita Buttrose. My suggestion this time would be Ray Martin.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
We now have 1073 reported cases in Australia and are doubling the reported cases every 3 to 4 days as the reported cases grow at around 21% a day. At this rate by next Saturday there will be over 4000 cases.

On the bright side if we keep this rate up there will be no one left to infect in Australia by 13/5/2020. That should flatten the curve!!!

Big Al

Well-Known Member
My aunty just got tested and it will take 5 days to get the results. That’s how far behind the game they are. The results they have now are at least a week behind

Big Al

Well-Known Member
I was listening to the radio the other day when they where talking about COVID-19.

Someone rang and made the political point (before he was cut off) that Morrison has a credibility problem. The host said he wasn't interested in politics he wanted to get information out. Now whether you support Morrison or not is not the question.

If the aim is to get the information out it needs to be received. If half the population do not believe Morrison the aim is not being met.

If the Government is serious about getting the information out it needs to do two things.

1) Involve the ALP in the discussion. This happened with HIV/AIDS when Hawke and Peacock decided on not only a bipartisan approach but also the appearance of bi-partisanship. Peacock stood right beside Hawke at every press conference.

2) Decide on a trusted spokesperson. In the case of HIV/AIDS it was Ita Buttrose. My suggestion this time would be Ray Martin.
I am a liberal voter but the message is terrible

young people we want you to create heard immunity. Young people go to the beach they shut down the beach.
Young people are strong and fit you’ll be fine then complain when young people don’t care.
I am not sure what he’s waiting for to shut it down but to me why wait the earlier we shutdown the more successful and then we can go back to normal. Everyone is prepared now so just do it


Well-Known Member
I've been reading some case stories. Its a scary shit. People delirious with fever, in a respirator on almost max flow. They have to tie them to the beds because they can't breathe and flail around like meth junkies. Their lungs are damaged and full of foamy blood and fluid which they cant cough up. And this is weeks of this. There's no drug for it to manage symptoms, or to treat.

This is not like the flu. If you think it is I implore you to do some reading from reputable sources not FB. At worst you can find credible sources through reddit.

It doesn't matter if we 'only' have 1000 cases now, we will likely all get a dose in the coming 12 or so months. The hospitalisation rate is about 15% and of that 30 odd % need a respirator. We have around 2000 ICU beds nationwide. We can only afford to have absolute max ~13500 cases at anyone time.

If you are over 50 and/or have a chronic disease take this seriously.


Well-Known Member
My aunty just got tested and it will take 5 days to get the results. That’s how far behind the game they are. The results they have now are at least a week behind
Plus it can take 2 - 14 days to show symptoms in the first place. Median is 5.1 days.
So whatever the 'official' figure is at the moment that is the number from 5.1 + testing time days ago. Therefore current numbers reflect actual cases from an average of 9 days ago.

Further, this doesn't catch numbers from community transmission as testing is only approved if you have a) traveled overseas in the last 14 days, or b) have been exposed to someone with a confirmed case.

So the official numbers are waaaay down compared actual cases. Then we look at the doubling every 3-4 days (which will shorten over time to closer to nearing exponential growth)...the figures blow out very quickly.

The horse has well and truly bolted and it's not like we didn't have any warning or similar trajectories in other countries to follow who are ahead of us by a few weeks. We did, and anyone who has paid any real attention could have seen what was coming. Doesn't take Nostradamus to do high school maths...unless you're the Australian government.

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