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14 Round Season


Well-Known Member
Should be 18 week season as last year with no replays for washouts.
The season starts early enough,finals should be in September as usual not August.


Well-Known Member
"We dont have grounds until the end of September. In fact we have all council grounds until the end of August. We can apply for extensions for some grounds into September (as has been done in the past) but grounds like Terrigal, Fagans park etc that have Turf cricket pitches must be handed over at the end of August so they can prepare the turf wickets. So realistically the season runs from 1st weekend in April until last weekend in August. If we want finals, they cant all be played at Pluim Park so we need additional grounds.

The other factor is Champion of Champions which now starts on 11 September.

Darren Sprod"

I have to dispute your reply. There are at least 11 clubs who do not have the turf wicket problem. Status Quo for the last couple of decades. I know our club has had arguments for years. With the support of the then CCSA and CCF we got semis at our grounds. Back in the 90’s and late 2000’s most semis and finals were played at Pluim. The then CCSA and CCF committees had the ability to design the competitions to accommodate this. These days there are more MAA and G35/45 comps, which can be accommodated at other fields, so what is so different these days? Does the present CCF not have the gumption to stand up to the Councils? Also do they not have the expertise to design competitions to allow more games for players. As stated before we cannot afford to give into councils regarding cricket. Equal opportunity....why should cricket get 7 months a year on grounds and football only 5? Is CCF actively doing anything about this?
My other questions previously asked still remain unanswered. What is to happen to the 10 team Premier League and Division One competitions? What do people think about having non-event games between comp games and semis?


Well-Known Member
According to Terrigal Website...1st grade comps remain the same!

10 team format in Prem League and Div 1 was always a given.

These comps are pre determined from promotion and relegation the previous year.

All other comps are reliant upon the number of nominations CCF receive.

A lot of the Junior A comps struggle to even get 8 nominations.


Well-Known Member
So basically, we are only guaranteed 14 games each?

I just don't get how, with 26 weeks available (Assuming 26 for cricket and 26 for soccer), only 50% of these weekends are gauranteed games.

Why can't we push the semis into September and ignore champion of champions?


Well-Known Member
"So basically, we are only guaranteed 14 games each?

I just don't get how, with 26 weeks available (Assuming 26 for cricket and 26 for soccer), only 50% of these weekends are gauranteed games.

Why can't we push the semis into September and ignore champion of champions?"

Revilo, I agree with you. we should get more games for our money.

I notice Mr Sprod's stooges compliment him every time he posts a reply. He has yet to respond to my previous post.
Seems he is as selective in replying to this forum as is the CCF in replying to emails.In fact Mr Sprod admits on another post they do not reply to all emails.
Seems they are just looking at what is the easiest for them and the staff in the CCF office.

Just glad when I was playing we had people in the old CCF (then CCSA) who looked after the players and clubs, giving both their moneys worth, instead of Mr Sprod's regime who only looks at the easy way out and to heck with those who are paying registration fees. Notice they made a big thing out of not raising fees this year. Neither they should have as those in 8 team comps will only be getting 66% of the games they should.


Well-Known Member
assuming 26 weeks for football and 26 for cricket is your error. local councils in my area give a four week fallow period between each season. that gives 22 weeks, including preseason and easter. ground availability (in terms of weeks of use) is shrinking over time. i've honestly got no idea what WSC and GCC's policies are, but they're probably similar.

in 22 weeks you can run a 21 week comp (10 team comp, 18 rounds + 3wk finals) but given you're unlikely to play at Easter there are no spare weeks (hence last year's extremely unpopular wet weather rules at CCF). that also doesn't allow any real preseason.

an 8 team, 14 week comp makes a lot of sense. another option is a 6 team, 15 week comp. it is certainly less games, but it's better able to ensure a good (read: fair) competition.

as far as reducing rego costs is concerned, many of the costs are fixed, e.g. an office costs $x to rent no matter what the length of the season, FNSW and FFA charges are the same either way, etc.

can we now have a bit of thought as to what goes into running a season and the background reasons why changes like this might happen instead of hurling what i can only assume are politically motivated barbs?


Well-Known Member
assuming 26 weeks for football and 26 for cricket is your error. local councils in my area give a four week fallow period between each season. that gives 22 weeks, including preseason and easter. ground availability (in terms of weeks of use) is shrinking over time. i've honestly got no idea what WSC and GCC's policies are, but they're probably similar.

can we now have a bit of thought as to what goes into running a season and the background reasons why changes like this might happen instead of hurling what i can only assume are politically motivated barbs?

I have been at odds with you on a couple of topics but will explain a few things I have learned over many years on the Central Coast and thus being able to talk to those who know, not just the current regime but from the past.
WSC and GCC have "Sports Councils" which supposedly comprise representatives from all sports. From what I have learned Cricket and Rugby League dominate both. The other lesser sports will not stand up against them. Thus they get their own way. Cricket get 7 months of the year, 1 to prepare their wickets and 6 to play including their finala series in March regardless of whether a ground may need to be used.To possibly use a ground in March for fimals the councils mow the grass down. It does not regrow at that stage due to ground temperatures falling. Thus when footbal season comences grass is in poor state.

No one would object to this policy if cricket were given 5 months to play and one month to prepare. Football, soccer is only given 5 months on some fields. There are enough fields available in September to play longer seasons and finals in September.Thus we have more than enough time to play 2 rounds for 0 team comps (18 rounds), 3 rounds for 8 team comps (21 rounds)and 4 rounds for 6 team comps (20 rounds). This was fdone successfully in the past by unpaid volunteers so why can it not be done now with a team of so called qualified professionals?

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
I have been at odds with you on a couple of topics but will explain a few things I have learned over many years on the Central Coast and thus being able to talk to those who know, not just the current regime but from the past.
WSC and GCC have "Sports Councils" which supposedly comprise representatives from all sports. From what I have learned Cricket and Rugby League dominate both. The other lesser sports will not stand up against them. Thus they get their own way. Cricket get 7 months of the year, 1 to prepare their wickets and 6 to play including their finala series in March regardless of whether a ground may need to be used.To possibly use a ground in March for fimals the councils mow the grass down. It does not regrow at that stage due to ground temperatures falling. Thus when footbal season comences grass is in poor state.

No one would object to this policy if cricket were given 5 months to play and one month to prepare. Football, soccer is only given 5 months on some fields. There are enough fields available in September to play longer seasons and finals in September.Thus we have more than enough time to play 2 rounds for 0 team comps (18 rounds), 3 rounds for 8 team comps (21 rounds)and 4 rounds for 6 team comps (20 rounds). This was fdone successfully in the past by unpaid volunteers so why can it not be done now with a team of so called qualified professionals?

Hi all, resident forum Sprodd Stooge here, reporting for duty! :rolleyes:
(Like to make friends don't you)

I thanked Sprodd on his last response LS because I had written a letter of complaint to CCF and they seemed to be taking action on the point I expressed as most important. Being a fair and true end of season table result as top priority.

But I still only see this as a stop gap fix for this year and on other factors I thoroughly agree with you LS - though admittedly not in your approach. On several posts you seem to take things personally, make personal attacks, and are inclined to see every act as one of malicious intent representative of a greater conspiracy. Bit of a pity as you seem to care a great deal, and have some very valid points, but no one wants to deal with someone who presents too much like they are likely just another agitator, and so this is quite possibly why you are not getting your response. Responses which I was very interested to hear also btw.

Personally however until I see clear evidence otherwise, I still like to believe that we are all actually on the same team. And even making mistakes or being inadequate doesn't mean people are not on the same team or may not have sincerely good intentions.

That said, I am still greatly concerned by the need for a long term solution, with the only real solution that I can see being for CCF to mobilise its significant number of members and lobby as long and hard as it takes until we have better support by council for football on several key and obvious areas. This HAS to be done. One short season with some gala days is ok for a year, but as a long term solution it is definitely not. And if CCF makes no effort in this regard I will become active in trying to implement pressure on them to do so.

Ohhh.. shit.... sorry, must go!!!
Darren needs to put his feet up on my back.
;) :vomit:




Well-Known Member
Hi all, resident forum Sprodd Stooge here, reporting for duty! :rolleyes:
(Like to make friends don't you)

I thanked Sprodd on his last response LS because I had written a letter of complaint to CCF and they seemed to be taking action on the point I expressed as most important. Being a fair and true end of season table result as top priority.

But I still only see this as a stop gap fix for this year and on other factors I thoroughly agree with you LS - though admittedly not in your approach. On several posts you seem to take things personally, make personal attacks, and are inclined to see every act as one of malicious intent representative of a greater conspiracy. Bit of a pity as you seem to care a great deal, and have some very valid points, but no one wants to deal with someone who presents too much like they are likely just another agitator, and so this is quite possibly why you are not getting your response. Responses which I was very interested to hear also btw.

Personally however until I see clear evidence otherwise, I still like to believe that we are all actually on the same team. And even making mistakes or being inadequate doesn't mean people are not on the same team or may not have sincerely good intentions.

That said, I am still greatly concerned by the need for a long term solution, with the only real solution that I can see being for CCF to mobilise its significant number of members and lobby as long and hard as it takes until we have better support by council for football on several key and obvious areas. This HAS to be done. One short season with some gala days is ok for a year, but as a long term solution it is definitely not. And if CCF makes no effort in this regard I will become active in trying to implement pressure on them to do so.

Ohhh.. shit.... sorry, must go!!!
Darren needs to put his feet up on my back.
;) :vomit:



Sorry about the way I come across. Possibly my age or maybe frustration. Maybe this is why I do not get a positive response. You got a reply to your query I did not.I have sent a number of emails to CCF regarding the matters I have raised on various forum topics but it seems Mr Sprod is right all emails will not be responded to.In addition Mr Sprod said he woupd comment to ahat he thought were appropriate comments on this forum. Seems mine are not approriate?

Over the years I have put much into Football, Soccer, as well as other sports. I have seen many step up and want to run things better, only to see the oposite apply. We only have to look back to the end of 1999 when a new regime took over the CCSA. 4 years later soccer on the central coast was a million and a half in debt. It took the next 5 years for the next regime to get CCSA, now CCF, out of that debt.
At present we seem, in my eyes, to be going down the path of the regime who took over at the end of 1999.
Competitions are becoming shorter to fit in with a budget. Overheads are becoming higher with staff and outside contractors being employed to do basic tasks which directors could and used to do without recompence.
I have been told that only those agreeable to CCF recommendations were selected for the panel to agree upon this years competition?
I agree we need a long term solution but at present all what CCF are doing seems Bandaid.
I know there are more than a few oldies from clubs and the lifemembers out there who may be willing to help. They all have good intentions as you say. Why does the CCF not use them instead of wandering around in the dark?


Well-Known Member
This is simply a parallel of what most other sports are going through as the operations become more complex and professionalize, and better services are offered to players.

The reason volunteer bases aren't the be all and end all is that football can't just rely on volunteers to come in and pick up slack from the incredible work of old hands as they move on, particularly given the growth in the sport. What once might have been manageable with a couple of superhuman efforts (at great personal cost to the individuals) is now done by staff for more people and in the end, more efficiently.

There's an increased cost, but this is borne across the association. The question isn't just "is the cost reasonable and bearable?", but "could we possibly go back to old ways?"

When I last played up there, there were maybe 5 AA divisions, O35 was maybe 1 division, women's and girls' football was *all* at Fagans Park and tables were occasionally produced on printouts on the club noticeboard.

That might as well be a different planet for it's resemblance to CCF now.

With higher levels of service, more players, more grades, more clubs and more grounds it's simply a different task.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
I've played on the coast for years, and normally I'd get around 20 rounds out of a season IIRC. There's the occasional really, really wet season but they're not the norm...

And realistically, are you guaranteed 14? If games get washed out, then allocated wash outs are washed out....there's no guarantees, except knowing that you won't get more than 14 games.

Football is already incredibly expensive to play - just wondering how this really compares with value for money.

Rego fees seem to be up around the $270 mark now - With ref fees, we're approaching a cost of $25 per match.


Of course, I realise that a significant part of this goes into FNSW coffers, and they probably couldn't give a stuff if CCF play 3 matches or 30, so I'm not attempting to criticise CCF on this.

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