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The Stajcic Era, a Partnership of desperates or a Marriage Made in Heaven?


Well-Known Member
Shaun should be giving himself the sack before Staj. He's the other long term poison around here.

Poison? Righto. What the f**k is he meant to do - he’s fighting with both hands tied behind his back, completely hamstrung by an absentee owner who clearly doesn’t give a shit.


I'm an idiot savant without the pesky savant bit
Holy jumping Gingos, didn't Lucy Zelig fire a rocket up Charlesworth ...bloody hell


Well-Known Member
This is the week.
Anyone with contacts or inside info to drop to the right reporter better do it now, the momentum is starting.
If its still rolling on a week after another expected loss in Brisbane, its banner/boycott time for the City match.

Both the tickets for kids doing miniroos and maccas free tickets promotion will be in place for the City match, might undermine the impact youre looking for.


Well-Known Member
If they sack Stajcic I'll hand in my foundation membership. MC needs to step up, grow some and finally address the fans as to what the hell he's been doing over the course of the past five years

It angers me that all of our criticism often directs back to the owner, but he seems to be able to brush it off to the manager to make him look bad. Okon was very hard done by, and it's MC's fault

It shocks me still that MC invests this "money", yet we do not see the results on the pitch. It's been the same crap, year after year, a sacked coach here, unsigned starlet there

I'm sick to death of pouring my heart out for this club to receive continued mediocrity, underinvestment and a general lack of care from the owners and playing staff

Charlesworth; you need to step up and speak. We've been waiting a long time for this club to "turn the corner" and to "be more competitive"

But part of me feels that our criticism is falling on deaf ears. I hope that intelligent and powerful people like Lucy Zelic will put that foot forward and say "something needs to change."

If MC isn't going to listen to his supporters, this club is going nowhere fast. MC needs to be honest and open with his fanbase for us to really understand what's going on; otherwise, we'll continue to make assumptions and more importantly, we lose more and more supporters.

Please don't sack Staj. Own up and admit you're not running the club properly. It's time for change.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Most clubs that fail, fail due to poor management (see entries under Sunderland and Portsmouth). Sadly, CCM have an owner who is absent - to run a club that runs on fumes like CCM, you need to be there every day cracking the whip and driving performance off the field.
Sadly for c**tsworth he isnt, he is off doing whatever it is he does and no one else will ever be as committed as the poor bastard who is paying for it.
As an adviser, I would tell him to try to sell it or just fold it. Volountary admin and walk away. If he isnt prepared to fund it or sell it he needs to kill it and stop the losses. He isnt a Coastie or a fan, he is an opportunist and he got caught.
Time to walk away


Well-Known Member
Lucy is spot on re: Charlesworth.Having been involved through Corey Gameiro's unfortunate stay at the club she will have some insight into the internal machinations in administration,etc.
As an aside she must be feeling stupid about her remarks re: Stajcic when the Matilda sacking took place. Unfortunately she let her feminist views cloud her impartiality as a journalist.
Unless the club can be sold to someone with deep pockets and an abiding interest in football it will need to be relocated possibly to Canberra or folded.The last options would be tragic for us fans and club employees and volunteers but the poor performances for the last six seasons are dragging down the A-league as well as making the club a joke.I have been associated with clubs before which have disappeared due to various circumstances and it leaves one with a sad feeling.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Lucy needs to pull her head in - Corey was an insurance scam and he got paid for a year when he shouldnt have. I'm happy for CCM fans who have invested to slag the club, they earned the right
Outsiders can f**k off

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
The powers that be (FFA or new a league governing body) will not let the Club licence be sold for relocation or allow Charlesworth to relocate the Club elsewhere.
They can sell a new licence to anyone in another location and collect the money. They will not let Charlesworth sell the licence to another district and pocket the money.
The powers that be may be able to revoke the licence.
A lot will depend on the metrics that all clubs are expected to meet, but few do, against how solid the second 10year guarantee that was issued to all clubs except Wellington is.
He could withhold all funding and let the Club slide into bankruptcy and walk away or he could accept any reasonable offer and recover something no matter how little. I guess it depends how bloody minded he may be. It would also need a brave investor to take the Club on even if it were going for a song.
Whatever,........ the issue needs to be forced and forced soon.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
The powers that be (FFA or new a league governing body) will not let the Club licence be sold for relocation or allow Charlesworth to relocate the Club elsewhere.
They can sell a new licence to anyone in another location and collect the money. They will not let Charlesworth sell the licence to another district and pocket the money.
The powers that be may be able to revoke the licence.
A lot will depend on the metrics that all clubs are expected to meet, but few do, against how solid the second 10year guarantee that was issued to all clubs except Wellington is.
He could withhold all funding and let the Club slide into bankruptcy and walk away or he could accept any reasonable offer and recover something no matter how little. I guess it depends how bloody minded he may be. It would also need a brave investor to take the Club on even if it were going for a song.
Whatever,........ the issue needs to be forced and forced soon.
Do we know that the same licensing purchasing cost arrangements apply under the new management?

Although we're so bad for the league that even losing that 'new license' money may be worth considering....


Well-Known Member
This is the week.

Anyone with contacts or inside info to drop to the right reporter better do it now, the momentum is starting.

If its still rolling on a week after another expected loss in Brisbane, its banner/boycott time for the City match.

f**k the calls for a boycott. That is counter productive.

Bring your banners and make some noise if you want. No one is going to listen to tossers that are not even there. (btw i'm definately not calling you a tosser CR.)


Well-Known Member
The powers that be (FFA or new a league governing body) will not let the Club licence be sold for relocation or allow Charlesworth to relocate the Club elsewhere.
They can sell a new licence to anyone in another location and collect the money. They will not let Charlesworth sell the licence to another district and pocket the money.
The powers that be may be able to revoke the licence.
A lot will depend on the metrics that all clubs are expected to meet, but few do, against how solid the second 10year guarantee that was issued to all clubs except Wellington is.
He could withhold all funding and let the Club slide into bankruptcy and walk away or he could accept any reasonable offer and recover something no matter how little. I guess it depends how bloody minded he may be. It would also need a brave investor to take the Club on even if it were going for a song.
Whatever,........ the issue needs to be forced and forced soon.

I don't think the investor needs to be brave. Using us a feeder club for a UK Club is sensible business. They get us for a very decent price because we are a basket case and the fat has already been trimmed by Charlesworth.


Well-Known Member
Lucy needs to pull her head in - Corey was an insurance scam and he got paid for a year when he shouldnt have. I'm happy for CCM fans who have invested to slag the club, they earned the right
Outsiders can f**k off
I think it's too little too late, and having listened to the ramble pod I think it's hard to blame him for everything.

Sadly it's only a matter of time. It's taking a toll on MC and I'm not sure how much longer he'll want to keep the club on life support

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Lucy needs to pull her head in - Corey was an insurance scam and he got paid for a year when he shouldnt have. I'm happy for CCM fans who have invested to slag the club, they earned the right
Outsiders can f**k off
1) anybody involved in the game absolutely has the right to comment. What we do affects the entire league. Not sure what your major bias is against her
2) Not buying your claims about him being a scam - he seemed to genuinely believe he'd be right to go
3) Gamiero has absolutely no effect on whether Lucy has the 'right' to criticise the club.

She absolutely does and perhaps having some media criticism isn't a bad thing. I'd argue that commentators shouldn't be calling people a 'disgrace' and she's crossed the line on that bit, but the rest of it is fine.


Poison? Righto. What the f**k is he meant to do - he’s fighting with both hands tied behind his back, completely hamstrung by an absentee owner who clearly doesn’t give a shit.
So he just continues to take a pay check knowing full well what's going on and regurgitating the horse shit that he's told to? He's the head and the time has been and gone that he should have exposed exactly what's toxic with this organisation. Coming up with f**king campaigns to fool the public into supporting this absolute cluster f**k is reprehensible. Its for the badge? Yeah right.


Lucy needs to pull her head in - Corey was an insurance scam and he got paid for a year when he shouldnt have. I'm happy for CCM fans who have invested to slag the club, they earned the right
Outsiders can f**k off
We need outsiders slagging the club. We just need it aimed at the right target which this is. Honestly there's no one who has invested that is actually worth listening to or has any weight.

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