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Mariners Squad 2022/2023

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Hope who ever it is ........ is worth the wait .... another possibility is somehow [and don't ask me how] but somehow Centrelink is involved and the paperwork is in a que on somebody's desk... BTW the Centrelink thing is a joke I know they have nothing to do with it... recently had a client had a letter from Centrelink where they asked some questions.... not only could we not send an email or fax to reply, when the client tried to hand deliver the answer... they told him to make an appointment to hand in a reply to a query they asked about.... then two weeks after it was hand delivered via an appointment we got a demand letter to answer the letter ....
I'm reasonably confident that Centrelink don't handle visas
Mind you did Scummo make himself their minister too? That might explain such a disaster


Well-Known Member
As a Nottingham Forest fan, how tf did we let Sydney FC grab Joe Lolley!? Why didn’t we sign that guy if he was willing to come to Australia!?

also, Lewis Grabban to replace Marco?

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