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Corner kicks


Well-Known Member
I am sure that there is a statistic out there. But I cannot remember the last time that when we got a corner kick that I was confident that we would score a goal. It seems that we just hit it into a spot and hope for the best. Do we even practise corner kicks in practise?


Well-Known Member
Simple game plan against us is just conceded a corner because we are a minimal threat, poor kicks generally and no targets that are even a remote threat.


Well-Known Member
f**king hell.......2 goals from 700 corners is not a result. And the Rose bear hug was just stupid defending as he wasnt going to win the ball.
Our corners are pathetic. Monty shouldnt be taking them but its only a matter of practice to put the ball where you want it. Maybe we need to practice abit more.
Craig Johnstone was a pretty basic player but due to his non stop practice he became one of the best crossers of a ball in England.


Well-Known Member
Yeah not sure what's going on there. I think we genuinely don't have a good crosser in the club atm. I thought Fab would be better but he just floats them in. You'd imagine Galloway or Storm could curl something, but they are never around it. Seems odd, but look at us with any set pieces, no-one has a dangerous whip to their kicks.


Well-Known Member
Monty's corners were better on Sunday but he still had almost no one looking to get on the end of anything.


Well-Known Member
I`d be trying a few short corners, or driving them in low & hard with our players trying to flick the ball on or get a deflection.
This hand up or two hands up bullshit has to stop.
Monty just hits the same corner every time & we haven`t scored from any of them

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