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Mariners Squad - HAL 11 - 2015/2016


Well-Known Member
Interesting from 442 ... maybe Phill over spent on some players

Walmsley also made the frank admission that the Mariners, despite finishing 11 points outside the playoffs, have little flexibility to strength due to their high wage bill.

"We have some challenges," he said.

"We have a lot of contracted players, very little available spots in terms of the salary cap and what we're able to spend. It's not a challenge that's insurmountable. I think there's growth in the squad that we've got. The playing style we've adopted is very embryonic, it's glitchy. There's lots room for improvement.

"We need to be astute. We've got a little bit of money to spend and we've got the Everton partnership to tap into," he added, referring to a relationship the Mariners have established the Premier League club.

"Between the two of those I think we can put together a competitive squad

Roy Law

Well-Known Member
But, I was reliably informed that Zac had signed for Sydney; and also reliably informed he is staying with us, and now he is off to the Jets. Hopefully one of thee rumours is not true...


Well-Known Member
Interesting from 442 ... maybe Phill over spent on some players

Walmsley also made the frank admission that the Mariners, despite finishing 11 points outside the playoffs, have little flexibility to strength due to their high wage bill.

"We have some challenges," he said.

"We have a lot of contracted players, very little available spots in terms of the salary cap and what we're able to spend. It's not a challenge that's insurmountable. I think there's growth in the squad that we've got. The playing style we've adopted is very embryonic, it's glitchy. There's lots room for improvement.

"We need to be astute. We've got a little bit of money to spend and we've got the Everton partnership to tap into," he added, referring to a relationship the Mariners have established the Premier League club.

"Between the two of those I think we can put together a competitive squad
Is anyone else noticing the pattern here…

"We need a new coach… let's do a world-wide search". Who do we get? Warmsley.

"We need a striker, play attractive football, bring the crowds back… let's spend some money". All of a sudden, we are being fed the line "very little available spots in terms of the salary cap"

Maybe I'm a tad oversensitive… but for some reason, I feel my hopes are being inflated, only to have to settle for something less than originally promised.


Well-Known Member
From what I have heard recently about the cap it is actually scaled in line with the FFA license requirements. In other words because we don't have the requisite members and crowds we don't receive the full cap allowance.

Someone may be able to confirm.


Well-Known Member
Well @pjennings it's my understanding that there is no variation on the cap lower and upper limits between licensees. It's set at a maximum and a minimum, regardless of "requisites". I have no cites for this, it's just my recollection from previous research. :cool:


Well-Known Member
From what I have heard recently about the cap it is actually scaled in line with the FFA license requirements. In other words because we don't have the requisite members and crowds we don't receive the full cap allowance.

Someone may be able to confirm.
If that's true it's a stupid system.
How can hamstringing our budget improve membership and attendance?
Sounds unlikely but the FFA have made some strange decisions.

I guess the FFA have to do something to stop us appearing in every second grand final, the other clubs want a turn too. :cool:

Roy Law

Well-Known Member
Hutchinson, Simon, Griffiths, Major all gone; Anderson probably gone
Morton and Vernes likely to go;
That's seven players, a big chunk of any squad, freeing up salary cap space. Not that short of cash IMO.


Well-Known Member
But, I was reliably informed that Zac had signed for Sydney; and also reliably informed he is staying with us, and now he is off to the Jets. Hopefully one of thee rumours is not true...

I hate to be pedantic, but logic suggests two of these rumours are not true! :doh:



Well-Known Member
Is anyone else noticing the pattern here…

"We need a new coach… let's do a world-wide search". Who do we get? Warmsley.

"We need a striker, play attractive football, bring the crowds back… let's spend some money". All of a sudden, we are being fed the line "very little available spots in terms of the salary cap"

Maybe I'm a tad oversensitive… but for some reason, I feel my hopes are being inflated, only to have to settle for something less than originally promised.

..... although i'd prefer to hear the truth now rather than have a whole off-season of expectation


Well-Known Member
. with regard to the cap ... it was my understanding that the upper and lower limits were the same for everybody

. however ... whether we received the full grant (TV money to pay the cap) was dependent on us meeting the KPIs. s'pose it is the same thing to charlesworth

. but regardless ... it is a short-sighted view by the FFA


Well-Known Member
Doesn't it sort of defeat the purpose of having a cap, to vary it depending on something like membership?
The cap is there, in part, to avoid creating a couple of Scottish-league-type enormous clubs, that buy the expensive players and in a sense, the trophies, each year.
If you were to Give the biggest clubs a bigger salary cap, you essentially enforce the same situation, only in a low-budget kind-of-way.. If that was how it worked, they might as well just remove the cap and let fly...


Well-Known Member
Hutchinson, Simon, Griffiths, Major all gone; Anderson probably gone
Morton and Vernes likely to go;
That's seven players, a big chunk of any squad, freeing up salary cap space. Not that short of cash IMO.
What I took it to mean was that for the players we have contracted there's a mismatch of quality vs dollars, meaning we've less cap space available than you'd expect if we were to got to where we wanted this off-season with the squad spots we've got available.

That means we are unlikely to be able to hut the optimum mix until the mismatch is resolved.

I have heard rumours that there are some players on more than you'd expect or more than another club would dream of offering.

There might be a grain of truth to it...


Well-Known Member
. with regard to the cap ... it was my understanding that the upper and lower limits were the same for everybody

. however ... whether we received the full grant (TV money to pay the cap) was dependent on us meeting the KPIs. s'pose it is the same thing to charlesworth

. but regardless ... it is a short-sighted view by the FFA
This is my understanding too, but I'm not sure what the KPIs are. I think they have a bit to do with paying players on time, marketing activity, other business type stuff.

I'd be happy if participating in the W-League were one of the things, it's a bit embarrassing that we've not been in it for years and it limits opportunities for women players on the Central Coast (and in NSW generally).


Well-Known Member
I have never heard the cap being linked to KPI's ... beyond that I cannot see the PFA agreeing to it.

I think the KPI's were to effectively keep your A-League license if you dropped below certain KPI's over a certain time FFA may and I stress may take your licence back..

The issue at the time of my reading was the Nix and arguably us... however because of the COE and being north of Sydney I don't think we are a issue... back to the Nix, crowds, ratings, general media in NZ, net hits etc have always been very low and Sky in NZ only pay $ 180, 000 per year for the rights to Broadcast the A-League...

Not constantly meeting KPI's would as I said allow FFA should it wish to take back a licence and give it to someone else. That is assuming there is a club waiting... rumour is and I stress rumour is if FFA cannot improve the NZ media deal and the Nix cannot grow Football there licence will be given to Canberra however lots and lots of things can change that ...


Well-Known Member
I have never heard the cap being linked to KPI's ... beyond that I cannot see the PFA agreeing to it.

I don't think there was an inference that the cap itself was linked to clubs hitting KPI's, moreso to the annual grant each club receives from the FFA (value of which basically guarantees clubs can cover player payments up to the cap). If KPI's aren't met (increasing memberships, average crowds etc etc), this may reduce the FFA grant the club receives meaning that revenue from other areas of the business will be required to meet player payments..... I'm pretty sure FFA threatened the Jest not too long ago with non-payment of their monthly grant if they didn't get their finances in order, or something to that effect.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't. For all of Anderson's faults, at least he's not tainted with the scum brush.

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